# MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2020-2020 Macaroni Studios AB # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. class_name _GotmImpl #warnings-disable # Utility sorter for 'sort_custom'. class LobbySorter: var fetch var g func sort(lhs, rhs) -> bool: var a var b if fetch.sort_property.empty(): a = lhs._impl.created b = rhs._impl.created else: a = lhs._impl.props[fetch.sort_property] b = rhs._impl.props[fetch.sort_property] if fetch.sort_ascending: return _GotmImplUtility.is_less(a, b) else: return _GotmImplUtility.is_greater(a, b) # Generate 20 characters long random string. static func _generate_id() -> String: var g = _get_gotm() var id: String = "" for i in range(20): id += g._impl.chars[g._impl.rng.randi() % g._impl.chars.length()] return id # Retrieve scene statically via Engine singleton. static func _get_tree() -> SceneTree: return Engine.get_main_loop() as SceneTree # Get autoloaded Gotm instance from scene's root. static func _get_gotm() -> Node: return _get_tree().root.get_node("Gotm") # Simplify string somewhat. We want exact matches, but with some reasonable fuzziness. static func _init_search_string_encoders() -> Array: var encoders: Array = [ ["[àáâãäå]", "a"], ["[èéêë]", "e"], ["[ìíîï]", "i"], ["[òóôõöő]", "o"], ["[ùúûüű]", "u"], ["[ýŷÿ]", "y"], ["ñ", "n"], ["[çc]", "k"], ["ß", "s"], ["[-/]", " "], ["[^a-z0-9 ]", ""], ["\\s+", " "], ["^\\s+", ""], ["\\s+$", ""] ] for encoder in encoders: var regex: RegEx = RegEx.new() regex.compile(encoder[0]) encoder[0] = regex return encoders # Initialize socket for fetching lobbies on local network. static func _init_socket() -> void: var g = _get_gotm() if not g._impl.sockets: g._impl.sockets = [] var is_listening = false for i in range(5): var socket = PacketPeerUDP.new() if socket.has_method("set_broadcast_enabled"): socket.set_broadcast_enabled(true) if not is_listening: is_listening = socket.listen(8075 + i) == OK socket.set_dest_address("", 8075 + i) g._impl.sockets.push_back(socket) if not is_listening: push_error("Failed to listen for lobbies. All ports 8075-8079 are busy.") # Attach some global state to autoloaded Gotm instance. static func _initialize(GotmLobbyT, GotmUserT) -> void: var g = _get_gotm() g._impl = { "lobbies": [], "chars": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-", "rng": RandomNumberGenerator.new(), "search_string_encoders": _init_search_string_encoders(), "sockets": null, "lobby_requests": {}, "GotmLobbyT": GotmLobbyT, "GotmUserT": GotmUserT, "is_listening": false } g._impl.rng.randomize() g.user._impl.id = _generate_id() g.user.address = "localhost" static func _process() -> void: var g = _get_gotm() if g.lobby: if OS.get_system_time_msecs() - g.lobby._impl.last_heartbeat > 2500: _init_socket() _put_sockets({ "op": "peer_heartbeat", "data": { "lobby_id": g.lobby.id, "id": g.user._impl.id } }) g.lobby._impl.last_heartbeat = OS.get_system_time_msecs() if g._impl.sockets: for socket in g._impl.sockets: while socket.get_available_packet_count() > 0: var v = socket.get_var() if v.op == "get_lobbies": var data = null if g.lobby and g.lobby.is_host(): data = { "id": g.lobby.id, "name": g.lobby.name, "peers": [], "invite_link": g.lobby.invite_link, "_impl": g.lobby._impl } _put_sockets({"op": "lobby", "data": data, "id": v.id}) elif v.op == "leave_lobby": if g.lobby and v.data.lobby_id == g.lobby.id: if g.lobby.is_host(): _put_sockets({ "op": "peer_left", "data": { "lobby_id": g.lobby.id, "id": v.data.id } }) elif v.data.id == g.lobby.host._impl.id: _leave_lobby(g.lobby) elif v.op == "join_lobby": var data = null if g.lobby and g.lobby.is_host() and v.data.lobby_id == g.lobby.id: _put_sockets({ "op": "peer_joined", "data": { "lobby_id": g.lobby.id, "address": socket.get_packet_ip(), "id": v.data.id }, "id": v.id }) var peers = [] for peer in g.lobby.peers: peers.push_back({"address": peer.address, "_impl": peer._impl}) data = { "id": g.lobby.id, "name": g.lobby.name, "peers": peers, "invite_link": g.lobby.invite_link, "_impl": g.lobby._impl } _put_sockets({"op": "lobby", "data": data, "id": v.id}) elif v.op == "peer_left": if g.lobby and v.data.lobby_id == g.lobby.id: for peer in g.lobby.peers.duplicate(): if peer._impl.id == v.data.id: g.lobby.peers.erase(peer) g.lobby.emit_signal("peer_left", peer) elif v.op == "peer_joined": if g.lobby and v.data.lobby_id == g.lobby.id and not g._impl.lobby_requests.has(v.id): var peer = g._impl.GotmUserT.new() peer.address = v.data.address peer._impl.id = v.data.id