import { darken, ColorFmt, lighten } from "./darkmode"; const DEFAULT_OPTS = { alignment: "center", }; export default function userscript(root: HTMLElement, docname: string): void { root.querySelectorAll(".mw-editsection").forEach((editLink) => { editLink.parentElement.removeChild(editLink); }); // Darken bgcolor root.querySelectorAll("*[bgcolor]").forEach((td) => { let bgcolor = td.getAttribute("bgcolor"); // Shitty way to detect if it's hex or not // Basically, none of the css colors long 6 letters only use hex letters // THANK FUCKING GOD if (bgcolor.length === 6 && !Number.isNaN(parseInt(bgcolor, 16))) { bgcolor = `#${bgcolor}`; } td.setAttribute("bgcolor", darken(bgcolor, ColorFmt.HEX).slice(1)); }); root.querySelectorAll("*[style]").forEach((td: HTMLElement) => { if ( !== "") { = darken(, ColorFmt.RGB); } if ( !== "") { = darken(, ColorFmt.RGB); } }); // Lighten fgcolors root.querySelectorAll("*[color]").forEach((td) => { let color = td.getAttribute("color"); if (color.length === 6 && !Number.isNaN(parseInt(color, 16))) { color = `#${color}`; } td.setAttribute("color", lighten(color, ColorFmt.HEX).slice(1)); }); // Remove fixed widths root.querySelectorAll("table[width]").forEach((td) => { td.setAttribute("width", "100%"); }); root.querySelectorAll("table[style]").forEach((td: HTMLTableElement) => { if ( !== "") { = "100%"; } }); // Group headers and content so stickies don't overlap root.querySelectorAll("h3,h2").forEach((h3) => { const parent = h3.parentNode; const div = document.createElement("div"); parent.insertBefore(div, h3); while (h3.nextSibling && !h3.nextSibling.nodeName.startsWith("H")) { const sibling = h3.nextSibling; parent.removeChild(sibling); div.appendChild(sibling); } h3.parentNode.removeChild(h3); div.insertBefore(h3, div.firstChild); div.className = "mw-headline-cont"; }); root.querySelectorAll(".mw-headline").forEach((span: HTMLElement) => { // Find nearest container let parent = span.parentElement; while (parent !== null) { if (parent.classList.contains("mw-headline-cont")) { =; += "-span"; = span.innerText; } parent = parent.parentElement; } }); // Tell user that better chemistry is loading const postbody = root; const statusMessage = document.createElement("div"); statusMessage.innerHTML = `
Hang on... Better guides is loading.
`; postbody.insertBefore(statusMessage, postbody.firstChild); // TODO Refactor this mess function searchBox(el, searchCandidate, options = DEFAULT_OPTS) { // Fuzzy search box const resultList = document.createElement("ul"); const searchBoxElem = document.createElement("div"); let selectedResult = null; let results = []; const jumpTo = (id) => { el[id].scrollIntoView({ block: options.alignment, inline: "nearest", behavior: "auto", }); document .querySelectorAll("table.wikitable .bgus_fz_selected") .forEach((sel) => sel.classList.remove("bgus_fz_selected")); el[id].parentElement.classList.add("bgus_fz_selected"); }; const setSelectedResult = (i) => { selectedResult = i; resultList .querySelectorAll(".selected") .forEach((sel) => sel.classList.remove("selected")); resultList.children[i].classList.add("selected"); jumpTo(results[i].id); }; const search = (str) => { if (!str) { return; } const regex = new RegExp( `^(.