diff --git a/decode.py b/decode.py
index 9d16e94..c89e2c4 100755
--- a/decode.py
+++ b/decode.py
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
-#!c:/Python27/python.exe -u
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import zipfile
import shutil
-#to use: py decode.py homebrew.txt homepretty.txt --norarity -v -mse in mtgencode folder.
libdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'lib')
import utils
@@ -19,7 +16,8 @@ def exclude_sets(cardset):
return cardset == 'Unglued' or cardset == 'Unhinged' or cardset == 'Celebration'
def main(fname, oname = None, verbose = True,
- gatherer = False, for_forum = False, creativity = False, norarity = False, for_mse = False):
+ gatherer = False, for_forum = False, for_mse = False,
+ creativity = False, norarity = False):
cards = []
valid = 0
invalid = 0
@@ -113,11 +111,18 @@ def main(fname, oname = None, verbose = True,
def writecards(writer):
if for_mse:
- # have to prepend a massive chunk.
+ # have to prepend a massive chunk of formatting info
for card in cards:
- writer.write((card.format(gatherer = gatherer, for_forum = for_forum, for_mse = for_mse)))
- if creativity and not for_mse: # this won't end well if mse mode is enabled.
+ if for_mse:
+ writer.write(card.to_mse().encode('utf-8'))
+ else:
+ writer.write(card.format(gatherer = gatherer,
+ for_forum = for_forum).encode('utf-8'))
+ if creativity:
+ if for_mse:
+ writer.write('\tnotes:\n\t\t'.encode('utf-8'))
writer.write('~~ closest cards ~~\n'.encode('utf-8'))
nearest = cbow.nearest(card)
for dist, cardname in nearest:
@@ -133,8 +138,10 @@ def main(fname, oname = None, verbose = True,
cardname = '[card]' + cardname + '[/card]'
writer.write((cardname + ': ' + str(dist) + '\n').encode('utf-8'))
if for_mse:
- writer.write('version control:\n\ttype: none\napprentice code: ') # have to append some junk at the end of file.
+ # more formatting info
+ writer.write('version control:\n\ttype: none\napprentice code: ')
if oname:
if verbose:
@@ -142,16 +149,21 @@ def main(fname, oname = None, verbose = True,
with open(oname, 'w') as ofile:
if for_mse:
- shutil.copyfile(oname, 'set') # copy whatever output file is produced, name the copy 'set' (yes, no extension).
- zf = zipfile.ZipFile(oname+'.mse-set', mode='w') # use the freaky mse extension instead of zip.
- try:
- zf.write('set') # zip up the set file into oname.mse-set.
- finally:
- print 'Made an MSE set file called ' + oname + '.mse-set.'
- zf.close()
- os.remove('set') # the set file is useless outside the .mse-set, delete it.
+ # Copy whatever output file is produced, name the copy 'set' (yes, no extension).
+ if os.path.isfile('set'):
+ print 'ERROR: tried to overwrite existing file "set" - aborting.'
+ return
+ shutil.copyfile(oname, 'set')
+ # Use the freaky mse extension instead of zip.
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(oname+'.mse-set', mode='w') as zf:
+ try:
+ # Zip up the set file into oname.mse-set.
+ zf.write('set')
+ finally:
+ if verbose:
+ print 'Made an MSE set file called ' + oname + '.mse-set.'
+ # The set file is useless outside the .mse-set, delete it.
+ os.remove('set')
@@ -179,6 +191,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.infile, args.outfile, verbose = args.verbose,
- gatherer = args.gatherer, for_forum = args.forum, creativity = args.creativity,
- norarity = args.norarity, for_mse = args.mse)
+ gatherer = args.gatherer, for_forum = args.forum, for_mse = args.mse,
+ creativity = args.creativity, norarity = args.norarity)
diff --git a/lib/cardlib.py b/lib/cardlib.py
index 0d5b17c..4b88cb7 100644
--- a/lib/cardlib.py
+++ b/lib/cardlib.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
# card representation
-# -*- coding: utf-8
import re
import random
import utils
import transforms
from manalib import Manacost, Manatext
-from titlecase import titlecase
# Some text prettification stuff that people may not have installed
@@ -19,6 +17,11 @@ try:
import textwrap
import nltk.data
sent_tokenizer = nltk.data.load('tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
+ # This could me made smarter - MSE will capitalize for us after :,
+ # but we still need to capitalize the first english component of an activation
+ # cost that starts with symbols, such as {2U}, *R*emove a +1/+1 counter from @: etc.
