Added lib and script subdirs to organize things; the biggest change is that now
we have a really powerful Card class that can handle all of the decoding and
encoding for us. has been written to take advantage of this, other
things have not yet. Coming soon! As a side note the changes to output.txt
are purely cosemtic, though the order should be stable now.
2015-07-14 00:07:25 -07:00

402 lines
15 KiB

# card representation
import re
import utils
import transforms
from manalib import Manacost, Manatext
# These are used later to determine what the fields of the Card object are called.
# Define them here because they have nothing to do with the actual format.
field_name = 'name'
field_rarity = 'rarity'
field_cost = 'cost'
field_supertypes = 'supertypes'
field_types = 'types'
field_subtypes = 'subtypes'
field_loyalty = 'loyalty'
field_pt = 'pt'
field_text = 'text'
field_other = 'other' # it's kind of a pseudo-field
# Import the labels, because these do appear in the encoded text.
field_label_name = utils.field_label_name
field_label_rarity = utils.field_label_rarity
field_label_cost = utils.field_label_cost
field_label_supertypes = utils.field_label_supertypes
field_label_types = utils.field_label_types
field_label_subtypes = utils.field_label_subtypes
field_label_loyalty = utils.field_label_loyalty
field_label_pt = utils.field_label_pt
field_label_text = utils.field_label_text
fieldnames = [
fmt_ordered_default = [
fmt_labeled_default = {
field_name : field_label_name,
field_rarity : field_label_rarity,
field_cost : field_label_cost,
field_supertypes : field_label_supertypes,
field_types : field_label_types,
field_loyalty : field_label_loyalty,
field_pt : field_label_pt,
field_text : field_label_text,
# sanity test if a card's fields look plausible
def fields_check_valid(fields):
# all cards must have a name and a type
if not field_name in fields:
return False
if not field_types in fields:
return False
# creatures have p/t, other things don't
iscreature = False
for idx, value in fields[field_types]:
if 'creature' in value:
iscreature = True
if iscreature:
return field_pt in fields
return not field_pt in fields
# These functions take a bunch of source data in some format and turn
# it into nicely labeled fields that we know how to initialize a card from.
# Both return a dict that maps field names to lists of possible values,
# paired with the index that we read that particular field value from.
# So, {fieldname : [(idx, value), (idx, value)...].
# Usually we want these lists to be length 1, but you never know.
# Of course to make things nice and simple, that dict is the third element
# of a triple that reports parsing success and valid success as its
# first two elements.
# This whole things assumes the json format of
# Here's a brief list of relevant fields:
# name - string
# names - list (used for split, flip, and double-faced)
# manaCost - string
# cmc - number
# colors - list
# type - string (the whole big long damn thing)
# supertypes - list
# types - list
# subtypes - list
# text - string
# power - string
# toughness - string
# loyalty - number
# And some less useful ones, in case they're wanted for something:
# layout - string
# rarity - string
# flavor - string
# artis - string
# number - string
# multiverseid - number
# variations - list
# imageName - string
# watermark - string
# border - string
# timeshifted - boolean
# hand - number
# life - number
# reserved - boolean
# releaseDate - string
# starter - boolean
def fields_from_json(src_json):
parsed = True
valid = True
fields = {}
# we hardcode in what the things are called in the mtgjson format
if 'name' in src_json:
name_val = src_json['name'].lower()
name_orig = name_val
name_val = transforms.name_pass_1_sanitize(name_val)
name_val = utils.to_ascii(name_val)
fields[field_name] = [(-1, name_val)]
name_orig = ''
parsed = False
