
518 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2010 The Freetype-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by your choice of either the
// FreeType License or the GNU General Public License version 2,
// both of which can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The raster package provides an anti-aliasing 2-D rasterizer.
// It is part of the larger Freetype-Go suite of font-related packages,
// but the raster package is not specific to font rasterization, and can
// be used standalone without any other Freetype-Go package.
// Rasterization is done by the same area/coverage accumulation algorithm
// as the Freetype "smooth" module, and the Anti-Grain Geometry library.
// A description of the area/coverage algorithm is at
package raster
import (
// A Painter knows how to paint a span, and a span is a horizontal segment
// of a certain alpha. A fully opaque span has alpha == 1<<32-1. A span's
// alpha is non-zero until the final Paint call of the rasterization, which
// has all arguments zero.
// TODO(nigeltao): Is it worth batching spans, so that Paint takes a []Span
// instead of a single Span?
type Painter interface {
Paint(yi, xi0, xi1 int, alpha uint32)
// The PainterFunc type adapts an ordinary function to the Painter interface.
type PainterFunc func(yi, xi0, xi1 int, alpha uint32)
// Paint just delegates the call to f.
func (f PainterFunc) Paint(yi, xi0, xi1 int, alpha uint32) {
f(yi, xi0, xi1, alpha)
// A 24.8 fixed point number.
type Fixed int32
// Human-readable format for a 24.8 fixed point number. For example, the
// number one-and-a-quarter becomes "1:064".
func (x Fixed) String() string {
i, f := x/256, x%256
if f < 0 {
f = -f
return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%03d", i, f)
// Two-dimensional point, in 24.8 fixed point format.
type Point struct {
X, Y Fixed
// A cell is part of a linked list (for a given yi coordinate) of accumulated
// area/coverage for the pixel at (xi, yi).
type cell struct {
xi int
area, cover int
next int
type Rasterizer struct {
// If false, the default behavior is to use the even-odd winding fill
// rule during Rasterize.
UseNonZeroWinding bool
// The width of the Rasterizer. The height is implicit in len(cellIndex).
width int
// quadSplitScale is the scaling factor used to determine how many times
// to decompose a quadratic segment into a linear approximation.
quadSplitScale int
// The current pen position.
a Point
// The current cell and its area/coverage being accumulated.
xi, yi int
area, cover int
// Saved cells.
cell []cell
// Linked list of cells, one per row.
cellIndex []int
// Buffers.
cellBuf [256]cell
cellIndexBuf [64]int
// findCell returns the index in r.cell for the cell corresponding to
// (r.xi, r.yi). The cell is created if necessary.
func (r *Rasterizer) findCell() int {
if r.yi < 0 || r.yi >= len(r.cellIndex) {
return -1
xi := r.xi
if xi < 0 {
xi = -1
} else if xi > r.width {
xi = r.width
i, prev := r.cellIndex[r.yi], -1
for i != -1 && r.cell[i].xi <= xi {
if r.cell[i].xi == xi {
return i
i, prev = r.cell[i].next, i
c := len(r.cell)
if c == cap(r.cell) {
buf := make([]cell, c, 4*c)
copy(buf, r.cell)
r.cell = buf[0 : c+1]
} else {
r.cell = r.cell[0 : c+1]
r.cell[c] = cell{xi, 0, 0, i}
if prev == -1 {
r.cellIndex[r.yi] = c
} else {
r.cell[prev].next = c
return c
// saveCell saves any accumulated r.area/r.cover for (r.xi, r.yi).
func (r *Rasterizer) saveCell() {
if r.area != 0 || r.cover != 0 {
i := r.findCell()
if i != -1 {
r.cell[i].area += r.area
r.cell[i].cover += r.cover
r.area = 0
r.cover = 0
// setCell sets the (xi, yi) cell that r is accumulating area/coverage for.
func (r *Rasterizer) setCell(xi, yi int) {
if r.xi != xi || r.yi != yi {
r.xi, r.yi = xi, yi
// scan accumulates area/coverage for the yi'th scanline, going from
// x0 to x1 in the horizontal direction (in 24.8 fixed point co-ordinates)
// and from y0f to y1f fractional vertical units within that scanline.
func (r *Rasterizer) scan(yi int, x0, y0f, x1, y1f Fixed) {
// Break the 24.8 fixed point X co-ordinates into integral and fractional parts.
x0i := int(x0) / 256
x0f := x0 - Fixed(256*x0i)
x1i := int(x1) / 256
x1f := x1 - Fixed(256*x1i)
// A perfectly horizontal scan.
if y0f == y1f {
r.setCell(x1i, yi)
dx, dy := x1-x0, y1f-y0f
// A single cell scan.
if x0i == x1i {
r.area += int((x0f + x1f) * dy)
r.cover += int(dy)
// There are at least two cells. Apart from the first and last cells,
// all intermediate cells go through the full width of the cell,
// or 256 units in 24.8 fixed point format.
