import re # Utilities for handling unicode, unary numbers, mana costs, and special symbols. # For convenience we redefine everything from utils so that it can all be accessed # from the utils module. # separators cardsep = '\n\n' fieldsep = '|' bsidesep = '\n' newline = '\\' # special indicators dash_marker = '~' bullet_marker = '=' this_marker = '@' counter_marker = '%' reserved_marker = '\v' reserved_mana_marker = '$' x_marker = 'X' tap_marker = 'T' untap_marker = 'Q' # unambiguous synonyms counter_rename = 'uncast' # unary numbers unary_marker = '&' unary_counter = '^' unary_max = 20 unary_exceptions = { 25 : 'twenty' + dash_marker + 'five', 30 : 'thirty', 40 : 'forty', 50 : 'fifly', 100: 'one hundred', 200: 'two hundred', } # field labels, to allow potential reordering of card format field_label_name = '1' field_label_rarity = '2' field_label_cost = '3' field_label_supertypes = '4' field_label_types = '5' field_label_subtypes = '6' field_label_loyalty = '7' field_label_pt = '8' field_label_text = '9' # one left, could use for managing bsides # additional fields we add to the json cards json_field_bside = 'bside' json_field_set_name = 'setName'