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2024-05-05 11:57:35 +00:00
const std = @import("std");
// Cool website for ELF info:
// https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/elf.5.html
pub const ELFError = error{
const ELFMagic = "\x7fELF";
const ELFClass_32bit = 1;
const ELFDataFormat_BigEndian = 2;
const ELFVersion_Current = 1;
const ELFType_Executable = 2;
const ELFMachine_PowerPC = 20;
const MaximumTextSegments = 7;
const MaximumDataSegments = 11;
const PSFlags_Executable = 1;
const PSFlags_Writable = 2;
const PSFlags_Readable = 4;
const ELFHeader = extern struct {
e_ident: [16]u8,
e_type: u16,
e_machine: u16,
e_version: u32,
e_entry: u32,
e_phoff: u32,
e_shoff: u32,
e_flags: u32,
e_ehsize: u16,
e_phentsize: u16,
e_phnum: u16,
e_shentsize: u16,
e_shnum: u16,
e_shstrndx: u16,
const ELFProgramHeader = extern struct {
p_type: u32,
p_offset: u32,
p_vaddr: u32,
p_paddr: u32,
p_filesz: u32,
p_memsz: u32,
p_flags: u32,
p_align: u32,
pub const DolHeader = extern struct {
text_off: [7]u32,
data_off: [11]u32,
text_addr: [7]u32,
data_addr: [11]u32,
text_size: [7]u32,
data_size: [11]u32,
bss_addr: u32,
bss_size: u32,
entry: u32,
pad: [7]u32,
pub const DolMap = struct {
header: DolHeader,
text_cnt: u32,
data_cnt: u32,
text_elf_off: [7]u32,
data_elf_off: [11]u32,
flags: u32,
const DolHasBSS = 1;
pub fn readELF(file: std.fs.File) !DolMap {
// Create dol map
var dolMap = DolMap{
.header = .{
.text_off = .{0} ** 7,
.data_off = .{0} ** 11,
.text_addr = .{0} ** 7,
.data_addr = .{0} ** 11,
.text_size = .{0} ** 7,
.data_size = .{0} ** 11,
.bss_addr = 0,
.bss_size = 0,
.entry = 0,
.pad = .{0} ** 7,
.text_cnt = 0,
.data_cnt = 0,
.text_elf_off = undefined,
.data_elf_off = undefined,
.flags = 0,
// Read header
const header = try file.reader().readStructEndian(ELFHeader, std.builtin.Endian.big);
try checkELFHeader(header);
// Get entry point
dolMap.header.entry = header.e_entry;
// Read program headers
const phnum = header.e_phnum;
const phoff = header.e_phoff;
// Sanity checks
if (phnum == 0 or phoff == 0) {
return ELFError.MissingProgramHeader;
if (header.e_phentsize != @sizeOf(ELFProgramHeader)) {
return ELFError.InvalidProgramHeaderEntrySize;
// Read program headers
try file.seekTo(phoff);
for (0..phnum) |_| {
const programHeader = try file.reader().readStructEndian(ELFProgramHeader, std.builtin.Endian.big);
// Skip non-loadable segments
if (programHeader.p_type != 1) {
std.debug.print("Skipping non-loadable segment at 0x{x}\n", .{programHeader.p_vaddr});
// Skip empty segments
if (programHeader.p_memsz == 0) {
std.debug.print("Skipping empty segment at 0x{x}\n", .{programHeader.p_vaddr});
// Check if segment is readable
if (programHeader.p_flags & PSFlags_Readable == 0) {
std.debug.print("Warning: non-readable segment at 0x{x}\n", .{programHeader.p_vaddr});
// If the segment is executable, it's a TEXT segment
if (programHeader.p_flags & PSFlags_Executable != 0) {
// Do we have too many text segments?
if (dolMap.text_cnt >= MaximumTextSegments) {
return ELFError.TooManyTextSegments;
// Check if segment is writable
if (programHeader.p_flags & PSFlags_Writable != 0) {
std.debug.print("Warning: segment at 0x{x} is both executable and writable\n", .{programHeader.p_vaddr});
// Check if segment has valid memory size
if (programHeader.p_filesz > programHeader.p_memsz) {
return ELFError.TextSegmentInvalidMemorySize;
// Check if there's leftover space
if (programHeader.p_filesz < programHeader.p_memsz) {
// Add as BSS segment of whatever is left between the file and memory sizes
// TODO: why?!
add_bss(&dolMap, programHeader.p_paddr + programHeader.p_filesz, programHeader.p_memsz - programHeader.p_filesz);
std.debug.print("Found bss segment at 0x{x}\n", .{programHeader.p_paddr + programHeader.p_filesz});
std.debug.print("Found text segment at 0x{x}\n", .{programHeader.p_vaddr});
dolMap.header.text_addr[dolMap.text_cnt] = programHeader.p_paddr;
dolMap.header.text_size[dolMap.text_cnt] = programHeader.p_filesz;
dolMap.text_elf_off[dolMap.text_cnt] = programHeader.p_offset;
dolMap.text_cnt += 1;
} else {
// DATA or BSS segment
// TODO: ????
if (programHeader.p_filesz == 0) {
add_bss(&dolMap, programHeader.p_paddr, programHeader.p_memsz);
std.debug.print("Found bss segment at 0x{x}\n", .{programHeader.p_vaddr});
// Do we have too many data segments?
if (dolMap.data_cnt >= MaximumDataSegments) {
return ELFError.TooManyDataSegments;
std.debug.print("Found data segment at 0x{x}\n", .{programHeader.p_vaddr});
dolMap.header.data_addr[dolMap.data_cnt] = programHeader.p_paddr;
dolMap.header.data_size[dolMap.data_cnt] = programHeader.p_filesz;
dolMap.data_elf_off[dolMap.data_cnt] = programHeader.p_offset;
dolMap.data_cnt += 1;
return dolMap;
// I don't understand what this does
fn add_bss(map: *DolMap, addr: u32, size: u32) void {
if (map.flags & DolHasBSS != 0) {
const originalAddr = map.header.bss_addr;
const originalSize = map.header.bss_size;
if ((originalAddr + originalSize) == addr) {
map.header.bss_size = originalSize + size;
} else {
map.header.bss_addr = addr;
map.header.bss_size = size;
map.flags |= DolHasBSS;
fn checkELFHeader(header: ELFHeader) !void {
// Check magic
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, header.e_ident[0..4], ELFMagic)) {
return ELFError.InvalidMagic;
// Check class
if (header.e_ident[4] != ELFClass_32bit) {
return ELFError.InvalidClass;
// Check byte order
if (header.e_ident[5] != ELFDataFormat_BigEndian) {
return ELFError.InvalidByteOrder;
// Check ident version
if (header.e_ident[6] != ELFVersion_Current) {
return ELFError.InvalidIdentVersion;
// Check version
if (header.e_version != ELFVersion_Current) {
return ELFError.InvalidVersion;
// Check type
if (header.e_type != ELFType_Executable) {
return ELFError.NotExecutable;
// Check machine
if (header.e_machine != ELFMachine_PowerPC) {
return ELFError.NotPowerPC;
// Check entry point
if (header.e_entry == 0) {
return ELFError.NoEntrypoint;