import re import codecs import sys # grab the characters we need out of encode # really we should probably make a settings file with that stuff in it import encode # global helpers def prettymana(s, for_forum): # this agorithm is pretty generic, intended fro use on Manacost.symbols keys if len(s) == 1: if for_forum: return '[mana]' + s + '[/mana]' else: return '{' + s + '}' elif len(s) == 2: if for_forum: return '[mana]{' + s[0] + '/' + s[1] + '}[/mana]' else: return '{' + s[0] + '/' + s[1] + '}' # format a list of rows of data into nice columns def padrows(l): # get length for each field lens = [] for ll in l: for i, field in enumerate(ll): if i < len(lens): lens[i] = max(len(str(field)), lens[i]) else: lens += [len(str(field))] # now pad out to that length padded = [] for ll in l: padded += [''] for i, field in enumerate(ll): s = str(field) pad = ' ' * (lens[i] - len(s)) padded[-1] += (s + pad + ' ') return padded punctuation_chars = r'[+\-*",.:;WUBRGPV/XTQ|\\&^\{\}@ \n=~%\[\]]' creature_keywords = [ # evergreen 'deathtouch', 'defender', 'double strike', 'first strike', 'flash', 'flying', 'haste', 'hexproof', 'indestructible', 'lifelink', 'menace', 'prowess', 'reach', 'trample', 'vigilance', # no longer evergreen 'banding', 'fear', 'shroud', 'intimidate', # expert level keywords 'absorb', 'amplify', 'annihilator', 'battle cry', 'bolster', 'bloodthirst', 'bushido', 'changeling', 'convoke', 'devour', 'evolve', 'exalted', 'extort', 'fading', 'flanking', 'frenzy', 'graft', 'haunt', 'horsemanship', 'infect', 'modular', #'morph', #'ninjutsu', 'persist', 'poisonous', 'provoke', #'prowl', 'rampage', 'ripple', #'scavenge', 'shadow', 'soulbond', 'soulshift', 'split second', 'sunburst', 'undying', #'unearth', 'unleash', 'vanishing', 'wither', ] # there are other keywords out there, these are just easy to detect # data aggregating classes class Manacost: '''mana cost representation with data''' def get_colors(self): colors = '' for sym in self.symbols: if self.symbols[sym] > 0: symcolors = re.sub(r'2|P|S|X', '', sym) for symcolor in symcolors: if symcolor not in colors: colors += symcolor return colors def check_colors(self, symbolstring): for sym in symbolstring: if not sym in self.colors: return False return True def __init__(self, text): self.raw = text self.cmc = 0 self.colorless = 0 self.sequence = [] self.symbols = { 'W' : 0, # single color 'U' : 0, 'B' : 0, 'R' : 0, 'G' : 0, 'P' : 0, # colorless phyrexian 'S' : 0, # snow 'X' : 0, # number of x symbols 'WP' : 0, # single color phyrexian 'UP' : 0, 'BP' : 0, 'RP' : 0, 'GP' : 0, '2W' : 0, # single color hybrid '2U' : 0, '2B' : 0, '2R' : 0, '2G' : 0, 'WU' : 0, # dual color hybrid 'WB' : 0, 'RW' : 0, 'GW' : 0, 'UB' : 0, 'UR' : 0, 'GU' : 0, 'BR' : 0, 'BG' : 0, 'RG' : 0, } if text == '': self._parsed = True self._valid = True self.none = True self.inner = '' elif not (len(self.raw) >= 2 and self.raw[0] == '{' and self.raw[-1] == '}'): self._parsed = False self._valid = False self.none = False else: self._parsed = True self._valid = True self.none = False self.inner = self.raw[1:-1] trans_decode = { 'WW' : 'W', 'UU' : 'U', 'BB' : 'B', 'RR' : 'R', 'GG' : 'G', 'PP' : 'P', 'SS' : 'S', 'XX' : 'X', 'WP' : 'WP', 'UP' : 'UP', 'BP' : 'BP', 'RP' : 'RP', 'GP' : 'GP', 'VW' : '2W', 'VU' : '2U', 'VB' : '2B', 'VR' : '2R', 'VG' : '2G', 'WU' : 'WU', 'WB' : 'WB', 'RW' : 'RW', 'GW' : 'GW', 'UB' : 'UB', 'UR' : 'UR', 'GU' : 'GU', 'BR' : 'BR', 'BG' : 'BG', 'RG' : 'RG', } # read the symbols in a loop inner_current = self.inner while len(inner_current) > 0: # look for counters to get the colorless cost if inner_current[:1] == encode.unary_counter: self.colorless += 1 self.cmc += 1 inner_current = inner_current[1:] # or look for symbols to read elif inner_current[:2] in trans_decode: sym = trans_decode[inner_current[:2]] self.sequence += [sym] self.symbols[sym] += 1 if sym == 'X': self.cmc += 0 elif sym[:1] == '2': self.cmc += 2 else: self.cmc += 1 inner_current = inner_current[2:] # if we don't recognize the symbol, bail out else: self._valid = False break self.colors = self.get_colors() def __str__(self): if self.colorless == 0 and self.sequence == []: return '{0}' else: if self.colorless > 0: colorless_part = '{' + str(self.colorless) + '}' else: colorless_part = '' return colorless_part + ''.join(map(lambda s: prettymana(s, False), self.sequence)) def format(self, for_forum): if self.colorless == 0 and self.sequence == []: if for_forum: return '[mana]0[/mana]' else: return '{0}' else: if self.colorless > 0: if for_forum: colorless_part = '[mana]{' + str(self.colorless) + '}[/mana]' else: colorless_part = '{' + str(self.colorless) + '}' else: colorless_part = '' return colorless_part + ''.join(map(lambda s: prettymana(s, for_forum), self.sequence)) class Card: '''card representation with data''' def __init__(self, text): self.raw = text self._parsed = True self._valid = True if '\n' in self.raw: halves = self.raw.split('\n') if not len(halves) == 2: self._parsed = False self._valid = False self.fields = halves return else: self.raw = halves[0] self.bside = Card(halves[1]) if not self.bside._valid: self._valid = False else: self.bside = None fields = self.raw.split(encode.fieldsep) if not len(fields) >= 10: self._parsed = False self._valid = False self.fields = fields else: if not fields[1] == '': = fields[1] else: = '' self._valid = False if not fields[2] == '': self.supertypes = fields[2].split(' ') else: self.supertypes = [] if not fields[3] == '': self.types = fields[3].split(' ') else: self.types = [] self._valid = False if not fields[4] == '': self.loyalty = fields[4] try: self.loyalty_value = int(self.loyalty) except ValueError: self.loyalty_value = None # strictly speaking, '* where * is something' is valid... # self._valid = False else: self.loyalty = None self.loyalty_value = None if not fields[5] == '': self.subtypes = fields[5].split(' ') if 'creature' in self.types: self.creaturetypes = self.subtypes else: self.creaturetypes = [] else: self.subtypes = [] self.creaturetypes = [] if not fields[6] == '': = fields[6] p_t ='/') if len(p_t) == 2: self.power = p_t[0] try: self.power_value = int(self.power) except ValueError: self.power_value = None self.toughness = p_t[1] try: self.toughness_value = int(self.toughness) except ValueError: self.toughness_value = None else: self.power = None self.power_value = None self.toughess = None self.toughness_value = None self._valid = False else: = None self.power = None self.power_value = None self.toughness = None self.toughness_value = None # if there's no cost (lands) then cost.none will be True self.cost = Manacost(fields[7]) if not fields[8] == '': self.text = fields[8] self.text_lines = self.text.split(encode.newline) self.text_words = re.sub(punctuation_chars, ' ', self.text).split() self.creature_words = [] # SUPER HACK if 'creature' in self.types: for line in self.text_lines: orig_line = line guess = [] for keyword in creature_keywords: if keyword in line: guess += [keyword] line = line.replace(keyword, '') # yeah, I said it was a hack if re.sub(punctuation_chars, ' ', line).split() == [] or 'protect' in line or 'walk' in line or 'sliver creatures' in line or 'you control have' in line: for word in guess: if word not in self.creature_words: self.creature_words += [word] # elif len(guess) > 0 and len(line) < 30: # print orig_line else: self.text = None self.text_lines = [] self.text_words = [] self.creature_words = [] if len(fields) > 10: self.cost2 = Manacost(fields[9]) else: self.cost2 = None def __str__(self): return ''.join([ encode.fieldsep,, encode.fieldsep, (' ' + encode.dash_marker + ' ').join([' '.join(self.supertypes + self.types), ' '.join(self.subtypes)]), encode.fieldsep, str(self.cost.cmc) if self.cost.colors == '' else str(self.cost.cmc) + ', ' + self.cost.colors, encode.fieldsep, ]) def main(fname, oname = None, verbose = False): if verbose: print 'Opening encoded card file: ' + fname f = open(fname, 'r') text = f.close() # we get rid of the first and last because they are probably partial cardtexts = text.split('\n\n')[1:-1] cards = [] creatures = 0 cwords = 0 allwords = {} correct = 0 correct_len = 0 incorrect = 0 incorrect_len = 0 i = 0 for cardtext in cardtexts: i += 1 card = Card(cardtext) if not (card._parsed and card._valid): print card.raw continue cards += [card] if not str(card.cost) == str(card.cost2): if not card.cost2.check_colors(card.cost.colors): print card.raw + '\n' incorrect += 1 if card.text: incorrect_len += len(card.text) else: correct += 1 if card.text: correct_len += len(card.text) if 'creature' in card.types: creatures += 1 if card.creature_words: cwords += 1 for word in card.text_words: if word in allwords: allwords[word] += 1 else: allwords[word] = 1 print '\n====================\n' for card in cards: if (not str(card.cost) == str(card.cost2)) and card.cost2.check_colors(card.cost.colors): print card.raw + '\n' print '\n====================\n' for card in cards: if str(card.cost) == str(card.cost2): print card.raw + '\n' print '\n====================\n' print str(creatures) + ' creatures, ' + str(cwords) + ' with keywords' print str(len(allwords)) + ' unique words in card text' print str(incorrect) + ' cost mismatches, ' + str(correct) + ' cost matches.' print str(incorrect_len / incorrect) + ' average length of cost mismatches.' print str(correct_len / correct) + ' average length of cost matches.' if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) == 2: main(sys.argv[1]) elif len(sys.argv) == 3: main(sys.argv[1], oname = sys.argv[2]) else: print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' ' + ' [output filename]' exit(1)