day 15 p2

This commit is contained in:
Hamcha 2024-12-15 20:29:49 +01:00
parent 552cdd2d95
commit 3e070c2910
Signed by: hamcha
GPG key ID: 1669C533B8CF6D89
2 changed files with 235 additions and 0 deletions

sample/day15-sample3.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

src/day15_p2.gleam Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
import gleam/dict.{type Dict}
import gleam/io
import gleam/iterator
import gleam/list.{Continue, Stop, filter, map}
import gleam/result
import gleam/string
import stdin.{stdin}
pub fn main() {
|> read_input
|> calculate
|> io.debug
fn calculate(input: #(Dict(#(Int, Int), Item), List(Movement))) -> Int {
let #(textmap, movements) = input
let #(robot, restmap) = extract_robot(textmap)
do_movements(restmap, robot, movements)
|> dict.filter(fn(_, v) { v == Box })
|> dict.fold(0, fn(acc, k, _) {
let #(x, y) = k
acc + x + y * 100
fn do_movements(
textmap: Dict(#(Int, Int), Item),
robot: #(Int, Int),
movements: List(Movement),
) -> Dict(#(Int, Int), Item) {
//debug_print_map(textmap, robot)
case movements {
[] -> textmap
[next,] -> {
let #(newmap, newrobot) = move_robot(textmap, robot, next)
do_movements(newmap, newrobot, rest)
// Hey, here's a freebie debug function :D
fn debug_print_map(textmap: Dict(#(Int, Int), Item), robot: #(Int, Int)) -> Nil {
list.range(0, 7)
|> list.each(fn(y) {
list.range(0, 20)
|> list.each(fn(x) {
let at_pos = dict.get(textmap, #(x, y))
let prev_pos = dict.get(textmap, #(x - 1, y))
case at_pos, prev_pos, robot {
Ok(Box), _, _ -> io.print("[")
_, Ok(Box), _ -> io.print("]")
Ok(Wall), _, _ | _, Ok(Wall), _ -> io.print("#")
_, _, #(rx, ry) if rx == x && ry == y -> io.print("@")
_, _, _ -> io.print(".")
fn move_robot(
textmap: Dict(#(Int, Int), Item),
robot: #(Int, Int),
movement: Movement,
) -> #(Dict(#(Int, Int), Item), #(Int, Int)) {
let next_pos = calculate_next_position(robot, movement)
let at_pos =
dict.get(textmap, next_pos)
|> result.or(dict.get(textmap, calculate_next_position(next_pos, Left)))
case at_pos {
Ok(Wall) -> #(textmap, robot)
Ok(Box) ->
case try_move_box(textmap, next_pos, movement) {
Ok(new_map) -> #(new_map, next_pos)
_ -> #(textmap, robot)
_ -> #(textmap, next_pos)
fn try_move_box(
textmap: Dict(#(Int, Int), Item),
maybe_pos: #(Int, Int),
movement: Movement,
) -> Result(Dict(#(Int, Int), Item), Nil) {
let box_pos = case dict.has_key(textmap, maybe_pos) {
True -> maybe_pos
False -> calculate_next_position(maybe_pos, Left)
case movement {
Left | Right -> {
let next_pos = calculate_next_position(box_pos, movement)
let check_pos = calculate_next_position(next_pos, movement)
case dict.get(textmap, check_pos) {
Ok(Wall) -> Error(Nil)
Ok(Box) ->
case try_move_box(textmap, check_pos, movement) {
Ok(new_map) ->
Ok(new_map |> dict.delete(box_pos) |> dict.insert(next_pos, Box))
_ -> Error(Nil)
_ -> Ok(textmap |> dict.delete(box_pos) |> dict.insert(next_pos, Box))
Up | Down -> {
let #(x, y) = calculate_next_position(box_pos, movement)
let moved_map =
[#(x - 1, y), #(x, y), #(x + 1, y)]
|> filter(fn(p) { dict.has_key(textmap, p) })
|> list.fold_until(Ok(textmap), fn(acc, p) {
case dict.get(textmap, p) {
Ok(Wall) -> Stop(Error(Nil))
Ok(Box) -> {
result.try(acc, fn(current) {
try_move_box(current, p, movement)
Ok(new_map) -> Continue(Ok(new_map))
_ -> Stop(Error(Nil))
_ -> Continue(acc)
case moved_map {
Ok(new_map) ->
Ok(new_map |> dict.delete(box_pos) |> dict.insert(#(x, y), Box))
_ -> Error(Nil)
fn calculate_next_position(
current: #(Int, Int),
movement: Movement,
) -> #(Int, Int) {
let #(x, y) = current
case movement {
Up -> #(x, y - 1)
Down -> #(x, y + 1)
Left -> #(x - 1, y)
Right -> #(x + 1, y)
fn extract_robot(
objects: Dict(#(Int, Int), Item),
) -> #(#(Int, Int), Dict(#(Int, Int), Item)) {
let assert [robot] =
objects |> dict.filter(fn(_, v) { v == Robot }) |> dict.keys
#(robot, objects |> dict.delete(robot))
pub type Item {
pub type Movement {
fn read_input(
it: iterator.Iterator(String),
) -> #(Dict(#(Int, Int), Item), List(Movement)) {
let #(map_lines, movement_lines) =
|> iterator.to_list
|> map(string.trim)
|> filter(not(string.is_empty))
|> list.split_while(fn(s) { s |> string.starts_with("#") })
let map_objects =
|> list.index_fold(, parse_map_line)
let movements =
|> string.concat
|> string.to_graphemes
#(map_objects, movements)
fn parse_map_line(
acc: Dict(#(Int, Int), Item),
line: String,
y: Int,
) -> Dict(#(Int, Int), Item) {
|> string.to_graphemes
|> list.index_fold(acc, fn(a, char, x) {
case char {
"#" -> dict.insert(a, #(x * 2, y), Wall)
"O" -> dict.insert(a, #(x * 2, y), Box)
"@" -> dict.insert(a, #(x * 2, y), Robot)
_ -> a
fn parse_movement(char: String) -> Movement {
case char {
"^" -> Up
"<" -> Left
">" -> Right
"v" -> Down
_ -> panic as "invalid char"
fn not(a: fn(a) -> Bool) {
fn(param: a) -> Bool { !a(param) }