
232 lines
8.6 KiB

"pages": {
"/": "Home",
"/http": "Web server",
"/twitch": "Twitch integration",
"/twitch/settings": "Module configuration",
"/twitch/bot/settings": "Bot configuration",
"/twitch/bot/commands": "Bot commands",
"/twitch/bot/timers": "Bot timers",
"/twitch/bot/modules": "Bot modules",
"/loyalty": "Loyalty points",
"/loyalty/settings": "Configuration",
"/loyalty/users": "Viewer points",
"/loyalty/queue": "Redempions",
"/loyalty/rewards": "Rewards",
"/loyalty/goals": "Goals",
"/stulbe": "Back-end integration",
"/stulbe/config": "Back-end configuration",
"/stulbe/webhooks": "Webhooks (for alerts)"
"system": {
"menu-header": "Navigation",
"loading": "Loading…",
"connection-lost": "Connection to server was lost, retrying...",
"pagination": {
"page": "Page {{page}}",
"gotopage": "Go to page {{page}}"
"debug": {
"read-key": "Read key",
"read-btn": "Read",
"write-key": "Write key",
"write-btn": "Write",
"fix-json-btn": "Fix JSON",
"console-header": "Console operations",
"get-keys": "Get all keys",
"get-all": "DUMP ALL",
"friendly-greeting": "WELCOME TO HELL"
"actions": {
"save": "Save",
"edit": "Edit",
"delete": "Delete",
"disable": "Disable",
"enable": "Enable",
"create": "Create",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"ok": "OK",
"test": "Test"
"http": {
"header": "Web server configuration",
"server-port": "HTTP server port",
"server-port-note": "Note: You must restart strimertul after changing this!",
"static-content": "Static content",
"enable-static": "Enable static server",
"static-root-path": "Static content root path"
"backend": {
"config": {
"header": "Back-end integration settings",
"enable": "Enable back-end (stulbe) integration",
"endpoint": "Stulbe Endpoint",
"username": "User name",
"username-placeholder": "myUserName",
"auth-key": "Authorization key",
"auth-key-placeholder": "key goes here",
"authenticated": "Authenticated as",
"auth-success-message": "Connection/Authentication was successful!"
"webhook": {
"header": "Webhook subscriptions",
"err-not-enabled": "Back-end integration must be enabled for this to work",
"loading": "Querying user data from backend…",
"err-no-user": "No twitch user is currently associated (and therefore webhooks are disabled!)",
"current-status": "Current status:",
"auth-message": "Click the following button to authenticate the back-end with your Twitch account:",
"auth-button": "Authenticate with Twitch",
"fake-header": "Simulate events",
"sim-channel.update": "Channel update",
"sim-channel.follow": "New follow",
"sim-channel.subscribe": "New sub",
"": "Gift sub",
"sim-channel.subscription.message": "Re-sub with message",
"sim-channel.cheer": "Cheer",
"": "Raid"
"loyalty": {
"goals": {
"reached": "Reached!",
"contributors": "Contributors:",
"no-contributors": "No one has contributed yet :(",
"id": "Goal ID",
"id-placeholder": "goal_id_here",
"id-help": "Choose a simple name that can be referenced by other software. It will be auto-generated from the goal name if you leave it blank.",
"err-goalid-dup": "There is already a goal with this ID! Please choose a different one.",
"name": "Name",
"name-placeholder": "My dream goal",
"icon": "Icon",
"icon-placeholder": "Image URL",
"description": "Description",
"description-placeholder": "What's gonna happen when we reach this goal?",
"header": "Community goals",
"new": "New goal",
"search": "Search by name",
"modify": "Modify goal"
"points": "Points",
"points-fallback": "points",
"queue": {
"header": "Redemption queue",
"search": "Search by username",
"reward-name": "Reward name",
"request": "Request",
"accept": "Accept",
"refund": "Refund",
"err-not-available": "Redemption queue is not available (loyalty disabled or no one has redeemed anything yet)"
"rewards": {
"cooldown": "Cooldown",
"required-info": "Required info",