var (
p, q, edge0, edge1 Fixed
xiDelta int
if dx > 0 {
p, q = (256-x0f)*dy, dx
edge0, edge1, xiDelta = 0, 256, 1
} else {
p, q = x0f*dy, -dx
edge0, edge1, xiDelta = 256, 0, -1
yDelta, yRem := p/q, p%q
if yRem < 0 {
yDelta -= 1
yRem += q
// Do the first cell.
xi, y := x0i, y0f
r.area += int((x0f + edge1) * yDelta)
r.cover += int(yDelta)
xi, y = xi+xiDelta, y+yDelta
r.setCell(xi, yi)
if xi != x1i {
// Do all the intermediate cells.
p = 256 * (y1f - y + yDelta)
fullDelta, fullRem := p/q, p%q
if fullRem < 0 {
fullDelta -= 1
fullRem += q
yRem -= q
for xi != x1i {
yDelta = fullDelta
yRem += fullRem
if yRem >= 0 {
yDelta += 1
yRem -= q
r.area += int(256 * yDelta)
r.cover += int(yDelta)
xi, y = xi+xiDelta, y+yDelta
r.setCell(xi, yi)
// Do the last cell.
yDelta = y1f - y
r.area += int((edge0 + x1f) * yDelta)
r.cover += int(yDelta)
// Start starts a new curve at the given point.
func (r *Rasterizer) Start(a Point) {
r.setCell(int(a.X/256), int(a.Y/256))
r.a = a
// Move1 adds a linear segment to the current curve.
func (r *Rasterizer) Move1(b Point) {
x0, y0 := r.a.X, r.a.Y
x1, y1 := b.X, b.Y
dx, dy := x1-x0, y1-y0
// Break the 24.8 fixed point Y co-ordinates into integral and fractional parts.
y0i := int(y0) / 256
y0f := y0 - Fixed(256*y0i)
y1i := int(y1) / 256
y1f := y1 - Fixed(256*y1i)
if y0i == y1i {
// There is only one scanline.
r.scan(y0i, x0, y0f, x1, y1f)
} else {
// There are at least two scanlines. Apart from the first and last scanlines,
// all intermediate scanlines go through the full height of the row, or 256
// units in 24.8 fixed point format.
var (
p, q, edge0, edge1 Fixed
yiDelta int
if dy > 0 {
p, q = (256-y0f)*dx, dy
edge0, edge1, yiDelta = 0, 256, 1
} else {
p, q = y0f*dx, -dy
edge0, edge1, yiDelta = 256, 0, -1
xDelta, xRem := p/q, p%q
if xRem < 0 {
xDelta -= 1
xRem += q
// Do the first scanline.
x, yi := x0, y0i
r.scan(yi, x, y0f, x+xDelta, edge1)
x, yi = x+xDelta, yi+yiDelta
r.setCell(int(x)/256, yi)
if yi != y1i {
// Do all the intermediate scanlines.
p = 256 * dx
fullDelta, fullRem := p/q, p%q
if fullRem < 0 {
fullDelta -= 1
fullRem += q
xRem -= q
for yi != y1i {
xDelta = fullDelta
xRem += fullRem
if xRem >= 0 {
xDelta += 1
xRem -= q
r.scan(yi, x, edge0, x+xDelta, edge1)
x, yi = x+xDelta, yi+yiDelta
r.setCell(int(x)/256, yi)
// Do the last scanline.
r.scan(yi, x, edge0, x1, y1f)
// The next lineTo starts from b.
r.a = b
// Move2 adds a quadratic segment to the current curve.
func (r *Rasterizer) Move2(b, c Point) {
// Calculate nSplit (the number of recursive decompositions) based on how `curvy' it is.
// Specifically, how much the middle point b deviates from (a+c)/2.
dx := r.a.X - 2*b.X + c.X
dy := r.a.Y - 2*b.Y + c.Y
if dx < 0 {
dx = -dx
if dy < 0 {
dy = -dy
deviation := dx
if deviation < dy {
deviation = dy
nsplit := 0
deviation /= Fixed(r.quadSplitScale)
for deviation > 0 {
deviation /= 4
// maxd is 32-bit, and nsplit++ every time we shift off 2 bits, so maxNsplit is 16.
const maxNsplit = 16
if nsplit > maxNsplit {
panic("freetype/raster: Move2 nsplit too large: " + strconv.Itoa(nsplit))
// Recursively decompose the curve nSplit levels deep.
var (
pStack [2*maxNsplit + 3]Point
sStack [maxNsplit + 1]int
i int
sStack[0] = nsplit
pStack[0] = c
pStack[1] = b
pStack[2] = r.a
for i >= 0 {
s := sStack[i]
if s > 0 {
pp := pStack[2*i:]
// Split the quadratic curve pp[0:3] into an equivalent set of two shorter curves:
// pp[0:3] and pp[2:5]. The new pp[4] is the old pp[2], and pp[0] is unchanged.
mx := pp[1].X
pp[4].X = pp[2].X
pp[3].X = (pp[4].X + mx) / 2
pp[1].X = (pp[0].X + mx) / 2
pp[2].X = (pp[1].X + pp[3].X) / 2
my := pp[1].Y
pp[4].Y = pp[2].Y
pp[3].Y = (pp[4].Y + my) / 2
pp[1].Y = (pp[0].Y + my) / 2
pp[2].Y = (pp[1].Y + pp[3].Y) / 2
// The two shorter curves have one less split to do.
