
307 lines
12 KiB

"menu": {
"sections": {
"monitor": "Monitor",
"strimertul": "strimertul",
"twitch": "Twitch",
"loyalty": "Loyalty system"
"pages": {
"monitor": {
"dashboard": "Dashboard"
"strimertul": {
"settings": "Server settings"
"twitch": {
"configuration": "Configuration",
"bot-commands": "Chat commands",
"bot-timers": "Chat timers",
"bot-alerts": "Chat alerts"
"loyalty": {
"configuration": "Configuration",
"points": "Points and redeems",
"rewards": "Rewards and goals"
"messages": {
"update-available": "UPDATE AVAILABLE"
"pages": {
"http": {
"title": "Server settings",
"bind-placeholder": "address:port",
"bind": "Webserver Bind",
"kilovolt-password": "Kilovolt password",
"kilovolt-placeholder": "Leave empty to disable authentication",
"bind-help": "Every application that uses {{APPNAME}} will need to be updated!",
"static-path": "Static assets (leave empty to disable)",
"static-placeholder": "Absolute path to static assets",
"static-help": "Will be served at the following URL: {{url}}",
"saving": "Saving webserver settings..."
"twitch-settings": {
"title": "Twitch configuration",
"enable": "Enable Twitch integration",
"apiguide-1": "You will need to create an application, here's how:",
"apiguide-2": "Go to <1></1>",
"apiguide-3": "Use the following data for the required fields:",
"oauth-redir-uri": "OAuth Redirect URLs",
"apiguide-4": "Once made, create a <1>New Secret</1>, then copy both fields below and save!",
"app-client-id": "App Client ID",
"app-client-secret": "App Client Secret",
"subtitle": "Twitch integration with streams including chat bot and API access. If you stream on Twitch, you definitely want this on.",
"api-subheader": "Application info",
"api-configuration": "API access",
"eventsub": "Events",
"bot-settings": "Bot settings",
"enable-bot": "Enable Twitch bot",
"bot-channel": "Twitch channel",
"bot-username": "Twitch account username",
"bot-oauth": "Authorization token",
"bot-oauth-note": "You can get this by logging in with the bot account and going here: <1></1>",
"bot-info-header": "Bot account info",
"bot-settings-copy": "A bot can interact with chat messages and provide extra events for the platform (chat events, some notifications) but requires access to a Twitch account. You can use your own or make a new one (if enabled on your main account, you can re-use the same email for your second account!)",
"bot-chat-header": "Chat logging",
"bot-chat-history": "How many messages to keep in history (0 to disable)",
"events": {
"loading-data": "Querying user data from Twitch APIs…",
"authenticated-as": "Authenticated as",
"profile-picture": "Profile picture",
"err-no-user": "No twitch user is currently associated (and therefore events are disabled!)",
"sim": {
"channel.update": "Channel update",
"channel.follow": "New follow",
"channel.subscribe": "New sub",
"": "Gift sub",
"channel.subscription.message": "Re-sub with message",
"channel.cheer": "Cheer",
"": "Raid"
"sim-events": "Send test event",
"auth-button": "Authenticate with Twitch",
"auth-message": "Click the following button to authenticate {{APPNAME}} with your Twitch account:",
"current-status": "Current status"
"botcommands": {
"title": "Bot commands",
"desc": "Define custom chat commands to set up autoresponders, counters, etc.",
"add-button": "New command",
"search-placeholder": "Search command by name",
"command-header-new": "New command",
"command-header-edit": "Edit command",
"command-name": "Command name",
"command-name-placeholder": "!command",
"command-desc": "Description (optional)",
"command-desc-placeholder": "This command does something",
"command-response": "Response",
"command-response-placeholder": "Hello {0}!",
"command-acl": "Access level",
"command-acl-help": "This specifies the minimum level, eg. if you choose VIPs, moderators and streamer can still use the command",
"acl": {
"everyone": "Everyone",
"subscribers": "Subscribers",
"vip": "VIPs",
"moderators": "Moderators",
"streamer": "Streamer only"
"remove-command-title": "Remove command {{name}}?",
"no-commands": "Chatbot has no commands configured",
"command-already-in-use": "Command name already in use"
"bottimers": {
"title": "Bot timers",
"desc": "Define reminders such as checking out your social media or ongoing events",
"add-button": "New timer",
"search-placeholder": "Search timer by name",
"timer-header-new": "New timer",
"timer-header-edit": "Edit timer",
"timer-name": "Timer name",
"timer-name-placeholder": "my-timer",
"remove-timer-title": "Remove timer {{name}}?",
"timer-parameters": "every {{time}}, ≥ {{messages}} messages in the last {{interval}}",
"timer-interval": "Minimul interval",
"timer-activity": "Minimul chat activity (0 to disable)",
"timer-activity-desc": "messages in the last 5 minutes",
"timer-messages": "Messages",
"no-timers": "There are no timers configured",
"name-already-in-use": "Timer name already in use"
"auth": {
"title": "Authentication required",
"desc": "The installation of {{APPNAME}} you are trying to reach is protected with a password. Please write the password below to access the control panel.",
"no-pwd-note": " If the database has no password (for example, it was recently changed from having one to none), leave the field empty.",
"password": "Password",
"submit": "Authenticate"
"alerts": {
"title": "Chat alerts",
"desc": "Send chat messages when your viewers follow, subscribe and other events",
"follow-enable": "Enable new follow message",
"messages": "Messages",
