var random = { twister: null, init: function (seed) { if (seed == null || seed === undefined) { seed = new Date().getTime(); } this.twister = new MersenneTwister(); this.twister.seed(seed); }, number: function (limit) { // Returns an integer in [0, limit). Uniform distribution. if (limit == 0) { return limit; } if (limit == null || limit === undefined) { limit = 0xffffffff; } let x = (0x100000000 / limit) >>> 0, y = (x * limit) >>> 0, r; do { r = this.twister.int32(); } while(y && r >= y); return (r / x) >>> 0; }, float: function () { // Returns a float in [0, 1). Uniform distribution. return this.twister.real2(); }, range: function (start, limit) { // Returns an integer in [start, limit]. Uniform distribution. if (isNaN(start) || isNaN(limit)) { Utils.traceback(); throw new TypeError("random.range() received a non number type: '" + start + "', '" + limit + "')"); } return this.number(limit - start + 1) + start; }, ludOneTo: function(limit) { // Returns a float in [1, limit]. The logarithm has uniform distribution. return Math.exp(this.float() * Math.log(limit)); }, item: function (list) { if (!(list instanceof Array || (typeof list != "string" && "length" in list))) { Utils.traceback(); throw new TypeError("this.item() received a non array type: '" + list + "'"); } return list[this.number(list.length)]; }, key: function (obj) { let list = []; for (let i in obj) { list.push(i); } return this.item(list); }, bool: function () { return this.item([true, false]); }, pick: function (obj) { if (typeof obj == "function") { return obj(); } if (obj instanceof Array) { return this.pick(this.item(obj)); } return obj; }, chance: function (limit) { if (limit == null || limit === undefined) { limit = 2; } if (isNaN(limit)) { Utils.traceback(); throw new TypeError("random.chance() received a non number type: '" + limit + "'"); } return this.number(limit) == 1; }, choose: function (list, flat) { if (!(list instanceof Array)) { Utils.traceback(); throw new TypeError("random.choose() received a non-array type: '" + list + "'"); } let total = 0; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { total += list[i][0]; } let n = this.number(total); for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (n < list[i][0]) { if (flat == true) { return list[i][1]; } else { return this.pick([list[i][1]]); } } n = n - list[i][0]; } if (flat == true) { return list[0][1]; } return this.pick([list[0][1]]); }, weighted: function (wa) { // More memory-hungry but hopefully faster than random.choose$flat let a = []; for (let i = 0; i < wa.length; ++i) { for (let j = 0; j < wa[i].w; ++j) { a.push(wa[i].v); } } return a; }, use: function (obj) { return this.bool() ? obj : ""; }, shuffle: function (arr) { let len = arr.length; let i = len; while (i--) { let p = this.number(i + 1); let t = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[p]; arr[p] = t; } }, shuffled: function (arr) { let newArray = arr.slice(); this.shuffle(newArray); return newArray; }, subset: function (list, limit) { if (!(list instanceof Array)) { Utils.traceback(); throw new TypeError("random.some() received a non-array type: '" + list + "'"); } if (typeof limit == 'number') { limit = this.range(0, list.length); } let result = []; for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) { result.push(this.pick(list)); } return result; }, pop: function (arr) { // Removes and returns a random item from an array let i, obj; obj = this.item(arr); arr.splice(arr.indexOf(obj), 1); return obj; } };