Map editor goes brrr

This commit is contained in:
Hamcha 2020-09-16 01:24:15 +02:00
parent 780b743d8b
commit 18090a86aa
Signed by: hamcha
GPG Key ID: 41467804B19A3315
4 changed files with 203 additions and 108 deletions

Scenes/Editor/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
extends ScrollContainer
class_name TileTab
signal tile_selected(id)
func add_entry(id: int, group: ButtonGroup, icon: Texture):
var node :=
node.toggle_mode = true
node.icon = icon = group
node.connect("pressed", self, "_pressed", [id])
func _pressed(id: int):
emit_signal("tile_selected", id)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Editor/" type="Script" id=1]
[node name="TileTab" type="ScrollContainer"]
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
size_flags_horizontal = 3
script = ExtResource( 1 )
__meta__ = {
"_edit_use_anchors_": false
[node name="list" type="HBoxContainer" parent="."]
margin_right = 1280.0
margin_bottom = 800.0
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 3

View File

@ -1,21 +1,45 @@
extends Control extends Control
onready var map_menu = $menu/menubar/MapMenu.get_popup() onready var map_menu := ($menu/menubar/MapMenu as MenuButton).get_popup()
onready var map_node = $map onready var map_node := $map
onready var cursor := $map/cursor
onready var cursor_sprite := $map/cursor/preview
const MAP_SCALE_MAX = 8 const MAP_SCALE_MAX := 8.0
const MAP_SCALE_MIN = 0.25 const MAP_SCALE_MIN := 0.25
const TileTabScene := preload("res://Scenes/Editor/TileTab.tscn")
func _ready(): func _ready():
pass add_tile_tab("Base", $map/tiles/base)
add_tile_tab("Floors", $map/tiles/floor)
add_tile_tab("Walls", $map/tiles/walls)
enum PlacingMode {
# Prevent input handler from running when other dialogs/actions are focused # Prevent input handler from running when other dialogs/actions are focused
var input_lock = false var input_lock := false
# Drag variables # Drag variables
var dragging = false var dragging := false
var view_origin = Vector2.ZERO var view_origin := Vector2.ZERO
var mouse_origin = Vector2.ZERO var mouse_origin := Vector2.ZERO
# Placing variables
var placing := false
var deleting := false
var placing_mode = PlacingMode.NONE
var placing_layer = null
var placing_tile_id := 0
# Cursor variables
var cursor_pos := Vector2.ZERO
const TILE_SIZE := 32
func _input(ev: InputEvent): func _input(ev: InputEvent):
if input_lock: if input_lock:
@ -23,36 +47,129 @@ func _input(ev: InputEvent):
if ev is InputEventMouseMotion: if ev is InputEventMouseMotion:
if dragging: if dragging:
map_node.position = view_origin - (mouse_origin - ev.global_position) map_node.global_position = view_origin - (mouse_origin - ev.global_position)
else: else:
# Map cursor location to grid # Map cursor location to grid
var mouse_offset = ev.global_position - map_node.global_position var tile_snap: Vector2 = map_node.scale * TILE_SIZE
var mouse_offset: Vector2 = (ev.global_position - map_node.global_position) / tile_snap
var new_cursor_pos := Vector2(floor(mouse_offset.x), floor(mouse_offset.y))
if new_cursor_pos != cursor_pos:
cursor_pos = new_cursor_pos
if placing:
elif deleting:
cursor.position = cursor_pos * TILE_SIZE
if ev is InputEventMouseButton: if ev is InputEventMouseButton:
var mouse = ev as InputEventMouseButton var mouse := ev as InputEventMouseButton
if mouse.pressed: if mouse.pressed:
match ev.button_index: match ev.button_index:
# Place tile
placing = true
# Place tile
deleting = true
# Zoom in # Zoom in
var old_scale = map_node.scale
if map_node.scale.x < MAP_SCALE_MAX: if map_node.scale.x < MAP_SCALE_MAX:
if map_node.scale.x < 1: if map_node.scale.x < 1:
map_node.scale *= 2 map_node.scale *= 2
else: else:
map_node.scale += Vector2.ONE map_node.scale += Vector2.ONE
map_node.position -= (map_node.position + mouse.position * map_node.scale)- (map_node.position + mouse.position * old_scale)
# Zoom out # Zoom out
var old_scale = map_node.scale
if map_node.scale.x > MAP_SCALE_MIN: if map_node.scale.x > MAP_SCALE_MIN:
if map_node.scale.x <= 1: if map_node.scale.x <= 1:
map_node.scale /= 2 map_node.scale /= 2
else: else:
map_node.scale -= Vector2.ONE map_node.scale -= Vector2.ONE
map_node.position -= (map_node.position + mouse.position * map_node.scale)- (map_node.position + mouse.position * old_scale)
view_origin = map_node.position view_origin = map_node.global_position
mouse_origin = ev.global_position mouse_origin = ev.global_position
dragging = true dragging = true
else: else:
match ev.button_index: match ev.button_index:
placing = false
deleting = false
dragging = false dragging = false