sStack[i] = s - 1
sStack[i+1] = s - 1
} else {
// Replace the level-0 quadratic with a two-linear-piece approximation.
midx := (r.a.X + 2*pStack[2*i+1].X + pStack[2*i].X) / 4
midy := (r.a.Y + 2*pStack[2*i+1].Y + pStack[2*i].Y) / 4
r.Move1(Point{midx, midy})
// Move3 adds a cubic segment to the current curve.
func (r *Rasterizer) Move3(b, c, d Point) {
// TODO(nigeltao): implement cubic splines, similar to Move2's quadratic splines.
panic("not implemented")
// Converts an area value to a uint32 alpha value. A completely filled pixel
// corresponds to an area of 256*256*2, and an alpha of 1<<32-1. The
// conversion of area values greater than this depends on the winding rule:
// even-odd or non-zero.
func (r *Rasterizer) areaToAlpha(area int) uint32 {
// The C Freetype implementation (version 2.3.12) does "alpha := area>>1" without
// the +1. Round-to-nearest gives a more symmetric result than round-down.
// The C implementation also returns 8-bit alpha, not 32-bit alpha.
a := (area + 1) >> 1
if a < 0 {
a = -a
alpha := uint32(a)
if r.UseNonZeroWinding {
if alpha > 0xffff {
alpha = 0xffff
} else {
alpha &= 0x1ffff
if alpha > 0x10000 {
alpha = 0x20000 - alpha
} else if alpha == 0x10000 {
alpha = 0x0ffff
alpha |= alpha << 16
return alpha
// Rasterize converts r's accumulated curves into spans for p. The spans
// passed to p are non-overlapping, and sorted by Y and then X. They all
// have non-zero width (and 0 <= xi0 < xi1 <= r.width) and non-zero alpha,
// except for the final span, which has yi, xi0, xi1 and alpha all equal
// to zero.
func (r *Rasterizer) Rasterize(p Painter) {
for yi := 0; yi < len(r.cellIndex); yi++ {
xi, cover := 0, 0
for c := r.cellIndex[yi]; c != -1; c = r.cell[c].next {
if cover != 0 && r.cell[c].xi > xi {
alpha := r.areaToAlpha(cover * 256 * 2)
if alpha != 0 {
xi0, xi1 := xi, r.cell[c].xi
if xi0 < 0 {
xi0 = 0
if xi1 >= r.width {
xi1 = r.width
if xi0 < xi1 {
p.Paint(yi, xi0, xi1, alpha)
cover += r.cell[c].cover
alpha := r.areaToAlpha(cover*256*2 - r.cell[c].area)
xi = r.cell[c].xi + 1
if alpha != 0 {
xi0, xi1 := r.cell[c].xi, xi
if xi0 < 0 {
xi0 = 0
if xi1 >= r.width {
xi1 = r.width
if xi0 < xi1 {
p.Paint(yi, xi0, xi1, alpha)
p.Paint(0, 0, 0, 0)
// Clear cancels any previous calls to r.Start or r.MoveN.
func (r *Rasterizer) Clear() {
r.a = Point{0, 0}
r.xi = 0
r.yi = 0
r.area = 0
r.cover = 0
r.cell = r.cell[0:0]
for i := 0; i < len(r.cellIndex); i++ {
r.cellIndex[i] = -1
// Creates a new Rasterizer with the given bounds.
func New(width, height int) *Rasterizer {
if width < 0 {
width = 0
if height < 0 {
height = 0
// Use the same qss heuristic as the C Freetype implementation.
qss := 128
if width > 24 || height > 24 {
qss *= 2
if width > 120 || height > 120 {
qss *= 2
r := new(Rasterizer)
r.width = width
r.quadSplitScale = qss
r.cell = r.cellBuf[0:0]
if height > len(r.cellIndexBuf) {
r.cellIndex = make([]int, height)
} else {
r.cellIndex = r.cellIndexBuf[0:height]
for i := 0; i < len(r.cellIndex); i++ {
r.cellIndex[i] = -1
return r
// AlphaOverPainter returns a Painter that paints onto the given Alpha image
// using the "src over dst" Porter-Duff composition operator.
func AlphaOverPainter(m *image.Alpha) Painter {
return PainterFunc(func(yi, xi0, xi1 int, alpha uint32) {
a := int(alpha >> 24)
p := m.Pixel[yi]
for i := xi0; i < xi1; i++ {
ai := int(p[i].A)
ai = (ai*255 + (255-ai)*a) / 255
p[i] = image.AlphaColor{uint8(ai)}
// AlphaSrcPainter returns a Painter that paints onto the given Alpha image
// using the "src" Porter-Duff composition operator.
func AlphaSrcPainter(m *image.Alpha) Painter {
return PainterFunc(func(yi, xi0, xi1 int, alpha uint32) {
color := image.AlphaColor{uint8(alpha >> 24)}
p := m.Pixel[yi]
for i := xi0; i < xi1; i++ {
p[i] = color