Added lib and script subdirs to organize things; the biggest change is that now
we have a really powerful Card class that can handle all of the decoding and
encoding for us. has been written to take advantage of this, other
things have not yet. Coming soon! As a side note the changes to output.txt
are purely cosemtic, though the order should be stable now.
2015-07-14 00:07:25 -07:00

395 lines
14 KiB

import re
import codecs
import sys
import random
import lib.utils as utils
from lib.card import Card
from lib.mana import Manacost
# Format a list of rows of data into nice columns.
# Note that it's the columns that are nice, not this code.
def padrows(l):
# get length for each field
lens = []
for ll in l:
for i, field in enumerate(ll):
if i < len(lens):
lens[i] = max(len(str(field)), lens[i])
lens += [len(str(field))]
# now pad out to that length
padded = []
for ll in l:
padded += ['']
for i, field in enumerate(ll):
s = str(field)
pad = ' ' * (lens[i] - len(s))
padded[-1] += (s + pad + ' ')
return padded
def printrows(l):
for row in l:
print row
# global card pools
unparsed_cards = []
invalid_cards = []
cards = []
allcards = []
# global indices
by_name = {}
by_type = {}
by_type_inclusive = {}
by_supertype = {}
by_supertype_inclusive = {}
by_subtype = {}
by_subtype_inclusive = {}
by_color = {}
by_color_inclusive = {}
by_color_count = {}
by_cmc = {}
by_cost = {}
by_power = {}
by_toughness = {}
by_pt = {}
by_loyalty = {}
by_textlines = {}
by_textlen = {}
indices = {
'by_name' : by_name,
'by_type' : by_type,
'by_type_inclusive' : by_type_inclusive,
'by_supertype' : by_supertype,
'by_supertype_inclusive' : by_supertype_inclusive,
'by_subtype' : by_subtype,
'by_subtype_inclusive' : by_subtype_inclusive,
'by_color' : by_color,
'by_color_inclusive' : by_color_inclusive,
'by_color_count' : by_color_count,
'by_cmc' : by_cmc,
'by_cost' : by_cost,
'by_power' : by_power,
'by_toughness' : by_toughness,
'by_pt' : by_pt,
'by_loyalty' : by_loyalty,
'by_textlines' : by_textlines,
'by_textlen' : by_textlen,
def index_size(d):
return sum(map(lambda k: len(d[k]), d))
def inc(d, k, obj):
if k or k == 0:
if k in d:
d[k] += obj
d[k] = obj
# build the global indices
def analyze(cardtexts):
global unparsed_cards, invalid_cards, cards, allcards
for cardtext in cardtexts:
# the empty card is not interesting
if not cardtext:
card = Card(cardtext)
if card._valid:
cards += [card]
allcards += [card]
elif card._parsed:
invalid_cards += [card]
allcards += [card]
unparsed_cards += [card]
if card._parsed:
inc(by_name,, [card])
inc(by_type, ' '.join(card.types), [card])
for t in card.types:
inc(by_type_inclusive, t, [card])
inc(by_supertype, ' '.join(card.supertypes), [card])
for t in card.supertypes:
inc(by_supertype_inclusive, t, [card])
inc(by_subtype, ' '.join(card.subtypes), [card])
for t in card.subtypes:
inc(by_subtype_inclusive, t, [card])
if card.cost.colors:
inc(by_color, card.cost.colors, [card])
for c in card.cost.colors:
inc(by_color_inclusive, c, [card])
inc(by_color_count, len(card.cost.colors), [card])
# colorless, still want to include in these tables
inc(by_color, 'A', [card])
inc(by_color_inclusive, 'A', [card])
inc(by_color_count, 0, [card])
inc(by_cmc, card.cost.cmc, [card])
inc(by_cost, card.cost.reencode() if card.cost.reencode() else 'none', [card])
inc(by_power, card.power, [card])
inc(by_toughness, card.toughness, [card])
inc(by_pt,, [card])
inc(by_loyalty, card.loyalty, [card])
inc(by_textlines, len(card.text_lines), [card])
inc(by_textlen, len(card.text), [card])
# summarize the indices
# Yes, this printing code is pretty terrible.
def summarize(hsize = 10, vsize = 10, cmcsize = 20):
print '===================='
print str(len(cards)) + ' valid cards, ' + str(len(invalid_cards)) + ' invalid cards.'
