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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" v0.2
Original Perl version by: John Gruber 10 May 2008
Python version by Stuart Colville
import unittest
import sys
import re
SMALL = 'a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|of|on|or|the|to|v\.?|via|vs\.?'
PUNCT = "[!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;?@[\\\\\\]_`{|}~]"
SMALL_WORDS = re.compile(r'^(%s)$' % SMALL, re.I)
INLINE_PERIOD = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z][.][a-zA-Z]')
UC_ELSEWHERE = re.compile(r'%s*?[a-zA-Z]+[A-Z]+?' % PUNCT)
CAPFIRST = re.compile(r"^%s*?([A-Za-z])" % PUNCT)
SMALL_FIRST = re.compile(r'^(%s*)(%s)\b' % (PUNCT, SMALL), re.I)
SMALL_LAST = re.compile(r'\b(%s)%s?$' % (SMALL, PUNCT), re.I)
SUBPHRASE = re.compile(r'([:.;?!][ ])(%s)' % SMALL)
def titlecase(text):
Titlecases input text
This filter changes all words to Title Caps, and attempts to be clever
about *un*capitalizing SMALL words like a/an/the in the input.
The list of "SMALL words" which are not capped comes from
the New York Times Manual of Style, plus 'vs' and 'v'.
words = re.split('\s', text)
line = []
for word in words:
if or UC_ELSEWHERE.match(word):
if SMALL_WORDS.match(word):
line.append(CAPFIRST.sub(lambda m:, word))
line = " ".join(line)
line = SMALL_FIRST.sub(lambda m: '%s%s' % (,
), line)
line = SMALL_LAST.sub(lambda m:, line)
line = SUBPHRASE.sub(lambda m: '%s%s' % (,
), line)
return line
class TitlecaseTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests to ensure titlecase follows all of the rules"""
def test_q_and_a(self):
"""Testing: Q&A With Steve Jobs: 'That's What Happens In Technology' """
text = titlecase(
"Q&A with steve jobs: 'that's what happens in technology'"
result = "Q&A With Steve Jobs: 'That's What Happens in Technology'"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_at_and_t(self):
"""Testing: What Is AT&T's Problem?"""
text = titlecase("What is AT&T's problem?")
result = "What Is AT&T's Problem?"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_apple_deal(self):
"""Testing: Apple Deal With AT&T Falls Through"""
text = titlecase("Apple deal with AT&T falls through")
result = "Apple Deal With AT&T Falls Through"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_this_v_that(self):
"""Testing: this v that"""
text = titlecase("this v that")
result = "This v That"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_this_v_that2(self):
"""Testing: this v. that"""
text = titlecase("this v. that")
result = "This v. That"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_this_vs_that(self):
"""Testing: this vs that"""
text = titlecase("this vs that")
result = "This vs That"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_this_vs_that2(self):
"""Testing: this vs. that"""
text = titlecase("this vs. that")
result = "This vs. That"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_apple_sec(self):
"""Testing: The SEC's Apple Probe: What You Need to Know"""
text = titlecase("The SEC's Apple Probe: What You Need to Know")
result = "The SEC's Apple Probe: What You Need to Know"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_small_word_quoted(self):
"""Testing: 'by the Way, Small word at the start but within quotes.'"""
text = titlecase(
"'by the Way, small word at the start but within quotes.'"
result = "'By the Way, Small Word at the Start but Within Quotes.'"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_small_word_end(self):
"""Testing: Small word at end is nothing to be afraid of"""
text = titlecase("Small word at end is nothing to be afraid of")
result = "Small Word at End Is Nothing to Be Afraid Of"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_sub_phrase_small_word(self):
"""Testing: Starting Sub-Phrase With a Small Word: a Trick, Perhaps?"""
text = titlecase(
"Starting Sub-Phrase With a Small Word: a Trick, Perhaps?"
result = "Starting Sub-Phrase With a Small Word: A Trick, Perhaps?"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_small_word_quotes(self):
"""Testing: Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: 'a Trick..."""
text = titlecase(
"Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: 'a Trick, Perhaps?'"
result = "Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: 'A Trick, Perhaps?'"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_small_word_double_quotes(self):
"""Testing: Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: \"a Trick..."""
text = titlecase(
'Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: "a Trick, Perhaps?"'
result = 'Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: "A Trick, Perhaps?"'
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_nothing_to_be_afraid_of(self):
"""Testing: \"Nothing to Be Afraid of?\""""
text = titlecase('"Nothing to Be Afraid of?"')
result = '"Nothing to Be Afraid Of?"'
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_nothing_to_be_afraid_of2(self):
"""Testing: \"Nothing to Be Afraid Of?\""""
text = titlecase('"Nothing to be Afraid Of?"')
result = '"Nothing to Be Afraid Of?"'
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_a_thing(self):
"""Testing: a thing"""
text = titlecase('a thing')
result = 'A Thing'
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_vapourware(self):
"""Testing: 2lmc Spool: 'Gruber on OmniFocus and Vapo(u)rware'"""
text = titlecase(
"2lmc Spool: 'gruber on OmniFocus and vapo(u)rware'"
result = "2lmc Spool: 'Gruber on OmniFocus and Vapo(u)rware'"
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_domains(self):
"""Testing: this is just an"""
text = titlecase('this is just an')
result = 'This Is Just an'
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_domains2(self):
"""Testing: this is something listed on an"""
text = titlecase('this is something listed on')
result = 'This Is Something Listed on'
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_itunes(self):
"""Testing: iTunes should be unmolested"""
text = titlecase('iTunes should be unmolested')
result = 'iTunes Should Be Unmolested'
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_thoughts_on_music(self):
"""Testing: Reading Between the Lines of Steve Jobss..."""
text = titlecase(
'Reading between the lines of steve jobss thoughts on music'
result = 'Reading Between the Lines of Steve Jobss Thoughts on '\
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_repair_perms(self):
"""Testing: Seriously, Repair Permissions Is Voodoo"""
text = titlecase('seriously, repair permissions is voodoo')
result = 'Seriously, Repair Permissions Is Voodoo'
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
def test_generalissimo(self):
"""Testing: Generalissimo Francisco Franco..."""
text = titlecase(
'generalissimo francisco franco: still dead; kieren McCarthy: '\
'still a jackass'
result = 'Generalissimo Francisco Franco: Still Dead; Kieren '\
'McCarthy: Still a Jackass'
self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not sys.stdin.isatty():
for line in sys.stdin:
print titlecase(line)
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TitlecaseTests)