function toDegree(radians) { return radians * 180 / Math.PI; } function toRadians(degree) { return degree * Math.PI / 180; } function draw(test){ var canvas = document.getElementById(; if (canvas.getContext){ var gc = canvas.getContext('2d'); test(gc) } } function executeTests() { draw(TestStar) draw(TestTransform) draw(TestFillRect) } function TestStar(gc) { for(i = 0.0 ; i < 360; i = i + 10) {// Go from 0 to 360 degrees in 10 degree steps gc.beginPath() // Start a new path // Keep rotations temporary gc.translate(144, 144) gc.rotate(i * (Math.PI / 180.0)) // Rotate by degrees on stack from 'for' gc.moveTo(0, 0) gc.lineTo(72, 0) gc.stroke() gc.restore() // Get back the unrotated state } } function TestTransform(gc) { gc.translate(40, 40) // Set origin to (40, 40) gc.beginPath() gc.moveTo(0,0) gc.lineTo(72,0) gc.lineTo(72, 72) gc.lineTo(0, 72) gc.closePath() gc.stroke() gc.restore() gc.translate(100, 150) // Translate origin to (100, 150) gc.rotate(30* (Math.PI / 180.0)) // Rotate counter-clockwise by 30 degrees gc.beginPath() gc.moveTo(0,0) gc.lineTo(72,0) gc.lineTo(72, 72) gc.lineTo(0, 72) gc.closePath() // Draw box... gc.stroke() gc.restore() gc.translate(40, 300) // Translate to (40, 300) gc.scale(0.5, 1) // Reduce x coord by 1/2, y coord left alone gc.beginPath() gc.moveTo(0,0) gc.lineTo(72,0) gc.lineTo(72, 72) gc.lineTo(0, 72) gc.closePath() // Draw box... gc.stroke() gc.restore() gc.translate(300, 300) // Set origin to (300, 300) gc.rotate(45* (Math.PI / 180.0)) // Rotate coordinates by 45 degrees gc.scale(0.5, 1) // Scale coordinates gc.beginPath() gc.moveTo(0,0) gc.lineTo(72,0) gc.lineTo(72, 72) gc.lineTo(0, 72) gc.closePath() // Draw box gc.stroke() gc.restore() } function TestFillRect(gc) { gc.moveTo(95,95) gc.lineTo(195,95) gc.lineTo(195, 195) gc.lineTo(95, 195) gc.lineTo(95, 95) gc.moveTo(105,105) gc.lineTo(105, 205) gc.lineTo(205, 205) gc.lineTo(205,105) gc.lineTo(105, 105) gc.fill() }