// Copyright 2012 The Freetype-Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by your choice of either the // FreeType License or the GNU General Public License version 2 (or // any later version), both of which can be found in the LICENSE file. package truetype import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "strconv" "strings" "testing" "golang.org/x/image/math/fixed" ) func parseTestdataFont(name string) (font *Font, testdataIsOptional bool, err error) { b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("../testdata/%s.ttf", name)) if err != nil { // The "x-foo" fonts are optional tests, as they are not checked // in for copyright or file size reasons. return nil, strings.HasPrefix(name, "x-"), fmt.Errorf("%s: ReadFile: %v", name, err) } font, err = Parse(b) if err != nil { return nil, true, fmt.Errorf("%s: Parse: %v", name, err) } return font, false, nil } // TestParse tests that the luxisr.ttf metrics and glyphs are parsed correctly. // The numerical values can be manually verified by examining luxisr.ttx. func TestParse(t *testing.T) { font, _, err := parseTestdataFont("luxisr") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if got, want := font.FUnitsPerEm(), int32(2048); got != want { t.Errorf("FUnitsPerEm: got %v, want %v", got, want) } fupe := fixed.Int26_6(font.FUnitsPerEm()) if got, want := font.Bounds(fupe), (Bounds{-441, -432, 2024, 2033}); got != want { t.Errorf("Bounds: got %v, want %v", got, want) } i0 := font.Index('A') i1 := font.Index('V') if i0 != 36 || i1 != 57 { t.Fatalf("Index: i0, i1 = %d, %d, want 36, 57", i0, i1) } if got, want := font.HMetric(fupe, i0), (HMetric{1366, 19}); got != want { t.Errorf("HMetric: got %v, want %v", got, want) } if got, want := font.VMetric(fupe, i0), (VMetric{2465, 553}); got != want { t.Errorf("VMetric: got %v, want %v", got, want) } if got, want := font.Kerning(fupe, i0, i1), fixed.Int26_6(-144); got != want { t.Errorf("Kerning: got %v, want %v", got, want) } g := NewGlyphBuf() err = g.Load(font, fupe, i0, NoHinting) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Load: %v", err) } g0 := &GlyphBuf{ B: g.B, Point: g.Point, End: g.End, } g1 := &GlyphBuf{ B: Bounds{19, 0, 1342, 1480}, Point: []Point{ {19, 0, 51}, {581, 1480, 1}, {789, 1480, 51}, {1342, 0, 1}, {1116, 0, 35}, {962, 410, 3}, {368, 410, 33}, {214, 0, 3}, {428, 566, 19}, {904, 566, 33}, {667, 1200, 3}, }, End: []int{8, 11}, } if got, want := fmt.Sprint(g0), fmt.Sprint(g1); got != want { t.Errorf("GlyphBuf:\ngot %v\nwant %v", got, want) } } func TestIndex(t *testing.T) { testCases := map[string]map[rune]Index{ "luxisr": { ' ': 3, '!': 4, 'A': 36, 'V': 57, 'É': 101, 'fl': 193, '\u22c5': 385, '中': 0, }, // The x-etc test cases use those versions of the .ttf files provided // by Ubuntu 14.04. See testdata/make-other-hinting-txts.sh for details. "x-arial-bold": { ' ': 3, '+': 14, '0': 19, '_': 66, 'w': 90, '~': 97, 'Ä': 98, 'fl': 192, '½': 242, 'σ': 305, 'λ': 540, 'ỹ': 1275, '\u04e9': 1319, '中': 0, }, "x-deja-vu-sans-oblique": { ' ': 3, '*': 13, 'Œ': 276, 'ω': 861, '‡': 2571, '⊕': 3110, 'fl': 4728, '\ufb03': 4729, '\ufffd': 4813, // TODO: '\U0001f640': ???, '中': 0, }, "x-droid-sans-japanese": { ' ': 0, '\u3000': 3, '\u3041': 25, '\u30fe': 201, '\uff61': 202, '\uff67': 208, '\uff9e': 263, '\uff9f': 264, '\u4e00': 265, '\u557e': 1000, '\u61b6': 2024, '\u6ede': 3177, '\u7505': 3555, '\u81e3': 4602, '\u81e5': 4603, '\u81e7': 4604, '\u81e8': 4605, '\u81ea': 4606, '\u81ed': 4607, '\u81f3': 4608, '\u81f4': 4609, '\u91c7': 5796, '\u9fa0': 6620, '\u203e': 12584, }, "x-times-new-roman": { ' ': 3, ':': 29, 'fl': 192, 'Ŀ': 273, '♠': 388, 'Ŗ': 451, 'Σ': 520, '\u200D': 745, 'Ẽ': 1216, '\u04e9': 1319, '中': 0, }, } for name, wants := range testCases { font, testdataIsOptional, err := parseTestdataFont(name) if err != nil { if testdataIsOptional { t.Log(err) } else { t.Fatal(err) } continue } for r, want := range wants { if got := font.Index(r); got != want { t.Errorf("%s: Index of %q, aka %U: got %d, want %d", name, r, r, got, want) } } } } type scalingTestData struct { advanceWidth fixed.Int26_6 bounds Bounds points []Point } // scalingTestParse parses a line of points like // 213 -22 -111 236 555;-22 -111 1, 178 555 1, 236 555 1, 36 -111 1 // The line will not have a trailing "\n". func scalingTestParse(line string) (ret scalingTestData) { next := func(s string) (string, fixed.Int26_6) { t, i := "", strings.Index(s, " ") if i != -1 { s, t = s[:i], s[i+1:] } x, _ := strconv.Atoi(s) return t, fixed.Int26_6(x) } i := strings.Index(line, ";") prefix, line := line[:i], line[i+1:] prefix, ret.advanceWidth = next(prefix) prefix, ret.bounds.XMin = next(prefix) prefix, ret.bounds.YMin = next(prefix) prefix, ret.bounds.XMax = next(prefix) prefix, ret.bounds.YMax = next(prefix) ret.points = make([]Point, 0, 1+strings.Count(line, ",")) for len(line) > 0 { s := line if i := strings.Index(line, ","); i != -1 { s, line = line[:i], line[i+1:] for len(line) > 0 && line[0] == ' ' { line = line[1:] } } else { line = "" } s, x := next(s) s, y := next(s) s, f := next(s) ret.points = append(ret.points, Point{X: x, Y: y, Flags: uint32(f)}) } return ret } // scalingTestEquals is equivalent to, but faster than, calling // reflect.DeepEquals(a, b), and also returns the index of the first non-equal // element. It also treats a nil []Point and an empty non-nil []Point as equal. // a and b must have equal length. func scalingTestEquals(a, b []Point) (index int, equals bool) { for i, p := range a { if p != b[i] { return i, false } } return 0, true } var scalingTestCases = []struct { name string size int }{ {"luxisr", 12}, {"x-arial-bold", 11}, {"x-deja-vu-sans-oblique", 17}, {"x-droid-sans-japanese", 9}, {"x-times-new-roman", 13}, } func testScaling(t *testing.T, h Hinting) { for _, tc := range scalingTestCases { font, testdataIsOptional, err := parseTestdataFont(tc.name) if err != nil { if testdataIsOptional { t.Log(err) } else { t.Error(err) } continue } hintingStr := "sans" if h != NoHinting { hintingStr = "with" } f, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf( "../testdata/%s-%dpt-%s-hinting.txt", tc.name, tc.size, hintingStr)) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s: Open: %v", tc.name, err) continue } defer f.Close() wants := []scalingTestData{} scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f) if scanner.Scan() { major, minor, patch := 0, 0, 0 _, err := fmt.Sscanf(scanner.Text(), "freetype version %d.%d.%d", &major, &minor, &patch) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s: version information: %v", tc.name, err) } if (major < 2) || (major == 2 && minor < 5) || (major == 2 && minor == 5 && patch < 1) { t.Errorf("%s: need freetype version >= 2.5.1.\n"+ "Try setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/freetype_built_from_src/objs/.libs/\n"+ "and re-running testdata/make-other-hinting-txts.sh", tc.name) continue } } else { t.Errorf("%s: no version information", tc.name) continue } for scanner.Scan() { wants = append(wants, scalingTestParse(scanner.Text())) } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil && err != io.EOF { t.Errorf("%s: Scanner: %v", tc.name, err) continue } glyphBuf := NewGlyphBuf() for i, want := range wants { if err = glyphBuf.Load(font, fixed.I(tc.size), Index(i), h); err != nil { t.Errorf("%s: glyph #%d: Load: %v", tc.name, i, err) continue } got := scalingTestData{ advanceWidth: glyphBuf.AdvanceWidth, bounds: glyphBuf.B, points: glyphBuf.Point, } if got.advanceWidth != want.advanceWidth { t.Errorf("%s: glyph #%d advance width:\ngot %v\nwant %v", tc.name, i, got.advanceWidth, want.advanceWidth) continue } if got.bounds != want.bounds { t.Errorf("%s: glyph #%d bounds:\ngot %v\nwant %v", tc.name, i, got.bounds, want.bounds) continue } for i := range got.points { got.points[i].Flags &= 0x01 } if len(got.points) != len(want.points) { t.Errorf("%s: glyph #%d:\ngot %v\nwant %v\ndifferent slice lengths: %d versus %d", tc.name, i, got.points, want.points, len(got.points), len(want.points)) continue } if j, equals := scalingTestEquals(got.points, want.points); !equals { t.Errorf("%s: glyph #%d:\ngot %v\nwant %v\nat index %d: %v versus %v", tc.name, i, got.points, want.points, j, got.points[j], want.points[j]) continue } } } } func TestScalingSansHinting(t *testing.T) { testScaling(t, NoHinting) } func TestScalingWithHinting(t *testing.T) { testScaling(t, FullHinting) }