map_node.position = view_origin - (mouse_origin - ev.global_position) map_node.global_position = view_origin - (mouse_origin - ev.global_position)
func place_tile():
match placing_mode:
# Do nothing
var layer := placing_layer as TileMap
layer.set_cellv(cursor_pos, placing_tile_id)
func delete_tile():
match placing_mode:
# Do nothing
var layer := placing_layer as TileMap
layer.set_cellv(cursor_pos, -1)
var group :=
func add_tile_tab(name: String, tilemap: TileMap):
var tab := add_tab(name)
tab.connect("tile_selected", self, "_tile_selected", [name, tilemap])
var tileset := tilemap.tile_set
var ids := tileset.get_tiles_ids()
for id in ids:
var tile_name := tileset.tile_get_name(id)
var tile_icon := make_tile_texture(tileset, id)
tab.add_entry(id, group, tile_icon)
func add_tab(name: String) -> TileTab:
var tab := TileTabScene.instance() as TileTab = name
return tab
func _toggle_tile_input(enable: bool):
input_lock = not enable
func _tile_selected(id: int, name: String, tilemap: TileMap):
cursor_sprite.texture = make_tile_texture(tilemap.tile_set, id)
placing_mode = PlacingMode.TILEMAP
placing_layer = tilemap
placing_tile_id = id
func make_tile_texture(tileset: TileSet, id: int) -> AtlasTexture:
var tile_mode := tileset.tile_get_tile_mode(id)
var tile_icon :=
tile_icon.atlas = tileset.tile_get_texture(id)
match tile_mode:
var tile_size := tileset.autotile_get_size(id)
tile_icon.region = Rect2(
tileset.autotile_get_icon_coordinate(id) * tile_size,
tile_icon.region = tileset.tile_get_region(id)
return tile_icon

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=23 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=16 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://Graphics/deepspace_mat.tres" type="Material" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://Graphics/deepspace_mat.tres" type="Material" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/" type="Script" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/" type="Script" id=2]
[ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/walls.tres" type="TileSet" id=3] [ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/walls.tres" type="TileSet" id=3]
[ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/1x1.tres" type="TileSet" id=4]
[ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/base.tres" type="TileSet" id=5] [ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/base.tres" type="TileSet" id=5]
[ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/floor.tres" type="TileSet" id=6] [ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/floor.tres" type="TileSet" id=6]
[ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/cables.tres" type="TileSet" id=7] [ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/cables.tres" type="TileSet" id=7]
@ -11,9 +10,7 @@
[ext_resource path="res://Graphics/UI/uifont.tres" type="DynamicFont" id=9] [ext_resource path="res://Graphics/UI/uifont.tres" type="DynamicFont" id=9]
[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/" type="Script" id=10] [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/" type="Script" id=10]
[ext_resource path="res://Graphics/UI/grid.png" type="Texture" id=11] [ext_resource path="res://Graphics/UI/grid.png" type="Texture" id=11]
[ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/floors.png" type="Texture" id=12] [ext_resource path="res://Graphics/UI/ui_theme.tres" type="Theme" id=12]
[ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/wires-l2.png" type="Texture" id=13]
[ext_resource path="res://Graphics/tgstation/wall.png" type="Texture" id=14]
[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=1] [sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=1]
content_margin_left = 15.0 content_margin_left = 15.0
@ -48,20 +45,6 @@ corner_radius_bottom_left = 3
content_margin_left = 10.0 content_margin_left = 10.0
content_margin_right = 10.0 content_margin_right = 10.0
[sub_resource type="ButtonGroup" id=6]
[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id=5]
atlas = ExtResource( 12 )
region = Rect2( 32, 192, 32, 32 )
[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id=7]
atlas = ExtResource( 13 )
region = Rect2( 64, 224, 32, 32 )
[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id=8]
atlas = ExtResource( 12 )
region = Rect2( 96, 160, 32, 32 )
[node name="Control" type="Control"] [node name="Control" type="Control"]
anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0
@ -72,26 +55,32 @@ __meta__ = {
} }
[node name="background" type="ColorRect" parent="."] [node name="background" type="ColorRect" parent="."]
