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mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~ashkeel/strimertul synced 2024-09-20 02:00:49 +00:00
Ash Keel aaffaebe55
refactor: module conundrum phase 1
Refactor Twitch client and bot so it can be closed and reopened with a
different config.
Add a cancellation function to subscription functions so they can be
Use http.Handler instead of HandlerFunc for custom routes
2022-12-03 16:16:59 +01:00

329 lines
8.7 KiB

package loyalty
import (
irc "github.com/gempir/go-twitch-irc/v3"
func (m *Manager) SetupTwitch() {
bot := m.twitchManager.Client().Bot
if bot == nil {
// Add loyalty-based commands
bot.RegisterCommand("!redeem", twitch.BotCommand{
Description: "Redeem a reward with loyalty points",
Usage: "!redeem <reward-id> [request text]",
AccessLevel: twitch.ALTEveryone,
Handler: m.cmdRedeemReward,
Enabled: true,
bot.RegisterCommand("!balance", twitch.BotCommand{
Description: "See your current point balance",
Usage: "!balance",
AccessLevel: twitch.ALTEveryone,
Handler: m.cmdBalance,
Enabled: true,
bot.RegisterCommand("!goals", twitch.BotCommand{
Description: "Check currently active community goals",
Usage: "!goals",
AccessLevel: twitch.ALTEveryone,
Handler: m.cmdGoalList,
Enabled: true,
bot.RegisterCommand("!contribute", twitch.BotCommand{
Description: "Contribute points to a community goal",
Usage: "!contribute <points> [<goal-id>]",
AccessLevel: twitch.ALTEveryone,
Handler: m.cmdContributeGoal,
Enabled: true,
// Setup message handler for tracking user activity
// Setup handler for adding points over time
go func() {
config := m.Config.Get()
if config.Enabled {
for {
if config.Points.Interval > 0 {
// Wait for next poll
select {
case <-m.ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(time.Duration(config.Points.Interval) * time.Second):
// If stream is confirmed offline, don't give points away!
isOnline := m.twitchManager.Client().IsLive()
if !isOnline {
// Check that bot is online and working
bot := m.twitchManager.Client().Bot
if bot == nil {
m.logger.Warn("bot is offline or not configured, could not assign points")
m.logger.Debug("awarding points")
// Get user list
users, err := bot.Client.Userlist(bot.Config.Channel)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("error listing users", zap.Error(err))
// Iterate for each user in the list
pointsToGive := make(map[string]int64)
for _, user := range users {
// Check if user is blocked
if m.IsBanned(user) {
// Check if user was active (chatting) for the bonus dingus
award := config.Points.Amount
if m.IsActive(user) {
award += config.Points.ActivityBonus
// Add to point pool if already on it, otherwise initialize
pointsToGive[user] = award
// If changes were made, save the pool!
if len(users) > 0 {
err := m.GivePoints(pointsToGive)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("error giving points to user", zap.Error(err))
func (m *Manager) StopTwitch() {
bot := m.twitchManager.Client().Bot
if bot != nil {
// Remove message handler
func (m *Manager) HandleBotMessage(message irc.PrivateMessage) {
m.activeUsers.SetKey(message.User.Name, true)
func (m *Manager) SetBanList(banned []string) {
m.banlist = make(map[string]bool)
for _, usr := range banned {
m.banlist[usr] = true
func (m *Manager) IsBanned(user string) bool {
banned, ok := m.banlist[user]
return ok && banned
func (m *Manager) IsActive(user string) bool {
active, ok := m.activeUsers.GetKey(user)
return ok && active
func (m *Manager) ResetActivity() {
m.activeUsers = containers.NewSyncMap[string, bool]()
func (m *Manager) cmdBalance(bot *twitch.Bot, message irc.PrivateMessage) {
// Get user balance
balance := m.GetPoints(message.User.Name)
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: You have %d %s!", message.User.DisplayName, balance, m.Config.Get().Currency))
func (m *Manager) cmdRedeemReward(bot *twitch.Bot, message irc.PrivateMessage) {
parts := strings.Fields(message.Message)
if len(parts) < 2 {
redeemID := parts[1]
// Find reward
reward := m.GetReward(redeemID)
if reward.ID == "" {
// Reward not active, return early
if !reward.Enabled {
// Get user balance
