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package main
import (
const viaggiurl = ""
var reg *regexp.Regexp
func initviaggi() {
reg = regexp.MustCompile("([^-]+) -> (.+)")
func viaggi(broker *tg.Broker, update tg.APIMessage) {
if isCommand(update, "viaggi") {
usage := func() {
broker.SendTextMessage(update.Chat, "Formato: /viaggi <i>&lt;PARTENZA&gt;</i> -> <i>&lt;DESTINAZIONE&gt;</i>", &update.MessageID)
oops := func(err error) {
log.Println("[viaggi] GET error:" + err.Error())
broker.SendTextMessage(update.Chat, "<b>ERRORE!</b> @hamcha controlla la console!", &update.MessageID)
parts := strings.SplitN(*(update.Text), " ", 2)
if len(parts) < 2 {
text := parts[1]
msgs := reg.FindStringSubmatch(text)
if len(msgs) <= 2 {
msgs[1] = strings.Replace(msgs[1], ",", "", -1)
msgs[1] = strings.Replace(msgs[1], " ", "-", -1)
msgs[2] = strings.Replace(msgs[2], ",", "", -1)
msgs[2] = strings.Replace(msgs[2], " ", "-", -1)
src := url.QueryEscape(msgs[1])
dst := url.QueryEscape(msgs[2])
url := viaggiurl + "&oName=" + src + "&dName=" + dst
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
var outjson Romejson
err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&outjson)
if err != nil {
broker.SendTextMessage(update.Chat, "Hm, Rome2rio non ha trovato nulla, mi spiace :(\nForse non hai scritto bene uno dei due posti?", &update.MessageID)
var moreeco Romeroute
var lesstim Romeroute
if len(outjson.Routes) < 1 {
// Should never happen
log.Println("[viaggi] No routes found (??)")
broker.SendTextMessage(update.Chat, "<b>ERRORE!</b> @hamcha controlla la console!", &update.MessageID)
// Calculate cheapest and fastest
moreeco = outjson.Routes[0]
lesstim = outjson.Routes[0]
for _, v := range outjson.Routes {
if v.IndicativePrice.Price < moreeco.IndicativePrice.Price {
moreeco = v
if v.Duration < lesstim.Duration {
lesstim = v
"Viaggio da <b>"+outjson.Places[0].Name+
"</b> a <b>"+outjson.Places[1].Name+"</b>"+
"Piu economico: <b>"+moreeco.Name+"</b> ("+parseData(moreeco)+")"+
"Piu veloce: <b>"+lesstim.Name+"</b> ("+parseData(lesstim)+")"+
"<a href=\""+src+"/"+dst+"\">Maggiori informazioni</a>",
func parseData(route Romeroute) string {
// Get time
minutes := int(route.Duration)
hours := minutes / 60
minutes -= hours * 60
days := hours / 24
hours -= days * 24
timestamp := ""
if days > 0 {
timestamp += strconv.Itoa(days) + "d "
if hours > 0 {
timestamp += strconv.Itoa(hours) + "h "
if minutes > 0 {
timestamp += strconv.Itoa(minutes) + "m"
return strconv.Itoa(int(route.IndicativePrice.Price)) + " " + route.IndicativePrice.Currency + " - " + strconv.Itoa(int(route.Distance)) + " Km - " + timestamp
type Romeplace struct {
Name string
type Romeprice struct {
Price float64
Currency string
type Romeroute struct {
Name string
Distance float64
Duration float64
IndicativePrice Romeprice
type Romejson struct {
Places []Romeplace
Routes []Romeroute