2015-07-29 01:21:34 -07:00

181 lines
5.8 KiB

# Infinite thanks to Talcos from the mtgsalvation forums, who among
# many, many other things wrote the original version of this code.
# I have merely ported it to fit my needs.
import re
import sys
import subprocess
import os
import struct
import math
import utils
import cardlib
import transforms
# # this would be nice, but doing it naively makes things worse
# from joblib import Parallel, delayed
# import multiprocessing
libdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
datadir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(libdir, '../data'))
# # multithreading control parameters
# cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# segments = cores / 2 if cores / 2 > 0 else 1
# max length of vocabulary entries
max_w = 50
#### snip! ####
def read_vector_file(fname):
with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
words = int(
size = int(
vocab = [' '] * (words * max_w)
M = []
for b in range(0,words):
a = 0
while True:
c =
vocab[b * max_w + a] = c;
if len(c) == 0 or c == ' ':
if (a < max_w) and vocab[b * max_w + a] != '\n':
a += 1
tmp = list(struct.unpack('f'*size, * size)))
length = math.sqrt(sum([tmp[i] * tmp[i] for i in range(0,len(tmp))]))
for i in range(0,len(tmp)):
tmp[i] /= length
return ((''.join(vocab)).split(),M)
def makevector(vocabulary,vecs,sequence):
words = sequence.split()
indices = []
for word in words:
if word not in vocabulary:
#print("Missing word in vocabulary: " + word)
#return [0.0]*len(vecs[0])
#res = map(sum,[vecs[i] for i in indices])
res = None
for v in [vecs[i] for i in indices]:
if res == None:
res = v
res = [x + y for x, y in zip(res,v)]
length = math.sqrt(sum([res[i] * res[i] for i in range(0,len(res))]))
for i in range(0,len(res)):
res[i] /= length
return res
#### !snip ####
import numpy
def cosine_similarity(v1,v2):
A = numpy.array([v1,v2])
# from
# base similarity matrix (all dot products)
# replace this with for sparse representation
similarity =, A.T)
# squared magnitude of preference vectors (number of occurrences)
square_mag = numpy.diag(similarity)
# inverse squared magnitude
inv_square_mag = 1 / square_mag
# if it doesn't occur, set it's inverse magnitude to zero (instead of inf)
inv_square_mag[numpy.isinf(inv_square_mag)] = 0
# inverse of the magnitude
inv_mag = numpy.sqrt(inv_square_mag)
# cosine similarity (elementwise multiply by inverse magnitudes)
cosine = similarity * inv_mag
cosine = cosine.T * inv_mag
return cosine[0][1]
except ImportError:
def cosine_similarity(v1,v2):
#compute cosine similarity of v1 to v2: (v1 dot v1)/{||v1||*||v2||)
sumxx, sumxy, sumyy = 0, 0, 0
for i in range(len(v1)):
x = v1[i]; y = v2[i]
sumxx += x*x
sumyy += y*y
sumxy += x*y
return sumxy/math.sqrt(sumxx*sumyy)
def cosine_similarity_name(cardvec, v, name):
return (cosine_similarity(cardvec, v), name)
class CBOW:
def __init__(self, verbose = True,
vector_fname = os.path.join(datadir, 'cbow.bin'),
card_fname = os.path.join(datadir, 'output.txt')):
self.verbose = verbose
self.cardvecs = []
if self.verbose:
print 'Building a cbow model...'
if self.verbose:
print ' Reading binary vector data from: ' + vector_fname
(vocab, vecs) = read_vector_file(vector_fname)
self.vocab = vocab
self.vecs = vecs
if self.verbose:
print ' Reading encoded cards from: ' + card_fname
print ' They\'d better be in the same order as the file used to build the vector model!'
with open(card_fname, 'rt') as f:
text =
for card_src in text.split(utils.cardsep):
if card_src:
card = cardlib.Card(card_src)
name =
self.cardvecs += [(name, makevector(self.vocab,
# self.par = Parallel(n_jobs=segments)
if self.verbose:
print '... Done.'
print ' vocab size: ' + str(len(self.vocab))
print ' raw vecs: ' + str(len(self.vecs))
print ' card vecs: ' + str(len(self.cardvecs))
def nearest(self, card, n=5):
if isinstance(card, cardlib.Card):
words = card.vectorize().split('\n\n')[0]
# assume it's a string (that's already a vector)
words = card
if not words:
return []
cardvec = makevector(self.vocab, self.vecs, words)
comparisons = [cosine_similarity_name(cardvec, v, name) for (name, v) in self.cardvecs]
# comparisons = self.par(delayed(cosine_similarity_name)(cardvec, v, name)
# for (name, v) in self.cardvecs)
comparisons.sort(reverse = True)
comp_n = comparisons[:n]
if isinstance(card, cardlib.Card) and card.bside:
comp_n += self.nearest(card.bside)
return comp_n