print str(len(allcards)) + ' cards parsed, ' + str(len(unparsed_cards)) + ' failed to parse'
print '--------------------'
print str(len(by_name)) + ' unique card names'
print '--------------------'
print (str(len(by_color_inclusive)) + ' represented colors (including colorless as \'A\'), '
+ str(len(by_color)) + ' combinations')
print 'Breakdown by color:'
rows = [by_color_inclusive.keys()]
rows += [[len(by_color_inclusive[k]) for k in rows[0]]]
print 'Breakdown by number of colors:'
rows = [by_color_count.keys()]
rows += [[len(by_color_count[k]) for k in rows[0]]]
print '--------------------'
print str(len(by_type_inclusive)) + ' unique card types, ' + str(len(by_type)) + ' combinations'
print 'Breakdown by type:'
d = sorted(by_type_inclusive,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(by_type_inclusive[x]), len(by_type_inclusive[y])),
reverse = True)
rows = [[k for k in d[:hsize]]]
rows += [[len(by_type_inclusive[k]) for k in rows[0]]]
print '--------------------'
print (str(len(by_subtype_inclusive)) + ' unique subtypes, '
+ str(len(by_subtype)) + ' combinations')
print '-- Popular subtypes: --'
d = sorted(by_subtype_inclusive,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(by_subtype_inclusive[x]), len(by_subtype_inclusive[y])),
reverse = True)
rows = []
for k in d[0:vsize]:
rows += [[k, len(by_subtype_inclusive[k])]]
print '-- Top combinations: --'
d = sorted(by_subtype,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(by_subtype[x]), len(by_subtype[y])),
reverse = True)
rows = []
for k in d[0:vsize]:
rows += [[k, len(by_subtype[k])]]
print '--------------------'
print (str(len(by_supertype_inclusive)) + ' unique supertypes, '
+ str(len(by_supertype)) + ' combinations')
print 'Breakdown by supertype:'
d = sorted(by_supertype_inclusive,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(by_supertype_inclusive[x]),len(by_supertype_inclusive[y])),
reverse = True)
rows = [[k for k in d[:hsize]]]
rows += [[len(by_supertype_inclusive[k]) for k in rows[0]]]
print '--------------------'
print str(len(by_cmc)) + ' different CMCs, ' + str(len(by_cost)) + ' unique mana costs'
print 'Breakdown by CMC:'
d = sorted(by_cmc, reverse = False)
rows = [[k for k in d[:cmcsize]]]
rows += [[len(by_cmc[k]) for k in rows[0]]]
print '-- Popular mana costs: --'
d = sorted(by_cost,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(by_cost[x]), len(by_cost[y])),
reverse = True)
rows = []
for k in d[0:vsize]:
rows += [[utils.from_mana(k), len(by_cost[k])]]
print '--------------------'
print str(len(by_pt)) + ' unique p/t combinations'
print ('Largest power: ' + str(max(map(len, by_power)) - 1) +
', largest toughness: ' + str(max(map(len, by_toughness)) - 1))
print '-- Popular p/t values: --'
d = sorted(by_pt,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(by_pt[x]), len(by_pt[y])),
reverse = True)
rows = []
for k in d[0:vsize]:
rows += [[utils.from_unary(k), len(by_pt[k])]]
print '--------------------'
print 'Loyalty values:'
d = sorted(by_loyalty,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(by_loyalty[x]), len(by_loyalty[y])),
reverse = True)
rows = []
for k in d[0:vsize]:
rows += [[utils.from_unary(k), len(by_loyalty[k])]]
print '--------------------'
print('Card text ranges from ' + str(min(by_textlen)) + ' to '
+ str(max(by_textlen)) + ' characters in length')
print('Card text ranges from ' + str(min(by_textlines)) + ' to '
+ str(max(by_textlines)) + ' lines')
print '-- Line counts by frequency: --'
d = sorted(by_textlines,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(by_textlines[x]), len(by_textlines[y])),
reverse = True)
rows = []
for k in d[0:vsize]:
rows += [[k, len(by_textlines[k])]]
print '===================='
# describe outliers in the indices
def outliers(hsize = 10, vsize = 10, dump_invalid = False):
print '********************'
print 'Overview of indices:'
rows = [['Index Name', 'Keys', 'Total Members']]
for index in indices:
rows += [[index, len(indices[index]), index_size(indices[index])]]
print '********************'
if len(by_name) > 0:
scardname = sorted(by_name,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(x), len(y)),
reverse = False)[0]
print 'Shortest Cardname: (' + str(len(scardname)) + ')'
print ' ' + scardname
lcardname = sorted(by_name,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(x), len(y)),
reverse = True)[0]
print 'Longest Cardname: (' + str(len(lcardname)) + ')'
print ' ' + lcardname
d = sorted(by_name,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(by_name[x]), len(by_name[y])),
reverse = True)
rows = []
for k in d[0:vsize]:
if len(by_name[k]) > 1:
rows += [[k, len(by_name[k])]]
if rows == []:
print('No duplicated cardnames')
print '-- Most duplicated names: --'
print 'No cards indexed by name?'
