This commit is contained in:
Laurent Le Goff 2011-03-30 17:07:52 +02:00
parent bb4ed43b8a
commit 9a1350aff2
4 changed files with 270 additions and 269 deletions

View file

@ -17,3 +17,6 @@ nuke:
cd draw2d && make nuke
cd postscript && make nuke
cd wingui && make nuke
gofmt -w draw2d postscript wingui cmd

View file

@ -1,228 +1,228 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
package main
import (
// some help functions
func abortf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, format, a...)
func abortErrNo(funcname string, err int) {
abortf("%s failed: %d %s\n", funcname, err, syscall.Errstr(err))
func abortf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, format, a...)
func abortErrNo(funcname string, err int) {
abortf("%s failed: %d %s\n", funcname, err, syscall.Errstr(err))
// global vars
func TestDrawCubicCurve(gc draw2d.GraphicContext) {
func TestDrawCubicCurve(gc draw2d.GraphicContext) {
// draw a cubic curve
x, y := 25.6, 128.0
x1, y1 := 102.4, 230.4
x2, y2 := 153.6, 25.6
x3, y3 := 230.4, 128.0
gc.SetFillColor(image.NRGBAColor{0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFF})
gc.MoveTo(x, y)
gc.CubicCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
gc.SetStrokeColor(image.NRGBAColor{0xFF, 0x33, 0x33, 0x88})
x, y := 25.6, 128.0
x1, y1 := 102.4, 230.4
x2, y2 := 153.6, 25.6
x3, y3 := 230.4, 128.0
gc.SetFillColor(image.NRGBAColor{0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFF})
gc.MoveTo(x, y)
gc.CubicCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
gc.SetStrokeColor(image.NRGBAColor{0xFF, 0x33, 0x33, 0x88})
// draw segment of curve
gc.MoveTo(x, y)
gc.LineTo(x1, y1)
gc.LineTo(x2, y2)
gc.LineTo(x3, y3)
var (
mh uint32
wndBufferHeader uint32
wndBuffer wingui.BITMAP
hdcWndBuffer uint32
ppvBits *image.RGBAColor
backBuffer *image.RGBA
postscriptContent string
gc.MoveTo(x, y)
gc.LineTo(x1, y1)
gc.LineTo(x2, y2)
gc.LineTo(x3, y3)
var (
mh uint32
wndBufferHeader uint32
wndBuffer wingui.BITMAP
hdcWndBuffer uint32
ppvBits *image.RGBAColor
backBuffer *image.RGBA
postscriptContent string
// WinProc called by windows to notify us of all windows events we might be interested in.
func WndProc(hwnd, msg uint32, wparam, lparam int32) uintptr {
var rc int32
switch msg {
case wingui.WM_CREATE:
hdc := wingui.GetDC(hwnd);
wndBufferHeader = wingui.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, 600, 800)
wingui.GetObject(wndBufferHeader, unsafe.Sizeof(wndBuffer), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&wndBuffer)))
hdcWndBuffer = wingui.CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
wingui.SelectObject(hdcWndBuffer, wndBufferHeader)
var bmp_header wingui.BITMAPINFOHEADER
bmp_header.Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(bmp_header))
bmp_header.Width = 600
bmp_header.Height = 800
bmp_header.SizeImage = 0// the api says this must be 0 for BI_RGB images
bmp_header.Compression = wingui.BI_RGB
bmp_header.BitCount = 32
bmp_header.Planes = 1
bmp_header.XPelsPerMeter = 0
bmp_header.YPelsPerMeter = 0
bmp_header.ClrUsed = 0
bmp_header.ClrImportant = 0
func WndProc(hwnd, msg uint32, wparam, lparam int32) uintptr {
var rc int32
switch msg {
case wingui.WM_CREATE:
hdc := wingui.GetDC(hwnd)
wndBufferHeader = wingui.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, 600, 800)
wingui.GetObject(wndBufferHeader, unsafe.Sizeof(wndBuffer), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&wndBuffer)))
hdcWndBuffer = wingui.CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
wingui.SelectObject(hdcWndBuffer, wndBufferHeader)
var bmp_header wingui.BITMAPINFOHEADER
bmp_header.Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(bmp_header))
bmp_header.Width = 600
bmp_header.Height = 800
