package twitch import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" irc "" "" ) type AccessLevelType string const ( ALTEveryone AccessLevelType = "everyone" ALTVIP AccessLevelType = "vip" ALTModerators AccessLevelType = "moderators" ALTStreamer AccessLevelType = "streamer" ) type BotCommandHandler func(bot *Bot, message irc.PrivateMessage) type BotCommand struct { Description string Usage string AccessLevel AccessLevelType Handler BotCommandHandler } var commands = map[string]BotCommand{ "!redeem": { Description: "Redeem a reward with loyalty points", Usage: "!redeem [request text]", AccessLevel: ALTEveryone, Handler: cmdRedeemReward, }, "!balance": { Description: "See your current point balance", Usage: "!balance", AccessLevel: ALTEveryone, Handler: cmdBalance, }, "!goals": { Description: "Check currently active community goals", Usage: "!goals", AccessLevel: ALTEveryone, Handler: cmdGoalList, }, "!contribute": { Description: "Contribute points to a community goal", Usage: "!contribute []", AccessLevel: ALTEveryone, Handler: cmdContributeGoal, }, } func cmdBalance(bot *Bot, message irc.PrivateMessage) { // Get user balance balance := bot.Loyalty.GetPoints(message.User.Name) bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: You have %d %s!", message.User.DisplayName, balance, bot.Loyalty.Config().Currency)) } func cmdRedeemReward(bot *Bot, message irc.PrivateMessage) { parts := strings.Fields(message.Message) if len(parts) < 2 { return } redeemID := parts[1] // Find reward reward := bot.Loyalty.GetReward(redeemID) if reward.ID == "" { return } // Reward not active, return early if !reward.Enabled { return } // Get user balance balance := bot.Loyalty.GetPoints(message.User.Name) config := bot.Loyalty.Config() // Check if user can afford the reward if balance-reward.Price < 0 { bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("I'm sorry %s but you cannot afford this (have %d %s, need %d)", message.User.DisplayName, balance, config.Currency, reward.Price)) return } text := "" if len(parts) > 2 { text = strings.Join(parts[2:], " ") } // Perform redeem if err := bot.Loyalty.PerformRedeem(loyalty.Redeem{ Username: message.User.Name, DisplayName: message.User.DisplayName, When: time.Now(), Reward: reward, RequestText: text, }); err != nil { bot.logger.WithError(err).Error("error while performing redeem") return } bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("HolidayPresent %s has redeemed %s! (new balance: %d %s)", message.User.DisplayName, reward.Name, bot.Loyalty.GetPoints(message.User.Name), config.Currency)) } func cmdGoalList(bot *Bot, message irc.PrivateMessage) { goals := bot.Loyalty.Goals() if len(goals) < 1 { bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: There are no active community goals right now :(!", message.User.DisplayName)) return } msg := "Current goals: " for _, goal := range goals { if !goal.Enabled { continue } msg += fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d/%d %s) [id: %s] | ", goal.Name, goal.Contributed, goal.TotalGoal, bot.Loyalty.Config().Currency, goal.ID) } msg += " Contribute with " bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, msg) } func cmdContributeGoal(bot *Bot, message irc.PrivateMessage) { goals := bot.Loyalty.Goals() // Set defaults if user doesn't provide them points := int64(100) goalIndex := -1 hasGoals := false // Get first unreached goal for default for index, goal := range goals { if !goal.Enabled { continue } hasGoals = true if goal.Contributed < goal.TotalGoal { goalIndex = index break } } // Do we not have any goal we can contribute to? Hooray I guess? if goalIndex < 0 { if hasGoals { bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: All active community goals have been reached already! ShowOfHands", message.User.DisplayName)) } else { bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: There are no active community goals right now :(!", message.User.DisplayName)) } return } // Parse parameters if provided parts := strings.Fields(message.Message) if len(parts) > 1 { newpoints, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 64) if err == nil { if newpoints <= 0 { bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("Nice try %s SoBayed", message.User.DisplayName)) return } points = newpoints } if len(parts) > 2 { found := false goalID := parts[2] // Find Goal index for index, goal := range goals { if !goal.Enabled { continue } if goal.ID == goalID { goalIndex = index found = true break } } // Invalid goal ID provided if !found { bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: I couldn't find that goal ID :(", message.User.DisplayName)) return } } } // Get goal selectedGoal := goals[goalIndex] // Check if goal was reached already if selectedGoal.Contributed >= selectedGoal.TotalGoal { bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: This goal was already reached! ヾ(•ω•`)o", message.User.DisplayName)) return } // Add points to goal if err := bot.Loyalty.PerformContribution(selectedGoal, message.User.Name, points); err != nil { bot.logger.WithError(err).Error("error while contributing to goal") return } config := bot.Loyalty.Config() newRemaining := selectedGoal.TotalGoal - selectedGoal.Contributed bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("ShowOfHands %s contributed %d %s to \"%s\"!! Only %d %s left!", message.User.DisplayName, points, config.Currency, selectedGoal.Name, newRemaining, config.Currency)) // Check if goal was reached! // TODO Replace this with sub from loyalty system or something? if newRemaining <= 0 { bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("ShowOfHands The community goal \"%s\" was reached! ShowOfHands", selectedGoal.Name)) } }