"msg-info": "If multiple messages are present, one will be picked at random",
"subscription-enable": "Enable subscription message",
"gift_sub-enable": "Enable gifted subscription message",
"raid-enable": "Enable raid message",
"cheer-enable": "Enable cheering message",
"events": {
"follow": "New follow",
"subscription": "Subscription",
"gift-sub": "Gift sub",
"raid": "Raid",
"cheer": "Cheer"
"loyalty-settings": {
"title": "Loyalty system configuration",
"subtitle": "Loyalty system allowing viewers to accrue points and spend them on rewards and goals",
"enable": "Enable loyalty system",
"currency-placeholder": "points",
"currency-name": "Currency name",
"currency-name-hint": "This will be appended like this: \"user has X yourcurrency\" so choose a lowercase plural name",
"bonus-points": "Bonus points for active users",
"bonus-points-hint": "Extra amount of points awarded to people who have been chatting in the last set interval",
"note": "Note: Unlike platform-native systems (eg. Twitch channel points), this relies on chat activity rather than actual viewing status.",
"every": "every",
"reward": "How often to give {{currency}}"
"loyalty-queue": {
"title": "Points and redeems",
"subtitle": "User leaderboard and pending reward redeems",
"queue-tab": "Redeem queue",
"users-tab": "Manage points",
"username": "Viewer",
"points": "Points",
"username-filter": "Search by username",
"modify-balance-dialog": "Modify balance",
"give-points-dialog": "Give points",
"reward": "Reward",
"date": "Date",
"request": "Request",
"no-redeems": "No pending redeems",
"no-users": "No viewers found",
"refund": "Refund",
"accept": "Accept",
"hardcoded": "My Random hardcoded text"
"debug": {
"dismiss-warning": "I am not afraid! ...well ok maybe a little",
"big-ass-warning": "Using this page can severely wreck your database. Please make sure you know what you're doing!",
"disclaimer-header": "Big scary disclaimer",
"title": "Debug ops",
"read-key": "Read DB key",
"write-key": "Write DB key",
"fix-json": "Fix JSON",
"console-ops": "Console operations",
"dump-keys": "Dump all DB keys",
"dump-all": "Dump all KV pairs as JSON"
"loyalty-rewards": {
"title": "Rewards and goals",
"rewards-tab": "Rewards",
"goals-tab": "Goals",
"subtitle": "Set up rewards and community goals for your viewers to play with",
"reward-filter": "Search by reward name",
"create-reward": "Create reward",
"reward-id": "Reward ID",
"id-already-in-use": "ID already in use",
"reward-name": "Name",
"reward-icon": "Icon (as remote URL)",
"reward-desc": "Description",
"reward-cost": "Cost",
"reward-id-hint": "This is what viewers will have to write to claim, ie. \"!redeem reward-id-here\".",
"reward-name-hint": "This is what viewers will see they claimed ie. \"USER has claimed REWARDNAME",
"reward-cooldown": "Cooldown",
"reward-details-placeholder": "What extra details to ask the viewer for",
"reward-details": "Require viewer details",
"edit-reward": "Edit reward",
"remove-reward-title": "Remore reward \"{{name}}\"?",
"no-rewards": "There are no loyalty rewards, why not start with an Hydrate or Stretch?",
"no-goals": "There are no goals configured",
"create-goal": "Create goal",
"edit-goal": "Edit goal",
"goal-id": "Goal ID",
"goal-id-hint": "This is what viewers will have to write to contribute to, ie. \"!contribute goal-id-here\".",
"goal-name": "Name",
"goal-icon": "Goal icon (as remote URL)",
"goal-name-hint": "This is what viewers will see they contributed to ie. \"USER has contributed to GOALNAME\"",
"goal-cost": "Total points required",
"goal-desc": "Description",
"goal-filter": "Search by goal name"
"strimertul": {
"need-help": "Need help?",
"need-help-p1": "If you need help, want to report a bug or have suggestions on how to make {{APPNAME}} better, please reach out via any of the following channels:",
"license-header": "License",
"license-notice-strimertul": "{{APPNAME}} is licensed under <license>GNU Affero General Public License v3.0</license>",
"credits-header": "Credits",
"credits-renko": "Renko, {{APPNAME}}'s mascot and app icon, was drawn by <artist>Sonic_Chan</artist>"
"dashboard": {
"twitch-status": "Twitch stream status",
"live": "Live!",
"x-viewers": "{{count}} viewers",
"not-live": "Offline / Not streaming"
"form-actions": {
"save": "Save",
"saving": "Saving...",
"saved": "Saved",
"error": "Error",
"edit": "Edit",
"enable": "Enable",
"disable": "Disable",
"delete": "Delete",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"ok": "OK",
"add": "Add",
"warning-delete": "This cannot be undone",
"create": "Create",
"submit": "Submit"
"debug": {
"dev-build": "Development build"
"time": {
"x-hours": "{{time}} hrs",
"x-minutes": "{{time}} min",
"x-seconds": "{{time}} sec",
"hours": "hours",
"minutes": "minutes",
"seconds": "seconds"
"pagination": {
"items-per-page": "Items per page",
"page": "Page {{page}}",
"gotopage": "Go to page {{page}}",
"title": "pagination",
"previous": "Previous page",
"next": "Next page",
"gotolast": "Go to last page",
"gotofirst": "Go to first page"
"special": {
"wip": {
"header": "WIP - Page under development",
"text": "This page is still under construction, apologies for the lackluster view :("
"loading": "{{APPNAME}} is starting up, please wait!"
"logging": {
"dialog-title": "Application logs",
"levelFilter": "Filter per log severity",
"level": {
"info": "Info",
"warn": "Warning",
"error": "Error"
"copy-to-clipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"copied": "Copied!",
"toggle-details": "Toggle details"