bmp_header.SizeImage = 0 // the api says this must be 0 for BI_RGB images
bmp_header.Compression = wingui.BI_RGB
bmp_header.BitCount = 32
bmp_header.Planes = 1
bmp_header.XPelsPerMeter = 0
bmp_header.YPelsPerMeter = 0
bmp_header.ClrUsed = 0
bmp_header.ClrImportant = 0
//bitmap info
var bmpinfo wingui.BITMAPINFO
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Blue = 0
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Green = 0
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Red = 0
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Reserved = 0
bmpinfo.Header = bmp_header
wndBufferHeader = wingui.CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmpinfo, wingui.DIB_RGB_COLORS, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ppvBits)), 0, 0)
wingui.GetObject(wndBufferHeader, unsafe.Sizeof(wndBufferHeader), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&wndBuffer)))
hdcWndBuffer = wingui.CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
wingui.SelectObject(hdcWndBuffer, wndBufferHeader)
pixel := (*[600*800]image.RGBAColor)(unsafe.Pointer(ppvBits))
pixelSlice := pixel[:]
backBuffer = &image.RGBA{pixelSlice, 600, image.Rect(0, 0, 600, 800)}
fmt.Println("Create windows")
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
case wingui.WM_COMMAND:
switch uint32(lparam) {
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
case wingui.WM_PAINT:
var ps wingui.PAINTSTRUCT
hdc := wingui.BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps)
gc := draw2d.NewImageGraphicContext(backBuffer)
gc.SetFillColor(image.RGBAColor{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF})
var bmpinfo wingui.BITMAPINFO
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Blue = 0
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Green = 0
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Red = 0
bmpinfo.Colors[0].Reserved = 0
bmpinfo.Header = bmp_header
wndBufferHeader = wingui.CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmpinfo, wingui.DIB_RGB_COLORS, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ppvBits)), 0, 0)
wingui.GetObject(wndBufferHeader, unsafe.Sizeof(wndBufferHeader), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&wndBuffer)))
hdcWndBuffer = wingui.CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
wingui.SelectObject(hdcWndBuffer, wndBufferHeader)
pixel := (*[600 * 800]image.RGBAColor)(unsafe.Pointer(ppvBits))
pixelSlice := pixel[:]
backBuffer = &image.RGBA{pixelSlice, 600, image.Rect(0, 0, 600, 800)}
fmt.Println("Create windows")
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
case wingui.WM_COMMAND:
switch uint32(lparam) {
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
case wingui.WM_PAINT:
var ps wingui.PAINTSTRUCT
hdc := wingui.BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps)
gc := draw2d.NewImageGraphicContext(backBuffer)
gc.SetFillColor(image.RGBAColor{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF})
//gc.Translate(0, -380)
interpreter := postscript.NewInterpreter(gc)
reader := strings.NewReader(postscriptContent)
wingui.BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0 , int(wndBuffer.Width), int(wndBuffer.Height), hdcWndBuffer, 0, 0, wingui.SRCCOPY);
wingui.EndPaint(hwnd, &ps)
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
case wingui.WM_CLOSE:
case wingui.WM_DESTROY:
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
return uintptr(rc)
func rungui() int {
var e int
interpreter := postscript.NewInterpreter(gc)
reader := strings.NewReader(postscriptContent)
wingui.BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, int(wndBuffer.Width), int(wndBuffer.Height), hdcWndBuffer, 0, 0, wingui.SRCCOPY)
wingui.EndPaint(hwnd, &ps)
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
