-- Not splitscreen friendly -- Why would it be?? Go play screencheat if you want peeking as a mechanic local revealTime = 4 * TICRATE local countdownTime = 7 * TICRATE local function drawCountdown(v, num) if num == 0 then num = "GO" end local patch = v.cachePatch("K_CNT" .. num .. (leveltime%10>4 and "A" or "B")) v.drawScaled(FRACUNIT*(160-patch.width/2), FRACUNIT*(100-patch.height/2), FRACUNIT, patch, V_SNAPTOTOP) end hud.add(function(v, p, c) if not HNS.active return end hud.disable("position") hud.disable("time") hud.disable("rankings") -- This disables nametags but v2.3 has a misalignment bug -- https://git.do.srb2.org/KartKrew/RingRacers/-/issues/145 hud.disable("check") -- This disables minirankings but same as above hud.disable("battlerankingsbumpers") -- Ensure player has hns data (I don't even think this is the right way) if not p.hns return end if HNS.state == HNSDEFS.GameState.LevelStart if leveltime > countdownTime -- Show 3..2..1.. countdown local remaining = (leveltime - countdownTime) / TICRATE drawCountdown(v, max(0, 3 - remaining)) elseif leveltime > revealTime if leveltime == revealTime -- Play reveal sound! end -- Draw text v.drawString(160, 80, "You are " .. (p.hns.seeker and "a seeker" or "a hider"), V_SNAPTOLEFT|V_SNAPTOTOP, "center") end elseif HNS.state == HNSDEFS.GameState.Hiding -- Hack: show the Go! for another second after start if leveltime < countdownTime+4*TICRATE drawCountdown(v, 0) end v.drawString(160, 20, "HIDE SOMEWHERE!!", V_SNAPTOLEFT|V_SNAPTOTOP, "center") local remaining = HNS.seekstart - leveltime local minutes,seconds = G_TicsToMinutes(remaining, true), G_TicsToSeconds(remaining) local mod, modAfter = "", "" if remaining < TICRATE*10 then mod = leveltime%4>2 and "\x82" or "\x85" modAfter = string.format(".%01d", G_TicsToCentiseconds(remaining)/10) end v.drawString(160, 30, mod .. string.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds) .. modAfter, V_SNAPTOLEFT|V_SNAPTOTOP, "center") elseif HNS.state == HNSDEFS.GameState.Seeking if leveltime < HNS.seekstart+2*TICRATE local mod = leveltime%10>5 and "\x82" or "\x85" v.drawString(160, 20, mod .. "THE SEEKERS HAVE BEEN UNLEASHED!", V_SNAPTOLEFT|V_SNAPTOTOP, "center") end end end)