
233 lines
5.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import re
import codecs
import sys
# there should really be a separate file to store the character choices and such
def from_unary(s):
numbers = re.findall(r'&\^*', s)
for number in sorted(numbers, cmp = lambda x,y: cmp(len(x), len(y)), reverse = True):
i = len(number) - 1
s = s.replace(number, str(i))
return s
def cleanup_mana(s, pretty = False):
untranslations = {
'WW' : '{W}',
'UU' : '{U}',
'BB' : '{B}',
'RR' : '{R}',
'GG' : '{G}',
'PP' : '{P}',
'WP' : '{W/P}',
'UP' : '{U/P}',
'BP' : '{B/P}',
'RP' : '{R/P}',
'GP' : '{G/P}',
'VW' : '{2/W}',
'VU' : '{2/U}',
'VB' : '{2/B}',
'VR' : '{2/R}',
'VG' : '{2/G}',
'WU' : '{W/U}',
'WB' : '{W/B}',
'RW' : '{R/W}',
'GW' : '{G/W}',
'UB' : '{U/B}',
'UR' : '{U/R}',
'GU' : '{G/U}',
'BR' : '{B/R}',
'BG' : '{B/G}',
'RG' : '{R/G}',
'SS' : '{S}',
'XX' : '{X}',
untranslations_pretty = {
'WW' : 'W',
'UU' : 'U',
'BB' : 'B',
'RR' : 'R',
'GG' : 'G',
'PP' : 'P',
'SS' : 'S',
'XX' : 'X',
if pretty:
ldelim = ''
rdelim = ''
ldelim = '{'
rdelim = '}'
manacosts = re.findall(r'\{[WUBRGPVSX\^]*\}', s)
for cost in manacosts:
if cost == '{}':
s = s.replace(cost, ldelim + '0' + rdelim)
innercost = cost[1:-1]
newcost = ''
colorless_total = 0
# pull out unary countingses
colorless_counts = re.findall(r'\^+', innercost)
for count in colorless_counts:
innercost = innercost.replace(count, '')
colorless_total += len(count)
if colorless_total > 0:
newcost += ldelim + str(colorless_total) + rdelim
# now try to read the remaining characters in pairs
success = True
while len(innercost) > 1:
fragment = innercost[0:2]
if pretty and fragment in untranslations_pretty:
newcost += untranslations_pretty[fragment]
elif fragment in untranslations:
newcost += untranslations[fragment]
success = False
innercost = innercost[2:]
if pretty:
2015-06-30 08:34:09 +00:00
newcost = '[mana]' + newcost + '[/mana]'
if len(innercost) == 0 and success:
s = s.replace(cost, newcost)
2015-06-28 05:26:01 +00:00
# else:
# print cost
# print newcost
return s
def unreplace_newlines(s):
return s.replace('\\', '\n')
def cleanup_choice(s):
openbrackets = re.findall(r'\[[0123456789]+', s)
for openbracket in openbrackets:
number = openbracket[1:]
i = int(number)
if i == 0:
s = s.replace(number, 'choose one or more ~')
elif i == 1:
s = s.replace(number, 'choose one ~')
elif i == 2:
s = s.replace(number, 'choose two ~')
s = s.replace(number, 'choose ' + number + ' ~')
clauses = re.findall(r'\[choose.*\]', s)
for clause in clauses:
newclause = clause.replace('=', '\n=')
s = s.replace(clause, newclause)
return s
def forum_reorder(s):
fields = s.split('|')
# should see ten of em
if not len(fields) >= 10:
#print 'badlen ' + str(len(fields))
return s
# first and last should be empty, if we had | on the ends
if not (fields[0] == '' and fields [-1] == '\n'):
#print 'badfields ' + repr(fields[0]) + ', ' + repr(fields[-1])
return s
name = fields[1]
supertypes = fields[2]
types = fields[3]
loyalty = fields[4]
subtypes = fields[5]
pt = fields[6]
cost = fields[7]
text = fields[8]
if len(fields) > 10:
cost2 = fields[9]
cost2 = None
new_s = ''
if not name == '':
new_s += name + '\n'
if not cost == '':
new_s += cost
if cost2:
new_s += ' ~ ' + cost2
new_s += '\n'
if not supertypes == '':
new_s += supertypes + ' '
if not types == '':
new_s += types
if not subtypes == '':
new_s += ' ~ ' + subtypes + '\n'
new_s += '\n'
# super special case, doubt it will come up
if types == '' and subtypes == '':
new_s += '\n'
if not text == '':
new_s += text + '\n'
if not pt == '':
new_s += pt + '\n'
if not loyalty == '':
new_s += '(' + loyalty + ')\n'
return new_s
def unscramble(s, pretty = False):
s = from_unary(s)
s = cleanup_choice(s)
s = cleanup_mana(s, pretty)
s = unreplace_newlines(s)
s = forum_reorder(s)
return s
def main(fname, oname = None, verbose = True, pretty = False):
if verbose:
print 'Opening encoded card file: ' + fname
2015-06-30 08:34:09 +00:00
if pretty:
print 'Using pretty [mana][/mana] encoding for mtgsalvation forum'
f = open(fname, 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
if not oname == None:
if verbose:
print 'Writing output to: ' + oname
ofile =, 'w', 'utf-8')
for line in lines:
val = unscramble(line, pretty)
if oname == None:
if not oname == None:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
main(sys.argv[1], oname = sys.argv[2])
elif len(sys.argv) == 4 and sys.argv[3] in ['p', '-p', 'pretty', '-pretty', '--pretty']:
main(sys.argv[1], oname = sys.argv[2], pretty = True)
print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' ' + '<encoded file> [output filename [p]]'