+ def cap(s):
+ return s[:1].capitalize() + s[1:]
# This crazy thing is actually invoked as an unpass, so newlines are still
# encoded.
def sentencecase(s):
@@ -28,11 +31,26 @@ try:
for line in lines:
if line:
sentences = sent_tokenizer.tokenize(line)
- clines += [' '.join([sent.capitalize() for sent in sentences])]
+ clines += [' '.join([cap(sent) for sent in sentences])]
return utils.newline.join(clines).replace(utils.reserved_marker, utils.x_marker)
except ImportError:
+ # non-nltk implementation provided by PAK90
+ def uppercaseNewLineAndFullstop(string):
+ # ok, let's capitalize every letter after a full stop and newline.
+ # first let's find all indices of '.' and '\n'
+ indices = [0] # initialise with 0, since we always want to capitalise the first letter.
+ newlineIndices = [0] # also need to keep track of pure newlines (for planeswalkers).
+ for i in range (len(string)):
+ if string[i] == '\\':
+ indices.append(i + 1) # we want the index of the letter after the \n, so add one.
+ newlineIndices.append(i + 1)
+ if string[i] == '.' or string[i] == "=": # also handle the choice bullets.
+ indices.append(i + 2) # we want the index of the letter after the ., so we need to count the space as well.
+ indexSet = set(indices) # convert it to a set for the next part; the capitalisation.
+ return "".join(c.upper() if i in indexSet else c for i, c in enumerate(string))
def sentencecase(s):
- return s
+ return uppercaseNewLineAndFullstop(s)
# These are used later to determine what the fields of the Card object are called.
# Define them here because they have nothing to do with the actual format.
@@ -112,20 +130,6 @@ def fields_check_valid(fields):
return not field_pt in fields
-def uppercaseNewLineAndFullstop(string):
- # ok, let's capitalize every letter after a full stop and newline.
- # first let's find all indices of '.' and '\n'
- indices = [0] # initialise with 0, since we always want to capitalise the first letter.
- newlineIndices = [0] # also need to keep track of pure newlines (for planeswalkers).
- for i in range (len(string)):
- if string[i] == '\n':
- indices.append(i + 1) # we want the index of the letter after the \n, so add one.
- newlineIndices.append(i + 1)
- if string[i] == '.' or string[i] == "=": # also handle the choice bullets.
- indices.append(i + 2) # we want the index of the letter after the ., so we need to count the space as well.
- indexSet = set(indices) # convert it to a set for the next part; the capitalisation.
- return "".join(c.upper() if i in indexSet else c for i, c in enumerate(string))
# These functions take a bunch of source data in some format and turn
# it into nicely labeled fields that we know how to initialize a card from.
# Both return a dict that maps field names to lists of possible values,
@@ -623,7 +627,7 @@ class Card:
outstr += '[/i]'
outstr += '\n'
- elif for_forum:
+ else:
cardname = self.__dict__[field_name]
outstr += cardname
if self.__dict__[field_rarity]:
@@ -674,106 +678,117 @@ class Card:
outstr += '<' + str(idx) + '> ' + str(value)
outstr += '\n'
- elif for_mse:
- # need a 'card' string first
- outstr += 'card:\n'
- cardname = titlecase(self.__dict__[field_name])
- outstr += '\tname: ' + cardname + '\n'
- if self.__dict__[field_rarity]:
- if self.__dict__[field_rarity] in utils.json_rarity_unmap:
- rarity = utils.json_rarity_unmap[self.__dict__[field_rarity]]
- else:
- rarity = self.__dict__[field_rarity]
- outstr += '\trarity: ' + rarity.lower() + '\n'
- #if not self.parsed:
- # outstr += ' _UNPARSED_'
- #if not self.valid:
- # outstr += ' _INVALID_'
- if "land" not in self.__dict__[field_types]:
- outstr += '\tcasting cost: ' + self.__dict__[field_cost].format(for_forum = for_forum).replace('{','').replace('}','')
- outstr += '\n'
- outstr += '\tsuper type: ' + ' '.join(self.__dict__[field_supertypes] + self.__dict__[field_types]).title() + '\n'
- #outstr += 'sub type: ' + ' '.join(self.__dict__[field_types])
- if self.__dict__[field_subtypes]:
- outstr += '\tsub type: ' + ' '.join(self.__dict__[field_subtypes]).title()
- outstr += '\n'
- if self.__dict__[field_text].text:
- mtext = self.__dict__[field_text].text
- mtext = transforms.text_unpass_1_choice(mtext, delimit = False)
- mtext = transforms.text_unpass_2_counters(mtext)
- mtext = transforms.text_unpass_3_unary(mtext)
- mtext = transforms.text_unpass_4_symbols(mtext, for_forum)
- mtext = transforms.text_unpass_5_cardname(mtext, cardname)
- mtext = transforms.text_unpass_6_newlines(mtext)
- newtext = Manatext('')
- newtext.text = mtext
- newtext.costs = self.__dict__[field_text].costs
- newtext = newtext.format(for_forum = for_forum)
- newtext = newtext.replace(utils.this_marker, cardname) # first let's put the cardname where all the @s are.