"id": "Reward ID",
"id-placeholder": "reward_id_here",
"err-rewid-dup": "There is already a reward with this ID! Please choose a different one.",
"id-help": "Choose a simple name that can be referenced by other software. It will be auto-generated from the reward name if you leave it blank.",
"name": "Name",
"name-placeholder": "My awesome reward",
"icon": "Icon",
"icon-placeholder": "Image URL",
"description": "Description",
"description-placeholder": "What's so cool about this reward?",
"cost": "Cost",
"requires-extra-info": "Requires viewer-specified details",
"extra-info": "Required info",
"extra-info-placeholder": "What extra detail to ask the viewer for",
"header": "Loyalty rewards",
"new-reward": "New reward",
"search": "Search by name",
"modify-reward": "Modify reward"
"config": {
"header": "Loyalty system configuration",
"enable": "Enable loyalty points",
"err-twitchbot-disabled": "(Twitch bot must be enabled for this!)",
"currency-name": "Currency name",
"bonus-points": "Bonus points for active users",
"points-every": "every",
"give-points": "Give",
"point-reward-frequency": "How often to give {{points}}"
"userlist": {
"give-points": "Give points to user",
"modify-balance": "Modify balance",
"give-button": "Give",
"userlist-header": "All viewers with {{currency}}",
"err-not-available": "Viewer list is not available (loyalty disabled or no one has points)"
"form-common": {
"required": "Required",
"date": "Date",
"username": "Username",
"time": {
"seconds": "seconds",
"minutes": "minutes",
"hours": "hours"
"twitch": {
"config": {
"header": "Twitch module configuration",
"enable": "Enable twitch integration",
"apiguide-1": "You will need to create an application, here's how:",
"apiguide-2": "Go to <1></1>",
"apiguide-3": "Use the following data for the required fields:",
"oauth-redir-uri": "OAuth Redirect URLs",
"apiguide-4": "Once created, create a <1>New Secret</1>, then copy both fields below!",
"app-client-id": "App Client ID",
"app-client-secret": "App Client Secret"
"bot": {
"header": "Twitch bot configuration",
"enable": "Enable twitch bot",
"err-module-disabled": "(Twitch integration must be enabled for this!)",
"channel-name": "Twitch channel name",
"username": "Bot username",
"username-expl": "must be a valid Twitch account",
"oauth-token": "Bot OAuth token",
"oauth-help": "You can get this by logging in with the bot account and going here: <1></1>",
"chat-keys": "Enable chat keys (for 3rd party chat integration)",
"chat-history": "Chat history",
"suf-messages": "messages"
"commands": {
"command": "Command",
"response": "Response",
"response-help": "What does the bot reply to this command?",
"description": "Description",
"description-help": "What does this command do?",
"access-level": "Access level",
"access-everyone": "Everyone",
"access-vips": "VIPs",
"access-moderators": "Moderators",
"access-streamer": "Streamer only",
"access-level-help": "This specifies the minimum level, eg. if you choose VIPs, moderators and streamer can still use the command",
"header": "Bot commands",
"new-command": "New command",
"search": "Search by name",
"modify-command": "Modify command"
"timers": {
"header": "Bot timers",
"new-timer": "New timer",
"modify-timer": "Modify timer",
"search": "Search by timer name",
"messages": "Messages",
"name-hint": "Timer name",
"name": "Name",
"message-help": "What to write in chat",
"minimum-delay": "Interval",
"minimum-delay-help": "How many time must pass between each repeat.",
"minimum-activity": "Minimum chat activity",
"minimum-activity-post": "messages in the last 5 minutes",
"condition-text": "every {{time}}, at least {{messages}} messages in the last 5 minutes",
"err-twitchbot-disabled": "Twitch bot must be enabled in order to use timers!",
"enable": "Enable timers"