print '--------------------'
if len(by_type) > 0:
ltypes = sorted(by_type,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(x), len(y)),
reverse = True)[0]
print 'Longest card type: (' + str(len(ltypes)) + ')'
print ' ' + ltypes
print 'No cards indexed by type?'
if len(by_subtype) > 0:
lsubtypes = sorted(by_subtype,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(x), len(y)),
reverse = True)[0]
print 'Longest subtype: (' + str(len(lsubtypes)) + ')'
print ' ' + lsubtypes
print 'No cards indexed by subtype?'
if len(by_supertype) > 0:
lsupertypes = sorted(by_supertype,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(x), len(y)),
reverse = True)[0]
print 'Longest supertype: (' + str(len(lsupertypes)) + ')'
print ' ' + lsupertypes
print 'No cards indexed by supertype?'
print '--------------------'
if len(by_cost) > 0:
lcost = sorted(by_cost,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(x), len(y)),
reverse = True)[0]
print 'Longest mana cost: (' + str(len(lcost)) + ')'
print ' ' + utils.from_mana(lcost)
print '\n' + by_cost[lcost][0].reencode() + '\n'
print 'No cards indexed by cost?'
if len(by_cmc) > 0:
lcmc = sorted(by_cmc, reverse = True)[0]
print 'Largest cmc: (' + str(lcmc) + ')'
print ' ' + str(by_cmc[lcmc][0].cost)
print '\n' + by_cmc[lcmc][0].reencode()
print 'No cards indexed by cmc?'
print '--------------------'
if len(by_power) > 0:
lpower = sorted(by_power,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(x), len(y)),
reverse = True)[0]
print 'Largest creature power: ' + utils.from_unary(lpower)
print '\n' + by_power[lpower][0].reencode() + '\n'
print 'No cards indexed by power?'
if len(by_toughness) > 0:
ltoughness = sorted(by_toughness,
lambda x,y: cmp(len(x), len(y)),
reverse = True)[0]
print 'Largest creature toughness: ' + utils.from_unary(ltoughness)
print '\n' + by_toughness[ltoughness][0].reencode()
print 'No cards indexed by toughness?'
print '--------------------'
if len(by_textlines) > 0:
llines = sorted(by_textlines, reverse = True)[0]
print 'Most lines of text in a card: ' + str(llines)
print '\n' + by_textlines[llines][0].reencode() + '\n'
print 'No cards indexed by line count?'
if len(by_textlen) > 0:
ltext = sorted(by_textlen, reverse = True)[0]
print 'Most chars in a card text: ' + str(ltext)
print '\n' + by_textlen[ltext][0].reencode()
print 'No cards indexed by char count?'
print '--------------------'
print 'There were ' + str(len(invalid_cards)) + ' invalid cards.'
if dump_invalid:
for card in invalid_cards:
print '\n' + card.raw
elif len(invalid_cards) > 0:
print 'Not summarizing.'
print '--------------------'
print 'There were ' + str(len(unparsed_cards)) + ' unparsed cards.'
if dump_invalid:
for card in unparsed_cards:
print '\n' + card.raw
elif len(unparsed_cards) > 0:
print 'Not summarizing.'
print '===================='
def main(fname, oname = None, verbose = False):
if verbose:
print 'Opening encoded card file: ' + fname
with open(fname, 'rt') as f:
text =
cardtexts = text.split(utils.cardsep)
outliers(dump_invalid = False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
main(sys.argv[1], oname = sys.argv[2])
print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' ' + '<encoded file> [output filename]'