extends Node class_name GameInstance signal state_received() onready var ui = $CanvasLayer/ui onready var world = $world onready var systems = $systems onready var netgame = $"/root/Multiplayer" onready var physics = world.get_world_2d().direct_space_state var writing = false func _ready() -> void: randomize() ui.connect("command", world, "process_command") if netgame.hosting: world.load_map(netgame.get_current_map()) world.map.current_ship_position = Vector2(randf() * 1e4, randf() * 1e4) world.map.current_ship_target = world.map.current_ship_position + Vector2(randf() * 1e2, randf() * 1e2) rpc("spawn_player", 1) else: world.load_map(GameWorld.Map.EMPTY) rpc_id(1, "send_map") yield(self, "state_received") rpc_id(1, "ready_to_spawn") master func send_map() -> void: var id = get_tree().get_rpc_sender_id() var map_data = world.map.serialize() var systems_data = systems.serialize() print("sending map data to ", id) rpc_id(id, "receive_data", { "map": map_data, "systems": systems_data }) puppet func receive_data(data: Dictionary) -> void: world.map.deserialize(data["map"]) systems.deserialize(data["systems"]) print("Received map data from master") emit_signal("state_received") master func ready_to_spawn() -> void: var id = get_tree().get_rpc_sender_id() print(id, " is ready to spawn players") # Tell him everyone to spawn var players = $world/players.get_children() for player in players: rpc_id(id, "spawn_player", player.get_network_master()) # Then spawn him as well rpc("spawn_player", id) master func broadcast_zone(message: String, origin: Vector2, radius: float) -> void: var shape = CircleShape2D.new() shape.radius = radius var query = Physics2DShapeQueryParameters.new() query.collision_layer = 32 query.transform = Transform(world.transform.translated(origin)) query.set_shape(shape) var res = physics.intersect_shape(query, 100) print(res) master func broadcast(message: String) -> void: rpc("add_log", message) remotesync func add_log(message: String) -> void: ui.logs.add_line(message) remotesync func spawn_player(id: int) -> void: world.spawn_player(id, multiplayer.get_network_unique_id() == id) remotesync func process_command(cmd: UICommand) -> void: match cmd.cmd_type: UICommand.CommandType.SetShipTarget: world.map.current_ship_target = cmd.cmd_args[0]