package main import ( "embed" "flag" "fmt" "io/fs" "net/http" "runtime" "time" kv "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const AppTitle = "strimertül" const AppHeader = ` _ _ _ O O _ __| |_ _ _(_)_ __ ___ _ _| |_ _ _| | (_-< _| '_| | ' \/ -_) '_| _| || | | /__/\__|_| |_|_|_|_\___|_| \__|\_,_|_| ` const DefaultBind = "localhost:4337" //go:embed frontend/dist/* var frontend embed.FS var log = logrus.New() func wrapLogger(module string) logrus.FieldLogger { return log.WithField("module", module) } func parseLogLevel(level string) logrus.Level { switch level { case "error": return logrus.ErrorLevel case "warn", "warning": return logrus.WarnLevel case "info", "notice": return logrus.InfoLevel case "debug": return logrus.DebugLevel case "trace": return logrus.TraceLevel default: return logrus.InfoLevel } } func main() { // Get cmd line parameters dbdir := flag.String("dbdir", "data", "Path to strimertul database dir") loglevel := flag.String("loglevel", "info", "Logging level (debug, info, warn, error)") flag.Parse() log.SetLevel(parseLogLevel(*loglevel)) // Ok this is dumb but listen, I like colors. if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { log.SetFormatter(&logrus.TextFormatter{ForceColors: true}) log.SetOutput(colorable.NewColorableStdout()) } // Print the app header :D fmt.Println(AppHeader) // Loading routine db, err := database.Open(badger.DefaultOptions(*dbdir), wrapLogger("db")) failOnError(err, "Could not open DB") defer db.Close() // Check if onboarding was completed var moduleConfig modules.ModuleConfig err = db.GetJSON(modules.ModuleConfigKey, &moduleConfig) if err != nil { if err == badger.ErrKeyNotFound { moduleConfig = modules.ModuleConfig{CompletedOnboarding: false} } else { fatalError(err, "Could not read from DB") } } if !moduleConfig.CompletedOnboarding { // Initialize DB as empty and default endpoint failOnError(db.PutJSON(modules.HTTPServerConfigKey, modules.HTTPServerConfig{ Bind: DefaultBind, }), "could not save http config") failOnError(db.PutJSON(modules.ModuleConfigKey, modules.ModuleConfig{ EnableKV: true, EnableStaticServer: false, EnableTwitchbot: false, EnableStulbe: false, CompletedOnboarding: true, }), "could not save onboarding config") fmt.Printf("It appears this is your first time running %s! Please go to http://%s and make sure to configure anything you want!\n\n", AppTitle, DefaultBind) } // Initialize KV (required) hub := kv.NewHub(db.Client(), wrapLogger("kv")) go hub.Run() // Get HTTP config var httpConfig modules.HTTPServerConfig failOnError(db.GetJSON(modules.HTTPServerConfigKey, &httpConfig), "Could not retrieve HTTP server config") // Get Stulbe config, if enabled var stulbeManager *stulbe.Manager = nil if moduleConfig.EnableStulbe { stulbeManager, err = stulbe.Initialize(db, wrapLogger("stulbe")) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Stulbe initialization failed! Module was temporarely disabled") moduleConfig.EnableStulbe = false } defer stulbeManager.Close() } var loyaltyManager *loyalty.Manager loyaltyLogger := wrapLogger("loyalty") if moduleConfig.EnableLoyalty { loyaltyManager, err = loyalty.NewManager(db, hub, loyaltyLogger) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("Loyalty initialization failed! Module was temporarely disabled") moduleConfig.EnableLoyalty = false } if stulbeManager != nil { go stulbeManager.ReplicateKey(loyalty.ConfigKey) go stulbeManager.ReplicateKey(loyalty.GoalsKey) go stulbeManager.ReplicateKey(loyalty.RewardsKey) go stulbeManager.ReplicateKey(loyalty.PointsKey) } } //TODO Refactor this to something sane if moduleConfig.EnableTwitchbot { // Create logger twitchLogger := wrapLogger("twitchbot") // Get Twitchbot config var twitchConfig modules.TwitchBotConfig failOnError(db.GetJSON(modules.TwitchBotConfigKey, &twitchConfig), "Could not retrieve twitch bot config") bot := twitchbot.NewBot(twitchConfig.Username, twitchConfig.Token, twitchLogger) bot.Client.Join(twitchConfig.Channel) if moduleConfig.EnableLoyalty { config := loyaltyManager.Config() bot.Loyalty = loyaltyManager bot.SetBanList(config.BanList) bot.Client.OnConnect(func() { if config.Points.Interval > 0 { go func() { twitchLogger.Info("loyalty poll started") for { // Wait for next poll time.Sleep(time.Duration(config.Points.Interval) * time.Second) // Check if streamer is online, if possible streamOnline := true if config.LiveCheck && stulbeManager != nil { status, err := stulbeManager.Client.StreamStatus(twitchConfig.Channel) if err != nil { twitchLogger.WithError(err).Error("Error checking stream status") } else { streamOnline = status != nil } } // If stream is confirmed offline, don't give points away! if !streamOnline { twitchLogger.Info("loyalty poll active but stream is offline!") continue } // Get user list users, err := bot.Client.Userlist(twitchConfig.Channel) if err != nil { twitchLogger.WithError(err).Error("error listing users") continue } // Iterate for each user in the list pointsToGive := make(map[string]int64) for _, user := range users { // Check if user is blocked if bot.IsBanned(user) { continue } // Check if user was active (chatting) for the bonus dingus award := config.Points.Amount if bot.IsActive(user) { award += config.Points.ActivityBonus } // Add to point pool if already on it, otherwise initialize pointsToGive[user] = award } bot.ResetActivity() // If changes were made, save the pool! if len(users) > 0 { loyaltyManager.GivePoints(pointsToGive) } } }() } }) } go func() { failOnError(bot.Connect(), "connection failed") }() } // Create logger and endpoints httpLogger := wrapLogger("http") fedir, _ := fs.Sub(frontend, "frontend/dist") http.Handle("/ui/", http.StripPrefix("/ui/", FileServerWithDefault(http.FS(fedir)))) http.HandleFunc("/ws", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { kv.ServeWs(hub, w, r) }) if moduleConfig.EnableStaticServer { http.Handle("/static/", http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(httpConfig.Path)))) httpLogger.WithField("path", httpConfig.Path).Info("serving %s") } go func() { time.Sleep(time.Second) // THIS IS STUPID browser.OpenURL(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/ui", httpConfig.Bind)) }() // Start HTTP server fatalError(http.ListenAndServe(httpConfig.Bind, nil), "HTTP server died unexepectedly") } func failOnError(err error, text string) { if err != nil { fatalError(err, text) } } func fatalError(err error, text string) { log.Fatalf("FATAL ERROR OCCURRED: %s\n\n%s", text, err.Error()) }