make.text = { lineEnd: function () { return random.pick([ "\n", "\r", "\r\n", "\n\r" ]); }, controlChar: function () { return random.pick([ "\b", "\t", "\n", "\v", "\f", "\r", "\0", "\c", "\a", "\e" ]); }, token: function () { return random.pick([ '*', '+', '%', '-', '!', '^', ':', '|', '&', '<', '>', '.', '"', '#', ' ', ';', ',', '{', '}', '(', ')', '[', ']', '/', '\\', '/*', '*/' ]); }, charset: function () { return random.pick([ "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1" ]); }, language: function () { // return random.pick([ "en-US", "en", "de" ]); }, layoutCharCodes: function() { return random.pick([ 0, // null 160, // non-breaking space 0x005C, // backslash, but in some countries, represents local currency symbol (e.g. yen) 0x00AD, // soft hyphen 0x0BCC, // a Tamil character that is displayed as three glyphs // 0x200B, // zero-width space 0x200C, // zero-width non-joiner 0x200D, // zero-width joiner 0x200E, // left-to-right mark 0x200F, // right-to-left mark 0x2011, // non-breaking hyphen 0x2027, // hyphenation point 0x2028, // line separator 0x2029, // paragraph separator 0x202A, // left-to-right embedding 0x202B, // right-to-left embedding 0x202C, // pop directional formatting 0x202D, // left-to-right override 0x202E, // right-to-left override 0x202F, // narrow no-break space 0x2060, // word joiner 0x2061, // function application (one of several invisible mathematical operators) // 0x3000, // ideographic space (CJK) // 0x0301, // combining acute accent (if it appears after "a", it turns into "a" with an accent) // Arabic has the interesting property that most letters connect to the next letter. // Some code calls this "shaping". 0x0643, // arabic letter kaf 0x0645, // arabic letter meem 0x06CD, // arabic letter yeh with tail 0xFDDE, // invalid unicode? but somehow associated with arabic. // // Characters with especially high expansion factors when they go through various unicode "normalizations" 0x1F82, 0xFDFA, 0xFB2C, 0x0390, // 0x1D160, // hmm, need surrogates // Characters with especially high expansion factors when lowercased or uppercased 0x023A, 0x0041, 0xDC1D, // a low surrogate 0xDB00, // a high surrogate // UFFF0.pdf 0xFFF9, // interlinear annotation anchor 0xFFFA, // interlinear annotation seperator 0xFFFB, // interlinear annotation terminator 0xFFFC, // object replacement character 0xFFFD, // replacement character 0xFEFF, // zero width no-break space 0xFFFF, // not a character 0x00A0, // no-break space 0x2426, 0x003F, 0x00BF, 0xDC80, 0xDCFF, // 0x205F, // mathematical space 0x2061, // mathematical function application 0x2064, // mathematical invisible separator 0x2044 // fraction slash character ]); }, // unicodeCombiningCharacters: function() { return random.item([ [0x0300, 0x036F], // Combining Diacritical Marks [0x0483, 0x0489], [0x07EB, 0x07F3], [0x135D, 0x135F], [0x1A7F, 0x1A7F], [0x1B6B, 0x1B73], [0x1DC0, 0x1DFF], // Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement [0x20D0, 0x2DFF], [0x3099, 0x309A], [0xA66F, 0xA6F1], [0xA8E0, 0xA8F1], [0xFE20, 0xFE26], // Combining Half Marks [0x101FD, 0x101FD], [0x1D165, 0x1D169], [0x1D16D, 0x1D172], [0x1D17B, 0x1D18B], [0x1D1AA, 0x1D1AD], [0x1D242, 0x1D244] ]), unicodeBMP: function() { return random.item([ // BMP = Basic Multilingual Plane [0x0000, 0xFFFF] ]), unicodeSMP: function() { return random.item([ // SMP = Supplementary Multilingual Plane [0x10000, 0x13FFF], [0x16000, 0x16FFF], [0x1B000, 0x1BFFF], [0x1D000, 0x1DFFF], [0x1F000, 0x1FFFF] ]), unicodeSIP: function() { return random.item([ // SIP = Supplementary Ideographic Plane [0x20000, 0x2BFFF], [0x2F000, 0x2FFFF] ]), unicodeSSP: function() { return random.item([ // SSP = Supplementary Special-purpose Plane [0xE0000, 0xE0FFF] ]), registeredFontFeatures: function() { return random.pick([ 'aalt', 'abvf', 'abvm', 'abvs', 'afrc', 'akhn', 'blwf', 'blwm', 'blws', 'calt', 'case', 'ccmp', 'cfar', 'cjct', 'clig', 'cpct', 'cpsp', 'cswh', 'curs', 'cv01-cv99', 'c2pc', 'c2sc', 'dist', 'dlig', 'dnom', 'expt', 'falt', 'fin2', 'fin3', 'fina', 'frac', 'fwid', 'half', 'haln', 'halt', 'hist', 'hkna', 'hlig', 'hngl', 'hojo', 'hwid', 'init', 'isol', 'ital', 'jalt', 'jp78', 'jp83', 'jp90', 'jp04', 'kern', 'lfbd', 'liga', 'ljmo', 'lnum', 'locl', 'ltra', 'ltrm', 'mark', 'med2', 'medi', 'mgrk', 'mkmk', 'mset', 'nalt', 'nlck', 'nukt', 'numr', 'onum', 'opbd', 'ordn', 'ornm', 'palt', 'pcap', 'pkna', 'pnum', 'pref', 'pres', 'pstf', 'psts', 'pwid', 'qwid', 'rand', 'rkrf', 'rlig', 'rphf', 'rtbd', 'rtla', 'rtlm', 'ruby', 'salt', 'sinf', 'size', 'smcp', 'smpl', 'ss01', 'ss02', 'ss03', 'ss04', 'ss05', 'ss06', 'ss07', 'ss08', 'ss09', 'ss10', 'ss11', 'ss12', 'ss13', 'ss14', 'ss15', 'ss16', 'ss17', 'ss18', 'ss19', 'ss20', 'subs', 'sups', 'swsh', 'titl', 'tjmo', 'tnam', 'tnum', 'trad', 'twid', 'unic', 'valt', 'vatu', 'vert', 'vhal', 'vjmo', 'vkna', 'vkrn', 'vpal', 'vrt2', 'zero' ]), assignmentOperator: function() { return random.pick([ "=", "-=", "+=", "*=", "/=" ]), arithmeticOperator: function() { return random.pick([ "%", "-", "+", "*", "/" ]), currency: function() { return Random.pick([ // "USD", "USS", "USN", "EUR", "CHF", "GBP", "XAG", "XBA", "XBB", "XBC", "XBD", "XSU", "XTS", "XXX", ]), }