material = ExtResource( 1 )
anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0
color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
__meta__ = { __meta__ = {
"_edit_lock_": true, "_edit_lock_": true,
"_edit_use_anchors_": false "_edit_use_anchors_": false
} }
[node name="map" type="Node2D" parent="."] [node name="map" type="Node2D" parent="."]
z_index = -5
z_as_relative = false
script = ExtResource( 2 ) script = ExtResource( 2 )
[node name="cursor" type="Node2D" parent="map"] [node name="background" type="Sprite" parent="map"]
material = ExtResource( 1 )
[node name="Sprite" type="Sprite" parent="map/cursor"] position = Vector2( -2560, -2784 )
texture = ExtResource( 14 ) texture = ExtResource( 11 )
centered = false centered = false
region_enabled = true
region_rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 6400, 6400 )
__meta__ = {
"_edit_lock_": true
[node name="grid" type="Sprite" parent="map"] [node name="grid" type="Sprite" parent="map"]
position = Vector2( -2560, -2800 ) position = Vector2( -2560, -2784 )
texture = ExtResource( 11 ) texture = ExtResource( 11 )
centered = false centered = false
region_enabled = true region_enabled = true
@ -104,7 +93,6 @@ __meta__ = {
[node name="base" type="TileMap" parent="map/tiles"] [node name="base" type="TileMap" parent="map/tiles"]
z_index = 1 z_index = 1
z_as_relative = false
tile_set = ExtResource( 5 ) tile_set = ExtResource( 5 )
cell_size = Vector2( 32, 32 ) cell_size = Vector2( 32, 32 )
cell_quadrant_size = 32 cell_quadrant_size = 32
@ -113,7 +101,6 @@ format = 1
[node name="cables" type="TileMap" parent="map/tiles"] [node name="cables" type="TileMap" parent="map/tiles"]
z_index = 2 z_index = 2
z_as_relative = false
tile_set = ExtResource( 7 ) tile_set = ExtResource( 7 )
cell_size = Vector2( 32, 32 ) cell_size = Vector2( 32, 32 )
cell_quadrant_size = 32 cell_quadrant_size = 32
@ -122,7 +109,6 @@ format = 1
[node name="floor" type="TileMap" parent="map/tiles"] [node name="floor" type="TileMap" parent="map/tiles"]
z_index = 3 z_index = 3
z_as_relative = false
tile_set = ExtResource( 6 ) tile_set = ExtResource( 6 )
cell_size = Vector2( 32, 32 ) cell_size = Vector2( 32, 32 )
cell_quadrant_size = 32 cell_quadrant_size = 32
@ -131,21 +117,12 @@ format = 1
[node name="walls" type="TileMap" parent="map/tiles"] [node name="walls" type="TileMap" parent="map/tiles"]
z_index = 4 z_index = 4
z_as_relative = false
tile_set = ExtResource( 3 ) tile_set = ExtResource( 3 )
cell_size = Vector2( 32, 32 ) cell_size = Vector2( 32, 32 )
cell_quadrant_size = 32 cell_quadrant_size = 32
occluder_light_mask = -2147483647 occluder_light_mask = -2147483647
format = 1 format = 1
script = ExtResource( 8 ) script = ExtResource( 8 )
extended_tilemap_node = NodePath("../../../VBoxContainer/map/tiles/1x1")
[node name="1x1" type="TileMap" parent="map/tiles"]
z_index = 5
z_as_relative = false
tile_set = ExtResource( 4 )
cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 )
format = 1
[node name="engines" type="Node2D" parent="map"] [node name="engines" type="Node2D" parent="map"]
modulate = Color( 0.980392, 0.980392, 0.980392, 1 ) modulate = Color( 0.980392, 0.980392, 0.980392, 1 )
@ -177,6 +154,13 @@ z_index = 999
[node name="areas" type="Node2D" parent="map"] [node name="areas" type="Node2D" parent="map"]
[node name="cursor" type="Node2D" parent="map"]
[node name="preview" type="Sprite" parent="map/cursor"]
modulate = Color( 1, 1, 1, 0.666667 )
z_index = 5
centered = false
[node name="menu" type="PanelContainer" parent="."] [node name="menu" type="PanelContainer" parent="."]
margin_left = 5.0 margin_left = 5.0
margin_top = 5.0 margin_top = 5.0
@ -230,64 +214,24 @@ custom_fonts/font = ExtResource( 9 )
text = "Play" text = "Play"
flat = false flat = false
[node name="layers" type="PanelContainer" parent="."] [node name="layers" type="MarginContainer" parent="."]
anchor_top = 1.0 anchor_top = 1.0
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0
margin_left = 5.0 margin_left = 5.0
margin_top = -177.0 margin_top = -90.0
margin_right = 57.0 margin_right = -5.0
margin_bottom = -5.0 margin_bottom = -5.44409
size_flags_vertical = 13 size_flags_vertical = 13
[node name="buttons" type="VBoxContainer" parent="layers"]
margin_left = 4.0
margin_top = 4.0
margin_right = 48.0
margin_bottom = 168.0
alignment = 2
__meta__ = { __meta__ = {
"_edit_use_anchors_": false "_edit_use_anchors_": false
} }
[node name="walls" type="Button" parent="layers/buttons"] [node name="tabs" type="TabContainer" parent="layers"]
margin_right = 44.0 margin_right = 1270.0
margin_bottom = 38.0 margin_bottom = 84.0
rect_min_size = Vector2( 32, 32 ) rect_min_size = Vector2( 0, 80 )
size_flags_horizontal = 13 theme = ExtResource( 12 )
size_flags_vertical = 13 tab_align = 0
toggle_mode = true [connection signal="mouse_entered" from="background" to="." method="_toggle_tile_input" binds= [ true ]]
group = SubResource( 6 ) [connection signal="mouse_exited" from="background" to="." method="_toggle_tile_input" binds= [ false ]]
icon = ExtResource( 14 )
[node name="floor" type="Button" parent="layers/buttons"]
margin_top = 42.0
margin_right = 44.0
margin_bottom = 80.0
rect_min_size = Vector2( 32, 32 )
size_flags_horizontal = 13
size_flags_vertical = 13
toggle_mode = true
group = SubResource( 6 )
icon = SubResource( 5 )
[node name="cables" type="Button" parent="layers/buttons"]
margin_top = 84.0
margin_right = 44.0
margin_bottom = 122.0
rect_min_size = Vector2( 32, 32 )
size_flags_horizontal = 13
size_flags_vertical = 13
toggle_mode = true
group = SubResource( 6 )
icon = SubResource( 7 )
[node name="base" type="Button" parent="layers/buttons"]
margin_top = 126.0
margin_right = 44.0
margin_bottom = 164.0
rect_min_size = Vector2( 32, 32 )
size_flags_horizontal = 13
size_flags_vertical = 13
toggle_mode = true
group = SubResource( 6 )
icon = SubResource( 8 )