# return the actual Manacost object
if 'manaCost' in src_json:
cost = Manacost(src_json['manaCost'], fmt = 'json')
valid = valid and cost.valid
parsed = parsed and cost.parsed
fields[field_cost] = [(-1, cost)]
if 'supertypes' in src_json:
fields[field_supertypes] = [(-1, map(lambda s: utils.to_ascii(s.lower()),
if 'types' in src_json:
fields[field_types] = [(-1, map(lambda s: utils.to_ascii(s.lower()),
parsed = False
if 'subtypes' in src_json:
fields[field_subtypes] = [(-1, map(lambda s: utils.to_ascii(s.lower()),
if 'loyalty' in src_json:
fields[field_loyalty] = [(-1, utils.to_unary(str(src_json['loyalty'])))]
p_t = ''
if 'power' in src_json:
p_t = utils.to_ascii(utils.to_unary(src_json['power'])) + '/' # hardcoded
valid = False
if 'toughness' in src_json:
p_t = p_t + utils.to_ascii(utils.to_unary(src_json['toughness']))
valid = True
elif 'toughness' in src_json:
p_t = '/' + utils.to_ascii(utils.to_unary(src_json['toughness'])) # hardcoded
valid = False
if p_t:
fields[field_pt] = [(-1, p_t)]
# similarly, return the actual Manatext object
if 'text' in src_json:
text_val = src_json['text'].lower()
text_val = transforms.text_pass_1_strip_rt(text_val)
text_val = transforms.text_pass_2_cardname(text_val, name_orig)
text_val = transforms.text_pass_3_unary(text_val)
text_val = transforms.text_pass_4a_dashes(text_val)
text_val = transforms.text_pass_4b_x(text_val)
text_val = transforms.text_pass_5_counters(text_val)
text_val = transforms.text_pass_6_uncast(text_val)
text_val = transforms.text_pass_7_choice(text_val)
text_val = transforms.text_pass_8_equip(text_val)
text_val = transforms.text_pass_9_newlines(text_val)
text_val = transforms.text_pass_10_symbols(text_val)
text_val = utils.to_ascii(text_val)
text_val = text_val.strip()
mtext = Manatext(text_val, fmt = 'json')
valid = valid and mtext.valid
fields[field_text] = [(-1, mtext)]
# we don't need to worry about bsides because we handle that in the constructor
return parsed, valid and fields_check_valid(fields), fields
def fields_from_format(src_text, fmt_ordered, fmt_labeled, fieldsep):
# Here's the actual Card class that other files should use.
class Card:
'''card representation with data'''
def __init__(self, src, fmt_ordered = fmt_ordered_default,
fmt_labeled = None,
fieldsep = utils.fieldsep):
# source fields, exactly one will be set
self.json = None
self.raw = None
# flags
self.parsed = True
self.valid = True # only records broken pt right now (broken as in, no /)
# default values for all fields
self.__dict__[field_name] = ''
self.__dict__[field_rarity] = ''
self.__dict__[field_cost] = Manacost('')
self.__dict__[field_supertypes] = []
self.__dict__[field_types] = []
self.__dict__[field_subtypes] = []
self.__dict__[field_loyalty] = ''
self.__dict__[field_loyalty + '_value'] = None
self.__dict__[field_pt] = ''
self.__dict__[field_pt + '_p'] = None
self.__dict__[field_pt + '_p_value'] = None
self.__dict__[field_pt + '_t'] = None
self.__dict__[field_pt + '_t_value'] = None
self.__dict__[field_text] = Manatext('')
self.__dict__[field_text + '_lines'] = []
self.__dict__[field_text + '_words'] = []
self.__dict__[field_other] = []
self.bside = None
# format-independent view of processed input
self.fields = None # will be reset later
# looks like a json object
if isinstance(src, dict):
if utils.json_field_bside in src:
self.bside = Card(src[utils.json_field_bside],
fmt_ordered = fmt_ordered,
fmt_labeled = fmt_labeled,
fieldsep = fieldsep)
p_success, v_success, parsed_fields = fields_from_json(src)
self.parsed = p_success
self.valid = v_success
self.fields = parsed_fields
# otherwise assume text encoding
sides = src.split(utils.bsidesep)
if len(sides) > 1:
self.bside = Card(utils.bsidesep.join(sides[1:]),
fmt_ordered = fmt_ordered,
fmt_labeled = fmt_labeled,
fieldsep = fieldsep)
p_success, v_success, parsed_fields = fields_from_format(sides[0], fmt_ordered,
fmt_labeled, fieldsep)