*?)([${str .split("") .map((c) => (c.includes(["\\", "]", "^"]) ? `\\${c}` : c)) .join("])(.*?)([")}])(.*?)$`, "i" ); const arr = searchCandidate .map((o) => { o.matches = (o.str.match(regex) || []) .slice(1) .reduce((list, group, i, or) => { // Initialize first placeholder (always empty) and first matching "sections" if (i < 2) { list.push([group]); } // If group is second match in a row join to previous section else if (or[i - 1] === "") { list[list.length - 1].push(group); } // If group is a match create a new section else if (group !== "") { list.push([group]); } return list; }, []) .map((cstr) => cstr.join("")); return o; }) // Strike non-matching rows .filter((o) => o.matches.length > 0) .sort((oA, oB) => { const iA =, a = oA.matches; const iB =, b = oB.matches; // Exact match if (a.length === 1 && b.length !== 1) return -1; if (a.length !== 1 && b.length === 1) return 1; // Most complete groups (alphanumeric) const clean = (cel) => !/[^a-zA-Z0-9]*$/.test(cel); const cLen = a.filter(clean).length - b.filter(clean).length; if (cLen !== 0) return cLen; // Least distant first gropus for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(a.length, b.length) - 1; i += 2) { const gLen = a[i].length - b[i].length; if (gLen !== 0) return gLen; } // Most complete groups (raw) const len = a.length - b.length; if (len !== 0) return len; // Make the search stable since ECMAScript doesn't mandate it return iA - iB; }); results = arr; window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { resultList.innerHTML = ""; arr.forEach(({ matches, id }) => { const li = document.createElement("li"); li.innerHTML = matches .map((c, i) => (i % 2 ? `${c}` : c)) .join(""); li.addEventListener("click", () => { jumpTo(id); searchBoxElem.classList.add("bgus_hidden"); }); resultList.appendChild(li); }); if (results.length > 0) { setSelectedResult(0); } }); }; // Create fuzzy search box const sel = document.createElement("input"); = "bgus_fz_searchbox"; searchBoxElem.classList.add("bgus_hidden"); searchBoxElem.appendChild(sel); searchBoxElem.appendChild(resultList); root.appendChild(searchBoxElem); // Bind events let oldValue = ""; sel.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => { switch (event.keyCode) { case 27: // Escape - Hide bar searchBoxElem.classList.add("bgus_hidden"); return; case 13: // Enter - Jump to first result and hide bar if (results.length > 0) { jumpTo(results[selectedResult].id); } searchBoxElem.classList.add("bgus_hidden"); return; case 40: // Down arrow - Select next result if (selectedResult < results.length - 1) { setSelectedResult(selectedResult + 1); } return; case 38: // Up arrow - Select previous result if (selectedResult > 0) { setSelectedResult(selectedResult - 1); } return; default: if (sel.value !== oldValue) { search(sel.value); oldValue = sel.value; } } }); document.body.addEventListener("keyup", (ev) => { if (ev.keyCode === 83) { sel.focus(); } }); document.body.addEventListener("keydown", (ev) => { if (ev.shiftKey) { switch (ev.keyCode) { // SHIFT+S = Fuzzy search case 83: { searchBoxElem.classList.remove("bgus_hidden"); sel.value = ""; break; } default: // Do nothing } } }); } function betterChemistry() { // Fix inconsistencies with

