# drone-add Easily add Drone.io to projects using Drone APIs and YAML templates. ## Getting started ### Install drone-add ```sh go get -u git.fromouter.space/Hamcha/drone-add ``` or, if you have cloned the project locally, just `cd` to it and: ```sh go install . ``` ### Set environment variables To authenticate with Drone you'll need to get your user token. If you have the `drone` CLI tool, the environment variables are the same (`DRONE_SERVER` / `DRONE_TOKEN`). If you have drone secret you want to add, set them as environment variables using this format: `DRONE_SECRET_SECRET_NAME` → `secret_name` You can use template literals in your secrets, for example: `DRONE_SECRET_DOCKER_REPO = "my-custom-registry.tld/{{.Namespace}}/{{.Name}}"` with project `testorg/my-repo` will create a secret called `docker_repo` with value `my-custom-registry.tld/testorg/my-repo` ### Change the template If you have not downloaded the project locally, download the template file from [here](https://git.fromouter.space/Hamcha/drone-add/raw/branch/master/template.yml). Change the template to fit what a starting `.drone.yml` for your projects would be like. Usually this means just populating common steps (like publish and deployment steps). You can also use template literals in the template. ### Run the tool Usage: ```sh drone-add [-t template.yml] [-o .drone.yml] namespace/repository ``` ## Templating powered by Sprig Need more control? You can use [sprig](https://github.com/Masterminds/sprig) functions in your templated code!