- newtext = newtext.replace(utils.counter_rename + ".", "countered.") # then replace any 'uncast' at the end of a sentence with 'countered'.
- newtext = newtext.replace(utils.dash_marker, "—") # also replace the ~ with a — for choices.
- newtext = newtext.replace(utils.counter_rename, "counter") # then replace all the mid-sentence 'uncast' with 'counter'.
- newtext = newtext.replace('{','').replace('}','') # now we encase mana/tap symbols with the correct tags for mse.
- linecount = newtext.count('\n') + 1 # adding 1 because no newlines means 1 line, 1 newline means 2 lines etc.
- newtext = uppercaseNewLineAndFullstop(newtext) # make all the things uppercase!
- # done after uppercasing everything because string[i] == • doesn't work apparently.
- newtext = newtext.replace(utils.bullet_marker, "•") # replace the = with a •.
- newlineIndices = [0] # also need to keep track of pure newlines (for planeswalkers).
- for i in range (len(newtext)):
- if newtext[i] == '\n':
- newlineIndices.append(i + 1)
- # need to do Special Things if it's a planeswalker.
- if "planeswalker" in str(self.__dict__[field_types]): # for some reason this is in types, not supertypes...
- outstr += '\tstylesheet: m15-planeswalker\n' # set the proper card style for a 3-line walker.
- # set up the loyalty cost fields using regex to find how many there are.
- i = 0
- for costs in re.findall('[-+]\d?\d: ', newtext): # regex handles 2-figure loyalty costs.
- i += 1
- outstr += '\tloyalty cost ' + str(i) + ': ' + costs + '\n'
- # sub out the loyalty costs.
- newtext = re.sub('[-+]\d?\d: ', '', newtext)
- newtext = uppercaseNewLineAndFullstop(newtext) # we need to uppercase again; previous uppercase call didn't work due to loyalty costs being there.
- if self.__dict__[field_loyalty]:
- outstr += '\tloyalty: ' + utils.from_unary(self.__dict__[field_loyalty]) + '\n'
- # have to do special snowflake stuff for rule text with more than 1 line. 2 or more lines need to be double-indented...
- if linecount == 1:
- outstr += '\trule text: ' + newtext + '\n'
- elif linecount > 1:
- newtext = newtext.replace('\n','\n\t\t')
- outstr += '\trule text:\n\t\t' + newtext + '\n'
- # also uncast still exists at this point? weird. should be 'unpassed' apparently. until then, did a manual replace.
- if self.__dict__[field_pt]:
- ptstring = utils.from_unary(self.__dict__[field_pt]).split('/')
- if (len(ptstring) > 1): #really don't want to be accessing anything nonexistent.
- outstr += '\tpower: ' + ptstring[0] + '\n'
- outstr += '\ttoughness: ' + ptstring[1] + '\n'
- #outstr += '\n'
- # now append all the other useless fields that the setfile expects.
