// Copyright 2015 The draw2d Authors. All rights reserved. // created: 16/12/2017 by Drahoslav Bednářpackage draw2dsvg package draw2dsvg import ( "bytes" "encoding/base64" "fmt" "image" "image/color" "image/png" "math" "strconv" "strings" "git.fromouter.space/crunchy-rocks/draw2d" ) func toSvgRGBA(c color.Color) string { r, g, b, a := c.RGBA() r, g, b, a = r>>8, g>>8, b>>8, a>>8 if a == 255 { return optiSprintf("#%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) } return optiSprintf("rgba(%v,%v,%v,%f)", r, g, b, float64(a)/255) } func toSvgLength(l float64) string { if math.IsInf(l, 1) { return "100%" } return optiSprintf("%f", l) } func toSvgArray(nums []float64) string { arr := make([]string, len(nums)) for i, num := range nums { arr[i] = optiSprintf("%f", num) } return strings.Join(arr, ",") } func toSvgFillRule(rule draw2d.FillRule) string { return map[draw2d.FillRule]string{ draw2d.FillRuleEvenOdd: "evenodd", draw2d.FillRuleWinding: "nonzero", }[rule] } func toSvgPathDesc(p *draw2d.Path) string { parts := make([]string, len(p.Components)) ps := p.Points for i, cmp := range p.Components { switch cmp { case draw2d.MoveToCmp: parts[i] = optiSprintf("M %f,%f", ps[0], ps[1]) ps = ps[2:] case draw2d.LineToCmp: parts[i] = optiSprintf("L %f,%f", ps[0], ps[1]) ps = ps[2:] case draw2d.QuadCurveToCmp: parts[i] = optiSprintf("Q %f,%f %f,%f", ps[0], ps[1], ps[2], ps[3]) ps = ps[4:] case draw2d.CubicCurveToCmp: parts[i] = optiSprintf("C %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f", ps[0], ps[1], ps[2], ps[3], ps[4], ps[5]) ps = ps[6:] case draw2d.ArcToCmp: cx, cy := ps[0], ps[1] // center rx, ry := ps[2], ps[3] // radii fi := ps[4] + ps[5] // startAngle + angle // compute endpoint sinfi, cosfi := math.Sincos(fi) nom := math.Hypot(ry*cosfi, rx*sinfi) x := cx + (rx*ry*cosfi)/nom y := cy + (rx*ry*sinfi)/nom // compute large and sweep flags large := 0 sweep := 0 if math.Abs(ps[5]) > math.Pi { large = 1 } if !math.Signbit(ps[5]) { sweep = 1 } // dirty hack to ensure whole arc is drawn // if start point equals end point if sweep == 1 { x += 0.01 * sinfi y += 0.01 * -cosfi } else { x += 0.01 * sinfi y += 0.01 * cosfi } // rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y parts[i] = optiSprintf("A %f %f %v %v %v %F %F", rx, ry, 0, large, sweep, x, y, ) ps = ps[6:] case draw2d.CloseCmp: parts[i] = "Z" } } return strings.Join(parts, " ") } func toSvgTransform(mat draw2d.Matrix) string { if mat.IsIdentity() { return "" } if mat.IsTranslation() { x, y := mat.GetTranslation() return optiSprintf("translate(%f,%f)", x, y) } return optiSprintf("matrix(%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f)", mat[0], mat[1], mat[2], mat[3], mat[4], mat[5], ) } func imageToSvgHref(image image.Image) string { out := "data:image/png;base64," pngBuf := &bytes.Buffer{} png.Encode(pngBuf, image) out += base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(pngBuf.Bytes()) return out } // Do the same thing as fmt.Sprintf // except it uses the optimal precition for floats: (0-3) for f and (0-6) for F // eg.: // optiSprintf("%f", 3.0) => fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", 3.0) // optiSprintf("%f", 3.33) => fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", 3.33) // optiSprintf("%f", 3.3001) => fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", 3.3001) // optiSprintf("%f", 3.333333333333333) => fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", 3.333333333333333) // optiSprintf("%F", 3.333333333333333) => fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", 3.333333333333333) func optiSprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string { chunks := strings.Split(format, "%") newChunks := make([]string, len(chunks)) for i, chunk := range chunks { if i != 0 { verb := chunk[0] if verb == 'f' || verb == 'F' { num := a[i-1].(float64) p := strconv.Itoa(getPrec(num, verb == 'F')) chunk = strings.Replace(chunk, string(verb), "."+p+"f", 1) } } newChunks[i] = chunk } format = strings.Join(newChunks, "%") return fmt.Sprintf(format, a...) } // TODO needs test, since it is not quiet right func getPrec(num float64, better bool) int { max := 3 eps := 0.0005 if better { max = 6 eps = 0.0000005 } prec := 0 for math.Mod(num, 1) > eps { num *= 10 eps *= 10 prec++ } if max < prec { return max } return prec }