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2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
package main
import (
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// some help functions
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
func abortf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, format, a...)
func abortErrNo(funcname string, err int) {
abortf("%s failed: %d %s\n", funcname, err, syscall.Errstr(err))
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// global vars
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
func TestDrawCubicCurve(gc draw2d.GraphicContext) {
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// draw a cubic curve
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
x, y := 25.6, 128.0
x1, y1 := 102.4, 230.4
x2, y2 := 153.6, 25.6
x3, y3 := 230.4, 128.0
gc.SetFillColor(image.NRGBAColor{0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFF})
gc.MoveTo(x, y)
gc.CubicCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
gc.SetStrokeColor(image.NRGBAColor{0xFF, 0x33, 0x33, 0x88})
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// draw segment of curve
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
gc.MoveTo(x, y)
gc.LineTo(x1, y1)
gc.LineTo(x2, y2)
gc.LineTo(x3, y3)
var (
mh uint32
wndBufferHeader uint32
wndBuffer wingui.BITMAP
hdcWndBuffer uint32
ppvBits *image.RGBAColor
backBuffer *image.RGBA
postscriptContent string
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// WinProc called by windows to notify us of all windows events we might be interested in.
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
func WndProc(hwnd, msg uint32, wparam, lparam int32) uintptr {
var rc int32
switch msg {
case wingui.WM_CREATE:
hdc := wingui.GetDC(hwnd)
wndBufferHeader = wingui.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, 600, 800)
wingui.GetObject(wndBufferHeader, unsafe.Sizeof(wndBuffer), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&wndBuffer)))
hdcWndBuffer = wingui.CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
wingui.SelectObject(hdcWndBuffer, wndBufferHeader)
var bmp_header wingui.BITMAPINFOHEADER
bmp_header.Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(bmp_header))
bmp_header.Width = 600
bmp_header.Height = 800
bmp_header.SizeImage = 0 // the api says this must be 0 for BI_RGB images
bmp_header.Compression = wingui.BI_RGB
bmp_header.BitCount = 32
bmp_header.Planes = 1
bmp_header.XPelsPerMeter = 0
bmp_header.YPelsPerMeter = 0
bmp_header.ClrUsed = 0
bmp_header.ClrImportant = 0
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
//bitmap info
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
var bmpinfo wingui.BITMAPINFO
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Blue = 0
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Green = 0
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Red = 0
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Reserved = 0
bmpinfo.Header = bmp_header
wndBufferHeader = wingui.CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmpinfo, wingui.DIB_RGB_COLORS, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ppvBits)), 0, 0)
wingui.GetObject(wndBufferHeader, unsafe.Sizeof(wndBufferHeader), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&wndBuffer)))
hdcWndBuffer = wingui.CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
wingui.SelectObject(hdcWndBuffer, wndBufferHeader)
pixel := (*[600 * 800]image.RGBAColor)(unsafe.Pointer(ppvBits))
pixelSlice := pixel[:]
backBuffer = &image.RGBA{pixelSlice, 600, image.Rect(0, 0, 600, 800)}
fmt.Println("Create windows")
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
case wingui.WM_COMMAND:
switch uint32(lparam) {
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
case wingui.WM_PAINT:
var ps wingui.PAINTSTRUCT
hdc := wingui.BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps)
gc := draw2d.NewImageGraphicContext(backBuffer)
gc.SetFillColor(image.RGBAColor{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF})
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
//gc.Translate(0, -380)
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
interpreter := postscript.NewInterpreter(gc)
reader := strings.NewReader(postscriptContent)
wingui.BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, int(wndBuffer.Width), int(wndBuffer.Height), hdcWndBuffer, 0, 0, wingui.SRCCOPY)
wingui.EndPaint(hwnd, &ps)
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
case wingui.WM_CLOSE:
case wingui.WM_DESTROY:
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
return uintptr(rc)
func rungui() int {
var e int
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// GetModuleHandle
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
mh, e = wingui.GetModuleHandle(nil)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("GetModuleHandle", e)
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// Get icon we're going to use.
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
myicon, e := wingui.LoadIcon(0, wingui.IDI_APPLICATION)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("LoadIcon", e)
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// Get cursor we're going to use.
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
mycursor, e := wingui.LoadCursor(0, wingui.IDC_ARROW)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("LoadCursor", e)
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// Create callback
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
wproc := syscall.NewCallback(WndProc)
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// RegisterClassEx
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
wcname := syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("Test Draw2d")
var wc wingui.Wndclassex
wc.Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(wc))
wc.WndProc = wproc
wc.Instance = mh
wc.Icon = myicon
wc.Cursor = mycursor
wc.Background = wingui.COLOR_BTNFACE + 1
wc.MenuName = nil
wc.ClassName = wcname
wc.IconSm = myicon
if _, e := wingui.RegisterClassEx(&wc); e != 0 {
abortErrNo("RegisterClassEx", e)
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// CreateWindowEx
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
wh, e := wingui.CreateWindowEx(
syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("My window"),
wingui.CW_USEDEFAULT, wingui.CW_USEDEFAULT, 600, 800,
0, 0, mh, 0)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("CreateWindowEx", e)
fmt.Printf("main window handle is %x\n", wh)
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// ShowWindow
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
wingui.ShowWindow(wh, wingui.SW_SHOWDEFAULT)
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// UpdateWindow
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
if e := wingui.UpdateWindow(wh); e != 0 {
abortErrNo("UpdateWindow", e)
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// Process all windows messages until WM_QUIT.
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
var m wingui.Msg
for {
r, e := wingui.GetMessage(&m, 0, 0, 0)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("GetMessage", e)
if r == 0 {
2011-03-30 14:57:47 +00:00
// WM_QUIT received -> get out
2011-03-30 15:07:52 +00:00
return int(m.Wparam)
func main() {
src, err := os.Open("../resource/postscript/tiger.ps", 0, 0)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("can't find postscript file.")
defer src.Close()
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(src)
postscriptContent = string(bytes)
rc := rungui()