- outstr += '\thas styling: false\n\tnotes:\n\ttime created:2015-07-20 22:53:07\n\ttime modified:2015-07-20 22:53:08\n\textra data:\n\timage:\n\tcard code text:\n\tcopyright:\n\timage 2:\n\tcopyright 2: '
- #print outstr
- if self.bside and not for_mse:
+ if self.bside:
outstr += utils.dash_marker * 8 + '\n'
outstr += self.bside.format(gatherer = gatherer, for_forum = for_forum)
return outstr
+ def to_mse(self):
+ outstr = ''
+ # need a 'card' string first
+ outstr += 'card:\n'
+ cardname = titlecase(self.__dict__[field_name])
+ outstr += '\tname: ' + cardname + '\n'
+ if self.__dict__[field_rarity]:
+ if self.__dict__[field_rarity] in utils.json_rarity_unmap:
+ rarity = utils.json_rarity_unmap[self.__dict__[field_rarity]]
+ else:
+ rarity = self.__dict__[field_rarity]
+ outstr += '\trarity: ' + rarity.lower() + '\n'
+ #if not self.parsed:
+ # outstr += ' _UNPARSED_'
+ #if not self.valid:
+ # outstr += ' _INVALID_'
+ if not self.__dict__[field_cost].none:
+ outstr += '\tcasting cost: ' + self.__dict__[field_cost].format().replace('{','').replace('}','')
+ outstr += '\n'
+ outstr += '\tsuper type: ' + ' '.join(self.__dict__[field_supertypes]
+ + self.__dict__[field_types]).title() + '\n'
+ if self.__dict__[field_subtypes]:
+ outstr += '\tsub type: ' + ' '.join(self.__dict__[field_subtypes]).title() + '\n'
+ if self.__dict__[field_text].text:
+ mtext = self.__dict__[field_text].text
+ mtext = transforms.text_unpass_1_choice(mtext, delimit = False)
+ mtext = transforms.text_unpass_2_counters(mtext)
+ mtext = transforms.text_unpass_3_unary(mtext)
+ mtext = transforms.text_unpass_4_symbols(mtext, False)
+ mtext = sentencecase(mtext)
+ # I don't really want these MSE specific passes in transforms,
+ # but they could be pulled out separately somewhere else in here.
+ mtext = mtext.replace(utils.this_marker, ''
+ + utils.this_marker + '')
+ mtext = transforms.text_unpass_5_cardname(mtext, cardname)
+ mtext = transforms.text_unpass_6_newlines(mtext)
+ newtext = Manatext('')
+ newtext.text = mtext
+ newtext.costs = self.__dict__[field_text].costs
+ newtext = newtext.format()
+ #NOT NEEDED newtext = newtext.replace(utils.this_marker, cardname) # first let's put the cardname where all the @s are.
+ # newtext = newtext.replace(utils.counter_rename + ".", "countered.") # then replace any 'uncast' at the end of a sentence with 'countered'.
+ # newtext = newtext.replace(utils.dash_marker, u'\u2014') # also replace the ~ with a u2014 for choices.
+ # newtext = newtext.replace(utils.counter_rename, "counter") # then replace all the mid-sentence 'uncast' with 'counter'.
+ # newtext = newtext.replace('{','').replace('}','') # now we encase mana/tap symbols with the correct tags for mse.
+ # linecount = newtext.count('\n') + 1 # adding 1 because no newlines means 1 line, 1 newline means 2 lines etc.
+ # newtext = sentencecase(newtext) # make all the things uppercase!
+ # # done after uppercasing everything because string[i] == u2022 doesn't work apparently.
+ # newtext = newtext.replace(utils.bullet_marker, u'\u2022') # replace the = with a u2022.
+ # used later
+ linecount = newtext.count('\n') + 1 # adding 1 because no newlines means 1 line, 1 newline means 2 lines etc.
+ # actually really important
+ newtext = newtext.replace('{','').replace('}','') # now we encase mana/tap symbols with the correct tags for mse.
+ newlineIndices = [0] # also need to keep track of pure newlines (for planeswalkers).
+ for i in range (len(newtext)):
+ if newtext[i] == '\n':
+ newlineIndices.append(i + 1)
+ # need to do Special Things if it's a planeswalker.
+ if "planeswalker" in str(self.__dict__[field_types]): # for some reason this is in types, not supertypes...
+ outstr += '\tstylesheet: m15-planeswalker\n' # set the proper card style for a 3-line walker.
+ # set up the loyalty cost fields using regex to find how many there are.
+ i = 0
+ lcost_regex = r'[-+]?\d+: ' # 1+ figures, might be 0.
+ for costs in re.findall(lcost_regex, newtext):
+ i += 1
+ outstr += '\tloyalty cost ' + str(i) + ': ' + costs + '\n'
+ # sub out the loyalty costs.
+ newtext = re.sub(lcost_regex, '', newtext)
+ #newtext = sentencecase(newtext) # we need to uppercase again; previous uppercase call didn't work due to loyalty costs being there.
