import { getPageHTML } from "../wiki"; import { darken, ColorFmt, lighten } from "../darkmode"; import * as React from "react"; import { useState, useEffect } from "react"; function fixup(html: string): string { // Convert relative links to absolute html = html.replace(/"\/wiki/gi, '"//'); // Parse into node so we can do DOM majicks const node = document.createElement("div"); node.innerHTML = html; node.querySelectorAll(".mw-editsection").forEach((editLink) => { editLink.parentElement.removeChild(editLink); }); // Darken bgcolor node.querySelectorAll("*[bgcolor]").forEach((td) => { let bgcolor = td.getAttribute("bgcolor"); // Shitty way to detect if it's hex or not // Basically, none of the css colors long 6 letters only use hex letters // THANK FUCKING GOD if (bgcolor.length === 6 && parseInt(bgcolor, 16) !== NaN) { bgcolor = "#" + bgcolor; } td.setAttribute("bgcolor", darken(bgcolor, ColorFmt.HEX).slice(1)); }); node.querySelectorAll("*[style]").forEach((td: HTMLElement) => { const inlineCSS = td.getAttribute("style"); let bgcolor =; if (inlineCSS.includes("background-color")) { bgcolor =; } td.setAttribute( "style", inlineCSS + ";background-color:" + darken(bgcolor, ColorFmt.RGB) ); }); // Lighten fgcolors node.querySelectorAll("*[color]").forEach((td) => { let color = td.getAttribute("color"); if (color.length === 6 && !isNaN(parseInt(color, 16))) { color = "#" + color; } td.setAttribute("color", lighten(color, ColorFmt.HEX).slice(1)); }); // Remove fixed widths node.querySelectorAll("table[width]").forEach((td) => { const width = td.getAttribute("width"); if (width.includes("%")) { // Leave it alone return; } td.setAttribute("width", "100%"); }); return node.innerHTML; } export default function WikiPage({ page }) { const [data, setData] = useState({ loaded: false, html: "" }); useEffect(() => { (async () => { let html = await getPageHTML(page); html = fixup(html); setData({ loaded: true, html }); })(); }, []); if (!data.loaded) { return

You start skimming through the manual...

; } else { return (
); } }