case wingui.WM_CLOSE:
case wingui.WM_DESTROY:
rc = wingui.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
return uintptr(rc)
func rungui() int {
var e int
// GetModuleHandle
mh, e = wingui.GetModuleHandle(nil)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("GetModuleHandle", e)
mh, e = wingui.GetModuleHandle(nil)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("GetModuleHandle", e)
// Get icon we're going to use.
myicon, e := wingui.LoadIcon(0, wingui.IDI_APPLICATION)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("LoadIcon", e)
myicon, e := wingui.LoadIcon(0, wingui.IDI_APPLICATION)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("LoadIcon", e)
// Get cursor we're going to use.
mycursor, e := wingui.LoadCursor(0, wingui.IDC_ARROW)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("LoadCursor", e)
mycursor, e := wingui.LoadCursor(0, wingui.IDC_ARROW)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("LoadCursor", e)
// Create callback
wproc := syscall.NewCallback(WndProc)
wproc := syscall.NewCallback(WndProc)
// RegisterClassEx
wcname := syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("Test Draw2d")
var wc wingui.Wndclassex
wc.Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(wc))
wc.WndProc = wproc
wc.Instance = mh
wc.Icon = myicon
wc.Cursor = mycursor
wc.Background = wingui.COLOR_BTNFACE + 1
wc.MenuName = nil
wc.ClassName = wcname
wc.IconSm = myicon
if _, e := wingui.RegisterClassEx(&wc); e != 0 {
abortErrNo("RegisterClassEx", e)
wcname := syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("Test Draw2d")
var wc wingui.Wndclassex
wc.Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(wc))
wc.WndProc = wproc
wc.Instance = mh
wc.Icon = myicon
wc.Cursor = mycursor
wc.Background = wingui.COLOR_BTNFACE + 1
wc.MenuName = nil
wc.ClassName = wcname
wc.IconSm = myicon
if _, e := wingui.RegisterClassEx(&wc); e != 0 {
abortErrNo("RegisterClassEx", e)
// CreateWindowEx
wh, e := wingui.CreateWindowEx(
syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("My window"),
wingui.CW_USEDEFAULT, wingui.CW_USEDEFAULT, 600, 800,
0, 0, mh, 0)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("CreateWindowEx", e)
fmt.Printf("main window handle is %x\n", wh)
wh, e := wingui.CreateWindowEx(
syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("My window"),
wingui.CW_USEDEFAULT, wingui.CW_USEDEFAULT, 600, 800,
0, 0, mh, 0)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("CreateWindowEx", e)
fmt.Printf("main window handle is %x\n", wh)
// ShowWindow
wingui.ShowWindow(wh, wingui.SW_SHOWDEFAULT)
wingui.ShowWindow(wh, wingui.SW_SHOWDEFAULT)
// UpdateWindow
if e := wingui.UpdateWindow(wh); e != 0 {
abortErrNo("UpdateWindow", e)
if e := wingui.UpdateWindow(wh); e != 0 {
abortErrNo("UpdateWindow", e)
// Process all windows messages until WM_QUIT.
var m wingui.Msg
for {
r, e := wingui.GetMessage(&m, 0, 0, 0)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("GetMessage", e)
if r == 0 {
var m wingui.Msg
for {
r, e := wingui.GetMessage(&m, 0, 0, 0)
if e != 0 {
abortErrNo("GetMessage", e)
if r == 0 {
// WM_QUIT received -> get out
return int(m.Wparam)
func main() {
src, err := os.Open("../resource/postscript/", 0, 0)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("can't find postscript file.")
defer src.Close()
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(src)
postscriptContent = string(bytes)
rc := rungui()
return int(m.Wparam)
func main() {
src, err := os.Open("../resource/postscript/", 0, 0)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("can't find postscript file.")
defer src.Close()
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(src)
postscriptContent = string(bytes)
rc := rungui()