+ if self.__dict__[field_loyalty]:
+ outstr += '\tloyalty: ' + utils.from_unary(self.__dict__[field_loyalty]) + '\n'
+ newtext = newtext.replace('\n','\n\t\t')
+ outstr += '\trule text:\n\t\t' + newtext + '\n'
+ if self.__dict__[field_pt]:
+ ptstring = utils.from_unary(self.__dict__[field_pt]).split('/')
+ if (len(ptstring) > 1): #really don't want to be accessing anything nonexistent.
+ outstr += '\tpower: ' + ptstring[0] + '\n'
+ outstr += '\ttoughness: ' + ptstring[1] + '\n'
+ #outstr += '\n'
+ # now append all the other useless fields that the setfile expects.
+ outstr += '\thas styling: false\n\tnotes:\n\ttime created:2015-07-20 22:53:07\n\ttime modified:2015-07-20 22:53:08\n\textra data:\n\timage:\n\tcard code text:\n\tcopyright:\n\timage 2:\n\tcopyright 2: '
+ return outstr
def vectorize(self):
ld = '('
rd = ')'
diff --git a/lib/titlecase.py b/lib/titlecase.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7751797..0000000
--- a/lib/titlecase.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-titlecase.py v0.2
-Original Perl version by: John Gruber http://daringfireball.net/ 10 May 2008
-Python version by Stuart Colville http://muffinresearch.co.uk
-License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-import unittest
-import sys
-import re
-SMALL = 'a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|of|on|or|the|to|v\.?|via|vs\.?'
-PUNCT = "[!\"#$%&'‘()*+,-./:;?@[\\\\\\]_`{|}~]"
-SMALL_WORDS = re.compile(r'^(%s)$' % SMALL, re.I)
-INLINE_PERIOD = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z][.][a-zA-Z]')
-UC_ELSEWHERE = re.compile(r'%s*?[a-zA-Z]+[A-Z]+?' % PUNCT)
-CAPFIRST = re.compile(r"^%s*?([A-Za-z])" % PUNCT)
-SMALL_FIRST = re.compile(r'^(%s*)(%s)\b' % (PUNCT, SMALL), re.I)
-SMALL_LAST = re.compile(r'\b(%s)%s?$' % (SMALL, PUNCT), re.I)
-SUBPHRASE = re.compile(r'([:.;?!][ ])(%s)' % SMALL)
-def titlecase(text):
- """
- Titlecases input text
- This filter changes all words to Title Caps, and attempts to be clever
- about *un*capitalizing SMALL words like a/an/the in the input.
- The list of "SMALL words" which are not capped comes from
- the New York Times Manual of Style, plus 'vs' and 'v'.
- """
- words = re.split('\s', text)
- line = []
- for word in words:
- if INLINE_PERIOD.search(word) or UC_ELSEWHERE.match(word):
- line.append(word)
- continue
- if SMALL_WORDS.match(word):
- line.append(word.lower())
- continue
- line.append(CAPFIRST.sub(lambda m: m.group(0).upper(), word))
- line = " ".join(line)
- line = SMALL_FIRST.sub(lambda m: '%s%s' % (
- m.group(1),
- m.group(2).capitalize()
- ), line)
- line = SMALL_LAST.sub(lambda m: m.group(0).capitalize(), line)
- line = SUBPHRASE.sub(lambda m: '%s%s' % (
- m.group(1),
- m.group(2).capitalize()
- ), line)
- return line
-class TitlecaseTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests to ensure titlecase follows all of the rules"""
- def test_q_and_a(self):
- """Testing: Q&A With Steve Jobs: 'That's What Happens In Technology' """
- text = titlecase(
- "Q&A with steve jobs: 'that's what happens in technology'"
- )
- result = "Q&A With Steve Jobs: 'That's What Happens in Technology'"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_at_and_t(self):
- """Testing: What Is AT&T's Problem?"""
- text = titlecase("What is AT&T's problem?")