g.lobby.peers.push_back(peer) g.lobby.emit_signal("peer_joined", peer) if g.lobby.is_host(): g.lobby._impl.heartbeats[v.data.id] = OS.get_system_time_msecs() elif v.op == "peer_heartbeat": if g.lobby and v.data.lobby_id == g.lobby.id: g.lobby._impl.heartbeats[v.data.id] = OS.get_system_time_msecs() elif v.op == "lobby": if v.data and g._impl.lobby_requests.has(v.id): var lobby = g._impl.GotmLobbyT.new() var peers = [] if not v.data._impl.host_id.empty(): v.data.peers.push_back({ "address": socket.get_packet_ip(), "_impl": { "id": v.data._impl.host_id } }) for peer in v.data.peers: var p = g._impl.GotmUserT.new() p.address = peer.address p._impl = peer._impl peers.push_back(p) lobby.hidden = false lobby.locked = false lobby.id = v.data.id lobby.name = v.data.name lobby.peers = peers lobby.invite_link = v.data.invite_link lobby._impl = v.data._impl lobby._impl.address = socket.get_packet_ip() lobby.me.address = "" lobby.host.address = socket.get_packet_ip() lobby.host._impl.id = v.data._impl.host_id g._impl.lobby_requests[v.id].push_back(lobby) if g.lobby: for peer_id in g.lobby._impl.heartbeats.duplicate(): if OS.get_system_time_msecs() - g.lobby._impl.heartbeats[peer_id] > 10000: if g.lobby.is_host(): _put_sockets({ "op": "peer_left", "data": { "lobby_id": g.lobby.id, "id": peer_id } }) g.lobby._impl.heartbeats.erase(peer_id) elif peer_id == g.lobby.host._impl.id: _leave_lobby(g.lobby) break # Improve search experience a little by adding fuzziness. static func _encode_search_string(s: String) -> String: s = s.to_lower() var encoders: Array = _get_gotm()._impl.search_string_encoders for encoder in encoders: s = encoder[0].sub(s, encoder[1], true) return s # Return true if 'lobby' matches filter options in 'fetch'. static func _match_lobby(lobby, fetch) -> bool: if lobby.locked or lobby.hidden: return false if not fetch.filter_name.empty(): var name: String = _encode_search_string(lobby.name) var query: String = _encode_search_string(fetch.filter_name) if not query.empty() and name.find(query) < 0: return false var lobby_props: Dictionary = {} for key in lobby._impl.filterable_props: if not lobby._impl.props.has(key): return false if not fetch.filter_properties.has(key): return false var lhs = fetch.filter_properties[key] var rhs = lobby._impl.props[key] if lhs != null and lhs != rhs: return false return true # Used to detect changes. static func _stringify_fetch_state(fetch) -> String: var d: Array = [ fetch.filter_name, fetch.filter_properties, fetch.sort_property, fetch.sort_property, fetch.sort_ascending, fetch.sort_min, fetch.sort_max, fetch.sort_min_exclusive, fetch.sort_max_exclusive ] return JSON.print(d) # Return sorted copy of 'lobbies' using sort options in 'fetch'. static func _sort_lobbies(lobbies: Array, fetch) -> Array: var sorted: Array = [] var g = _get_gotm() for lobby in lobbies: if fetch.sort_property.empty(): sorted.push_back(lobby) var v = lobby._impl.props.get(fetch.sort_property) if v == null: continue if fetch.sort_min != null: if _GotmImplUtility.is_less(v, fetch.sort_min): continue if fetch.sort_min_exclusive and not _GotmImplUtility.is_greater(v, fetch.sort_min): continue if fetch.sort_max != null: if _GotmImplUtility.is_greater(v, fetch.sort_max): continue if fetch.sort_max_exclusive and not _GotmImplUtility.is_less(v, fetch.sort_max): continue sorted.push_back(lobby) var sorter: LobbySorter = LobbySorter.new() sorter.fetch = fetch sorter.g = g sorted.sort_custom(sorter, "sort") return sorted static func _put_sockets(v: Dictionary): _init_socket() for socket in _get_gotm()._impl.sockets: socket.put_var(v) static func _request_lobbies() -> Array: var g = _get_gotm() var request_id: String = _generate_id() g._impl.lobby_requests[request_id] = [] _put_sockets({"op": "get_lobbies", "id": request_id}) yield(g.get_tree().create_timer(0.5), "timeout") var lobbies = g._impl.lobby_requests[request_id] g._impl.lobby_requests.erase(request_id) return lobbies static func _request_join(lobby_id: String): var g = _get_gotm() var request_id: String = _generate_id() g._impl.lobby_requests[request_id] = [] _put_sockets({ "op": "join_lobby", "id": request_id, "data": { "lobby_id": lobby_id, "id": g.user._impl.id } }) yield(g.get_tree().create_timer(0.5), "timeout") var lobbies = g._impl.lobby_requests[request_id] g._impl.lobby_requests.erase(request_id) for lobby in lobbies: if lobby: return lobby return null static func _fetch_lobbies(fetch, count: int, type: String) -> Array: var g = _get_gotm() # Reset fetch state if user has