View file

@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ import (
type Painter interface{
type Painter interface {
SetColor(color image.Color)
type ImageGraphicContext struct {
img draw.Image
img draw.Image
painter Painter
fillRasterizer *raster.Rasterizer
strokeRasterizer *raster.Rasterizer
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func NewImageGraphicContext(img draw.Image) *ImageGraphicContext {
panic("Image type not supported")
width, height := gc.img.Bounds().Dx(), gc.img.Bounds().Dy()
gc.fillRasterizer = raster.NewRasterizer(width, height)
gc.strokeRasterizer = raster.NewRasterizer(width, height)

View file

@ -6,82 +6,80 @@ import (
const (
BI_RGB = 0
SRCCOPY = 0xCC0020
type RECT struct{
Left int32
Top int32
Right int32
Bottom int32
type RECT struct {
Left int32
Top int32
Right int32
Bottom int32
type PAINTSTRUCT struct{
HDC uint32
Erase int32 // bool
RcPaint RECT
Restore int32 // bool
IncUpdate int32 // bool
rgbReserved [32]byte
type PAINTSTRUCT struct {
HDC uint32
Erase int32 // bool
RcPaint RECT
Restore int32 // bool
IncUpdate int32 // bool
rgbReserved [32]byte
type BITMAP struct{
Type int32
Width int32
Height int32
WidthBytes int32
Planes uint16
BitsPixel uint16
Bits * byte
type BITMAP struct {
Type int32
Width int32
Height int32
WidthBytes int32
Planes uint16
BitsPixel uint16
Bits *byte
Size uint32
Width int32
Height int32
Planes uint16
BitCount uint16
Compression uint32
SizeImage uint32
XPelsPerMeter int32
YPelsPerMeter int32
ClrUsed uint32
ClrImportant uint32
Size uint32
Width int32
Height int32
Planes uint16
BitCount uint16
Compression uint32
SizeImage uint32
XPelsPerMeter int32
YPelsPerMeter int32
ClrUsed uint32
ClrImportant uint32
type BITMAPINFO struct{
Colors [1]RGBQUAD
type BITMAPINFO struct {
Colors [1]RGBQUAD
type RGBQUAD struct{
Blue byte
Green byte
Red byte
Reserved byte
type RGBQUAD struct {
Blue byte
Green byte
Red byte
Reserved byte
var (
modgdi32 = loadDll("gdi32.dll")
procGetDC = getSysProcAddr(moduser32, "GetDC")
procCreateCompatibleDC = getSysProcAddr(modgdi32, "CreateCompatibleDC")
procGetObject = getSysProcAddr(modgdi32, "GetObjectW")
procSelectObject = getSysProcAddr(modgdi32, "SelectObject")
procBeginPaint = getSysProcAddr(moduser32, "BeginPaint")
procEndPaint = getSysProcAddr(moduser32, "EndPaint")
procGetDC = getSysProcAddr(moduser32, "GetDC")
procCreateCompatibleDC = getSysProcAddr(modgdi32, "CreateCompatibleDC")
procGetObject = getSysProcAddr(modgdi32, "GetObjectW")
procSelectObject = getSysProcAddr(modgdi32, "SelectObject")
procBeginPaint = getSysProcAddr(moduser32, "BeginPaint")
procEndPaint = getSysProcAddr(moduser32, "EndPaint")
procCreateCompatibleBitmap = getSysProcAddr(modgdi32, "CreateCompatibleBitmap")
procCreateDIBSection = getSysProcAddr(modgdi32, "CreateDIBSection")
procBitBlt = getSysProcAddr(modgdi32, "BitBlt")
procCreateDIBSection = getSysProcAddr(modgdi32, "CreateDIBSection")
procBitBlt = getSysProcAddr(modgdi32, "BitBlt")
func GetDC(hwnd uint32) (hdc uint32) {
@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ func GetObject(hgdiobj uint32, cbBuffer int, object uintptr) (size uint32) {
return size
func SelectObject(hdc uint32, hgdiobj uint32) (uint32) {
func SelectObject(hdc uint32, hgdiobj uint32) uint32 {
r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procSelectObject, 2, uintptr(hdc), uintptr(hgdiobj), 0)
return uint32(r0)
@ -118,17 +116,17 @@ func EndPaint(hwnd uint32, ps *PAINTSTRUCT) bool {
return true
func CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc uint32, width ,height int) ( hbitmap uint32) {
func CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc uint32, width, height int) (hbitmap uint32) {
r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procCreateCompatibleBitmap, 3, uintptr(hdc), uintptr(width), uintptr(height))
return uint32(r0)
func CreateDIBSection(hdc uint32, pbmi *BITMAPINFO , iUsage uint, ppvBits uintptr, hSection uint32, dwOffset uint32) ( hbitmap uint32) {
func CreateDIBSection(hdc uint32, pbmi *BITMAPINFO, iUsage uint, ppvBits uintptr, hSection uint32, dwOffset uint32) (hbitmap uint32) {
r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procCreateDIBSection, 6, uintptr(hdc), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pbmi)), uintptr(iUsage), ppvBits, uintptr(hSection), uintptr(dwOffset))
return uint32(r0)
func BitBlt(hdc uint32, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight int, hdcSrc uint32, nXSrc, nYSrc int, dwRop uint32) ( bool) {
func BitBlt(hdc uint32, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight int, hdcSrc uint32, nXSrc, nYSrc int, dwRop uint32) bool {
r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall9(procBitBlt, 9, uintptr(hdc), uintptr(nXDest), uintptr(nYDest), uintptr(nWidth), uintptr(nHeight), uintptr(hdcSrc), uintptr(nXSrc), uintptr(nYSrc), uintptr(dwRop))
return r0 != 0