balance := m.GetPoints(message.User.Name)
config := m.Config.Get()
// Check if user can afford the reward
if balance-reward.Price < 0 {
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("I'm sorry %s but you cannot afford this (have %d %s, need %d)", message.User.DisplayName, balance, config.Currency, reward.Price))
text := ""
if len(parts) > 2 {
text = strings.Join(parts[2:], " ")
// Perform redeem
if err := m.PerformRedeem(Redeem{
Username: message.User.Name,
DisplayName: message.User.DisplayName,
When: time.Now(),
Reward: reward,
RequestText: text,
}); err != nil {
switch err {
case ErrRedeemInCooldown:
nextAvailable := m.GetRewardCooldown(reward.ID)
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: That reward is in cooldown (available in %s)", message.User.DisplayName,
m.logger.Error("error while performing redeem", zap.Error(err))
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("HolidayPresent %s has redeemed %s! (new balance: %d %s)", message.User.DisplayName, reward.Name, m.GetPoints(message.User.Name), config.Currency))
func (m *Manager) cmdGoalList(bot *twitch.Bot, message irc.PrivateMessage) {
goals := m.Goals.Get()
if len(goals) < 1 {
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: There are no active community goals right now :(!", message.User.DisplayName))
msg := "Current goals: "
for _, goal := range goals {
if !goal.Enabled {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d/%d %s) [id: %s] | ", goal.Name, goal.Contributed, goal.TotalGoal, m.Config.Get().Currency, goal.ID)
msg += " Contribute with <!contribute POINTS GOALID>"
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, msg)
func (m *Manager) cmdContributeGoal(bot *twitch.Bot, message irc.PrivateMessage) {
goals := m.Goals.Get()
// Set defaults if user doesn't provide them
points := int64(100)
goalIndex := -1
hasGoals := false
// Get first unreached goal for default
for index, goal := range goals {
if !goal.Enabled {
hasGoals = true
if goal.Contributed < goal.TotalGoal {
goalIndex = index
// Do we not have any goal we can contribute to? Hooray I guess?
if goalIndex < 0 {
if hasGoals {
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: All active community goals have been reached already! ShowOfHands", message.User.DisplayName))
} else {
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: There are no active community goals right now :(!", message.User.DisplayName))
// Parse parameters if provided
parts := strings.Fields(message.Message)
if len(parts) > 1 {
newpoints, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 64)
if err == nil {
if newpoints <= 0 {
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("Nice try %s SoBayed", message.User.DisplayName))
points = newpoints
if len(parts) > 2 {
found := false
goalID := parts[2]
// Find Goal index
for index, goal := range goals {
if !goal.Enabled {
if goal.ID == goalID {
goalIndex = index
found = true
// Invalid goal ID provided
if !found {
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: I couldn't find that goal ID :(", message.User.DisplayName))
// Get goal
selectedGoal := goals[goalIndex]
// Check if goal was reached already
if selectedGoal.Contributed >= selectedGoal.TotalGoal {
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("%s: This goal was already reached! ヾ(•ω•`)o", message.User.DisplayName))
// Add points to goal
if err := m.PerformContribution(selectedGoal, message.User.Name, points); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("error while contributing to goal", zap.Error(err))
config := m.Config.Get()
newRemaining := selectedGoal.TotalGoal - selectedGoal.Contributed
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("ShowOfHands %s contributed %d %s to \"%s\"!! Only %d %s left!", message.User.DisplayName, points, config.Currency, selectedGoal.Name, newRemaining, config.Currency))
// Check if goal was reached!
// TODO Replace this with sub from loyalty system or something?
if newRemaining <= 0 {
bot.Client.Say(message.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("ShowOfHands The community goal \"%s\" was reached! ShowOfHands", selectedGoal.Name))