self.parsed = p_success
self.valid = v_success
self.fields = parsed_fields
# amusingly enough, both encodings allow infinitely deep nesting of bsides...
# python name hackery
if self.fields:
for field in self.fields:
# look for a specialized set function
if '_set_' + field in self.__dict__:
self.__dict__['_set_' + field](self.fields[field])
# otherwise use the default one
elif field in self.__dict__:
self.set_field_default(field, self.fields[field])
# If we don't recognize the field, fail. This is a totally artificial
# limitation; if we just used the default handler for the else case,
# we could set arbitrarily named fields.
raise ValueError('python name mangling failure: unknown field for Card(): '
+ field)
# valid but not parsed indicates that the card was apparently empty
self.parsed = False
# These setters are invoked via name mangling, so they have to match
# the field names specified above to be used. Otherwise we just
# always fall back to the (uninteresting) default handler.
# Also note that all fields come wrapped in pairs, with the first member
# specifying the index the field was found at when parsing the card. These will
# all be -1 if the card was parsed from (unordered) json.
def set_field_default(self, field, values):
for idx, value in values:
self.__dict__[field] = value
break # only use the first one...
def _set_loyalty(self, values):
for idx, value in values:
self.__dict__[field_loyalty] = value
self.__dict__[field_loyalty + '_value'] = int(value)
except ValueError:
self.__dict__[field_loyalty + '_value'] = None
# Technically '*' could still be valid, but it's unlikely...
break # only use the first one...
def _set_pt(self, values):
for idx, value in values:
self.__dict__[field_pt] = value
p_t = value.split('/') # hardcoded
if len(p_t) == 2:
self.__dict__[field_pt + '_p'] = p_t[0]
self.__dict__[field_pt + '_p_value'] = int(p_t[0])
except ValueError:
self.__dict__[field_pt + '_p_value'] = None
self.__dict__[field_pt + '_t'] = p_t[1]
self.__dict__[field_pt + '_t_value'] = int(p_t[1])
except ValueError:
self.__dict__[field_pt + '_t_value'] = None
self.valid = False
break # only use the first one...
def _set_text(self, values):
mtext = ''
for idx, value in values:
mtext = value
self.__dict__[field_text] = mtext
fulltext = mtext.encode()
if fulltext:
self.__dict__[field_text + '_lines'] = map(Manatext, fulltext.split(utils.newline))
self.__dict__[field_text + '_words'] = re.sub(utils.unletters_regex,
' ',
def _set_other(self, values):
# just record these, we could do somthing unset valid if we really wanted
for idx, value in values:
self.__dict__[field_other] += [(idx, value)]
# Output functions that produce various formats. encode() is specific to
# the NN representation, use str() or format() for output intended for human
# readers.
def encode(self, fmt_ordered = fmt_ordered_default,
fmt_labeled = None, fieldsep = utils.fieldsep,
randomize_fields = False, randomize_mana = False,
initial_sep = True, final_sep = True):
outfields = []
for field in fmt_ordered:
if field in self.__dict__:
if self.__dict__[field]:
outfield = self.__dict__[field]
# specialized field handling for the ones that aren't strings (sigh)
if isinstance(outfield, list):
outfield_str = ' '.join(outfield)
elif isinstance(outfield, Manacost):
outfield_str = outfield.encode(randomize = randomize_mana)
elif isinstance(outfield, Manatext):
outfield_str = outfield.encode(randomize = randomize_mana)
outfield_str = outfield
if fmt_labeled and field in fmt_labeled:
outfield_str = fmt_labeled[field] + outfield_str
outfield_str = ''
outfields += [outfield_str]
raise ValueError('unknown field for Card.encode(): ' + str(field))
if randomize_fields:
if initial_sep:
outfields = [''] + outfields
if final_sep:
outfields = outfields + ['']
outstr = fieldsep.join(outfields)
if self.bside:
outstr = (outstr + utils.bsidesep
+ self.bside.encode(fmt_ordered = fmt_ordered,
fmt_labeled = fmt_labeled,
fieldsep = fieldsep,
randomize_fields = randomize_fields,
randomize_mana = randomize_mana,
initial_sep = initial_sep, final_sep = final_sep))
return outstr