- result = "What Is AT&T's Problem?"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_apple_deal(self):
- """Testing: Apple Deal With AT&T Falls Through"""
- text = titlecase("Apple deal with AT&T falls through")
- result = "Apple Deal With AT&T Falls Through"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_this_v_that(self):
- """Testing: this v that"""
- text = titlecase("this v that")
- result = "This v That"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_this_v_that2(self):
- """Testing: this v. that"""
- text = titlecase("this v. that")
- result = "This v. That"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_this_vs_that(self):
- """Testing: this vs that"""
- text = titlecase("this vs that")
- result = "This vs That"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_this_vs_that2(self):
- """Testing: this vs. that"""
- text = titlecase("this vs. that")
- result = "This vs. That"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_apple_sec(self):
- """Testing: The SEC's Apple Probe: What You Need to Know"""
- text = titlecase("The SEC's Apple Probe: What You Need to Know")
- result = "The SEC's Apple Probe: What You Need to Know"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_small_word_quoted(self):
- """Testing: 'by the Way, Small word at the start but within quotes.'"""
- text = titlecase(
- "'by the Way, small word at the start but within quotes.'"
- )
- result = "'By the Way, Small Word at the Start but Within Quotes.'"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_small_word_end(self):
- """Testing: Small word at end is nothing to be afraid of"""
- text = titlecase("Small word at end is nothing to be afraid of")
- result = "Small Word at End Is Nothing to Be Afraid Of"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_sub_phrase_small_word(self):
- """Testing: Starting Sub-Phrase With a Small Word: a Trick, Perhaps?"""
- text = titlecase(
- "Starting Sub-Phrase With a Small Word: a Trick, Perhaps?"
- )
- result = "Starting Sub-Phrase With a Small Word: A Trick, Perhaps?"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_small_word_quotes(self):
- """Testing: Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: 'a Trick..."""
- text = titlecase(
- "Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: 'a Trick, Perhaps?'"
- )
- result = "Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: 'A Trick, Perhaps?'"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_small_word_double_quotes(self):
- """Testing: Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: \"a Trick..."""
- text = titlecase(
- 'Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: "a Trick, Perhaps?"'
- )
- result = 'Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: "A Trick, Perhaps?"'
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_nothing_to_be_afraid_of(self):
- """Testing: \"Nothing to Be Afraid of?\""""
- text = titlecase('"Nothing to Be Afraid of?"')
- result = '"Nothing to Be Afraid Of?"'
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_nothing_to_be_afraid_of2(self):
- """Testing: \"Nothing to Be Afraid Of?\""""
- text = titlecase('"Nothing to be Afraid Of?"')
- result = '"Nothing to Be Afraid Of?"'
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_a_thing(self):
- """Testing: a thing"""
- text = titlecase('a thing')
- result = 'A Thing'
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_vapourware(self):
- """Testing: 2lmc Spool: 'Gruber on OmniFocus and Vapo(u)rware'"""
- text = titlecase(
- "2lmc Spool: 'gruber on OmniFocus and vapo(u)rware'"
- )
- result = "2lmc Spool: 'Gruber on OmniFocus and Vapo(u)rware'"
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_domains(self):
- """Testing: this is just an example.com"""
- text = titlecase('this is just an example.com')
- result = 'This Is Just an example.com'
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_domains2(self):
- """Testing: this is something listed on an del.icio.us"""
- text = titlecase('this is something listed on del.icio.us')
- result = 'This Is Something Listed on del.icio.us'
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_itunes(self):
- """Testing: iTunes should be unmolested"""
- text = titlecase('iTunes should be unmolested')
- result = 'iTunes Should Be Unmolested'
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_thoughts_on_music(self):
- """Testing: Reading Between the Lines of Steve Jobs’s..."""
- text = titlecase(
- 'Reading between the lines of steve jobs’s ‘thoughts on music’'
- )
- result = 'Reading Between the Lines of Steve Jobs’s ‘Thoughts on '\
- 'Music’'
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_repair_perms(self):
- """Testing: Seriously, ‘Repair Permissions’ Is Voodoo"""
- text = titlecase('seriously, ‘repair permissions’ is voodoo')
- result = 'Seriously, ‘Repair Permissions’ Is Voodoo'
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
- def test_generalissimo(self):
- """Testing: Generalissimo Francisco Franco..."""
- text = titlecase(
- 'generalissimo francisco franco: still dead; kieren McCarthy: '\
- 'still a jackass'
- )
- result = 'Generalissimo Francisco Franco: Still Dead; Kieren '\
- 'McCarthy: Still a Jackass'
- self.assertEqual(text, result, "%s should be: %s" % (text, result, ))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if not sys.stdin.isatty():
- for line in sys.stdin:
- print titlecase(line)
- else:
- suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TitlecaseTests)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)