
19 lines
821 B

<!-- Images that use the standard image format for markdown will be displayed in a
magnific modal popup. Use format ![alt text](/path/to/image.img) -->
<!-- Place this file in layouts > _default > _markup > render-image.html -->
<!-- Also place the image-modal.css and partial/image-modal.html appropriately. -->
<!-- Id for the image on the page is set to a random 6 numbers, chosen from 1 to 500 -->
<!-- Onclick opens the modal, and displays/overlays the the image that has the id for the
clicked image. -->
<!-- attribution appreciated. github: zjeaton web: -->
<div class="md__image">
id="{{ first 6 (shuffle (seq 1 500)) }}"
src="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}"
alt="{{ .Text }}"
{{ with .Title }}title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}