on random parts // Ideally I'd like a

or something on every part, wrapping it completely, but for now let's just kill 'em document .querySelectorAll( "table.wikitable > tbody > tr:not(:first-child) > td:nth-child(2), .tooltiptext" ) .forEach((td) => { const tmp = td.cloneNode() as HTMLElement; // The cast to Array is necessary because, while childNodes's NodeList technically has a forEach method, it's a live list and operations mess with its lenght in the middle of the loop. // Nodes can only have one parent so append removes them from the original NodeList and shifts the following one back into the wrong index. Array.from(td.childNodes).forEach((el) => { if (el instanceof HTMLElement) { if (el.tagName === "P") { tmp.append(...el.childNodes); } else { tmp.append(el); } } }); td.parentNode.replaceChild(tmp, td); }); // Enrich "x part" with checkboxes and parts Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("td")) .filter((el) => el.innerText.indexOf(" part") >= 0) .forEach((el) => { el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.replace( /((\d+)\s+(?:parts?|units?))(.*?(?:<\/a>|\n|$))/gi, (match, ...m) => `${m[2].replace( /()/gi, '$1' )}` ); }); // Add event to autofill child checkboxes root .querySelectorAll(".bgus_part_tooltip > .bgus_checkbox") .forEach((box: HTMLInputElement) => { const tooltip = box.parentElement.nextElementSibling; box.addEventListener("click", () => { tooltip .querySelectorAll(".bgus_checkbox") .forEach((el: HTMLInputElement) => { el.checked = box.checked; }); }); }); // Add event to collapse subsections root.querySelectorAll(".bgus_nested_element").forEach((twistie) => { twistie.addEventListener("click", () => { twistie.classList.toggle("bgus_collapsed"); }); }); // Wrap every recipe with extra metadata root.querySelectorAll(".bgus_part").forEach((el: HTMLElement) => { if ("parts" in el.parentElement.dataset) { = ( parseInt(, 10) + parseInt(el.dataset.amount, 10) ).toString(); } else { = el.dataset.amount; } }); const setPartSize = (labels, ml) => { labels.forEach((el) => { const part = el.parentElement.dataset.amount; const total =; const amt = Math.ceil(ml * (part / total)); el.innerHTML = `${amt} ml`; // Lookup tooltips let next = el.parentElement.nextElementSibling; while (next) { if (next.classList.contains("tooltip")) { const sublabels = []; next.querySelector(".tooltiptext").childNodes.forEach((ch) => { if (ch.classList && ch.classList.contains("bgus_part")) { sublabels.push(ch.querySelector(".bgus_part_label")); } }); setPartSize(sublabels, amt); } if (next.classList.contains("bgus_part")) { // Done searching break; } next = next.nextElementSibling; } }); }; root.classList.add("bchem"); // Init fuzzy search with elements const el = Array.from( root.querySelectorAll( "table.wikitable > tbody > tr:not(:first-child) > th" ) ); const name = => { let partial = ""; elem.childNodes.forEach((t) => { if (t instanceof Text) { partial += t.textContent; } }); return partial.trim(); }); searchBox( el,, i) => ({ id: i, str: e })) ); // Remove "Removed medicines" section const remTable = root.querySelector( "#Non-craftable_Medicines + h4 + p + table" ); remTable.parentElement.removeChild(remTable); root .querySelectorAll("div[data-name] .wikitable.sortable tr") .forEach((row: HTMLElement) => { let sectionEl = row.parentElement; while (! { sectionEl = sectionEl.parentElement; } const section =; if (row.querySelector("td") === null) { // Remove unused rows if found const headers = row.querySelectorAll("th"); headers.forEach((th, i) => { if (i < 2) { th.classList.add("table-head"); return; } th.parentElement.removeChild(th); }); return; } const rows = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll("td")).slice(1); let treatment = null; let desc = null; let metabolism = null; let overdose = null; let addiction = null; // Handle special cases switch (section) { case "Components": case "Virology Recipes": [desc] = rows; break; case "Narcotics": [desc, metabolism, overdose, addiction] = rows; break; case "Explosive Strength": case "Other Reagents": case "Mutation Toxins": [desc, metabolism] = rows; break; default: // All fields [treatment, desc, metabolism, overdose, addiction] = rows; } const title = row.querySelector("th"); let content = `

`; if (treatment) { content += `


`; } if (metabolism) { content += `


`; } if (addiction && addiction.innerHTML.trim() !== "N/A") { content += `


`; } if (overdose && overdose.innerHTML.trim() !== "N/A") { content += `


`; } if (desc) { content += `


`; } title.classList.add("reagent-ext"); title.innerHTML = content; if (desc) desc.parentElement.removeChild(desc); if (treatment) treatment.parentElement.removeChild(treatment); if (metabolism) metabolism.parentElement.removeChild(metabolism); if (overdose) overdose.parentElement.removeChild(overdose); if (addiction) addiction.parentElement.removeChild(addiction); }); document.body.addEventListener("keydown", (ev) => { if (ev.shiftKey) { switch (ev.keyCode) { // SHIFT+C = Toggle checkboxes case 67: { root.classList.toggle("bgus_cbox"); root .querySelectorAll(".bgus_checkbox:checked") .forEach((sel: HTMLInputElement) => { sel.checked = false; }); break; } // SHIFT+B = Set whole size (beaker?) for parts/units case 66: { const size = parseInt( prompt("Write target ml (0 to reset)", "90"), 10 ); if (Number.isNaN(size) || size <= 0) { // Reset to parts/unit root .querySelectorAll(".bgus_part_label") .forEach((sel: HTMLElement) => { sel.innerHTML = sel.dataset.src; }); return; } setPartSize( root.querySelectorAll("td > .bgus_part > .bgus_part_label"), +size ); break; } default: // Do nothing } } }); } function betterGeneric() { const el = Array.from( root.querySelectorAll("[id][data-name]") ); const name = HTMLDivElement) =>; // Init fuzzy search with headlines searchBox( el,, i) => ({ id: i, str: e })), { alignment: "start" } ); } switch (docname) { case "Guide_to_chemistry": betterChemistry(); break; default: betterGeneric(); break; } // Everything is loaded, remove loading bar statusMessage.innerHTML = ""; }