# Strimertül Smol broadcasting suite, includes: - Extremely simple/fast disk-backed KV over websocket (Kilovolt) for interacting with web-based overlays - oh and it has pub/sub - Static file server for said overlays - Loyalty system that tracks viewers and allows them to redeem rewards and contribute to community goals - WIP betting system - Twitch IRC bot to tie everything together - WIP own backend integration (stulbe) Platform support is limited to Twitch only for the time being (sorry!) ## Building You need to build the frontend first! ```sh cd frontend npm i npm run build ``` Once that's done, just build the app like any other Go project ```sh go build ``` ## License Kilovolt's code is based on Gorilla Websocket's server example, licensed under [BSD-2-Clause](https://github.com/gorilla/websocket/blob/master/LICENSE) The entire project is licensed under [AGPL-3.0-only](LICENSE) (see `LICENSE`). For ISC exceptions, see [LICENSING.md](LICENSING.md).