modified any options. var stringified_state: String = _stringify_fetch_state(fetch) if not fetch._impl.has("last_state") or stringified_state != fetch._impl.last_state: fetch._impl.last_state = stringified_state fetch._impl.last_lobby = -1 fetch._impl.start_lobby = -1 # Apply filter options var lobbies: Array = [] for lobby in yield(_request_lobbies(), "completed") + g._impl.lobbies: if _match_lobby(lobby, fetch): lobbies.push_back(lobby) # Apply sort options lobbies = _sort_lobbies(lobbies, fetch) count = min(8, count) var index: int = 0 if type == "first": index = 0 elif type == "next": index = fetch._impl.last_lobby + 1 elif type == "current": index = fetch._impl.start_lobby + 1 elif type == "previous": index = max(fetch._impl.start_lobby - count, 0) # Get 'count' lobbies. var result: Array = [] for i in range(index, min(index + count, lobbies.size())): result.push_back(lobbies[i]) # Write down last lobby for subsequent 'next' calls. if not result.empty(): var start: int = lobbies.find(result.front()) - 1 fetch._impl.start_lobby = max(start, -1) fetch._impl.last_lobby = lobbies.find(result.back()) elif index > 0: fetch._impl.start_lobby = fetch._impl.last_lobby yield(_get_tree().create_timer(0.25), "timeout") # fake delay return result # Common initialization. static func _add_lobby(lobby): var g = _get_gotm() lobby.id = _generate_id() lobby.invite_link = "https://gotm.io/my-studio/my-game/" lobby.invite_link += "?connectToken=" + _generate_id() lobby._impl = { # Not exposed to user, so doesn't have to be a real timestamp. "created": OS.get_system_time_msecs(), "props": {}, "sortable_props": [], "filterable_props": [], "heartbeats": {}, "last_heartbeat": 0, "host_id": "", "address": "" } lobby.me._impl.id = g.user._impl.id g._impl.lobbies.push_back(lobby) return lobby static func _host_lobby(lobby): var g = _get_gotm() _leave_lobby(g.lobby) lobby = _add_lobby(lobby) lobby._impl.address = "" lobby.host.address = "" lobby._impl.host_id = g.user._impl.id lobby.host._impl.id = g.user._impl.id lobby.me.address = "" g.lobby = lobby g.emit_signal("lobby_changed") _init_socket() return lobby static func _join_lobby(lobby) -> bool: var g = _get_gotm() _leave_lobby(g.lobby) if not g._impl.lobbies.has(lobby): lobby = yield(_request_join(lobby.id), "completed") else: yield(g.get_tree().create_timer(0.25), "timeout") if not lobby or lobby.locked: return false lobby.host.address = lobby._impl.address lobby.host._impl.id = lobby._impl.host_id lobby.me.address = "" g.lobby = lobby g.emit_signal("lobby_changed") return true static func _is_lobby_host(lobby) -> bool: var g = _get_gotm() return lobby.host._impl.id == g.user._impl.id static func _kick_lobby_peer(lobby, peer) -> bool: var g = _get_gotm() if not lobby.is_host(): return false if g.user._impl.id == peer._impl.id: _leave_lobby(lobby) else: for p in lobby.peers.duplicate(): if p._impl.id != peer._impl.id: continue lobby.peers.erase(p) if lobby == g.lobby: lobby.emit_signal("peer_left", p) break return true static func _leave_lobby(lobby) -> void: if not lobby: return var g = _get_gotm() if g.lobby == lobby: if lobby.host.address == lobby.me.address: g._impl.lobbies.erase(lobby) lobby.me.address = "" lobby.host.address = "" _put_sockets({ "op": "leave_lobby", "data": { "lobby_id": lobby.id, "id": g.user._impl.id } }) g.lobby = null g.emit_signal("lobby_changed") static func _truncate_string(s: String) -> String: return s.substr(0, 64) static func _set_lobby_property(lobby, name: String, value) -> void: name = _truncate_string(name) if value == null: lobby._impl.props.erase(name) match typeof(value): TYPE_BOOL: pass TYPE_INT: pass TYPE_REAL: pass TYPE_STRING: value = _truncate_string(value) _: push_error("Invalid lobby property type.") return lobby._impl.props[name] = value static func _get_lobby_property(lobby, name: String): return lobby._impl.props[_truncate_string(name)] static func _set_lobby_filterable(lobby, property_name: String, filterable: bool) -> void: property_name = _truncate_string(property_name) if not filterable: lobby._impl.filterable_props.erase(property_name) elif not lobby._impl.filterable_props.has(property_name): lobby._impl.filterable_props.push_back(property_name) static func _set_lobby_sortable(lobby, property_name: String, sortable: bool) -> void: property_name = _truncate_string(property_name) if not sortable: lobby._impl.sortable_props.erase(property_name) elif not lobby._impl.sortable_props.has(property_name): lobby._impl.sortable_props.push_back(property_name)