Update 'Useful dev apps'

Hamcha 2021-11-12 08:48:09 +00:00
parent afc2b3e934
commit c98fa76810
1 changed files with 27 additions and 27 deletions

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ The followings are useful apps for developers available on `choco` (Windows) and
| App | What | How to install |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| ChocolateyGUI | GUI for `choco` | `choco install chocolateygui` |
| [AutoHotKey] | Programmable hotkeys and shortcuts | `choco install autohotkey` |
| ChocolateyGUI | GUI for `choco` | `cinst chocolateygui` |
| [AutoHotKey] | Programmable hotkeys and shortcuts | `cinst autohotkey` |
[AutoHotKey]: https://www.autohotkey.com
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ The followings are useful apps for developers available on `choco` (Windows) and
| App | What | How to install |
| ------------ | ----------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| [webp] | Convert images to WebP | `choco install webp` |
| [youtube-dl] | Download videos from youtube and other websites | `choco install youtube-dl` |
| [webp] | Convert images to WebP | `cinst webp` |
| [youtube-dl] | Download videos from youtube and other websites | `cinst youtube-dl` |
[webp]: https://developers.google.com/speed/webp
[youtube-dl]: https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/index.html
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ The followings are useful apps for developers available on `choco` (Windows) and
| App | What | How to install |
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---------------------- |
| [ngrok] | Reverse proxy for exposing local services | `choco install ngrok` |
| [protoc] | Protocol Buffer compiler | `choco install protoc` |
| [ngrok] | Reverse proxy for exposing local services | `cinst ngrok` |
| [protoc] | Protocol Buffer compiler | `cinst protoc` |
[ngrok]: https://ngrok.com/
[protoc]: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ The followings are useful apps for developers available on `choco` (Windows) and
| App | What | How to install |
| -------- | ---------------------------------- | ---------------------- |
| [fzf] | Fuzzy finder, see [better-cli] | `choco install fzf` |
| [jq] | Query JSON using selectors | `choco install jq` |
| [pandoc] | Convert between markup/doc formats | `choco install pandoc` |
| sudo | "sudo"-like shell helper | `choco install sudo` |
| [fzf] | Fuzzy finder, see [better-cli] | `cinst fzf` |
| [jq] | Query JSON using selectors | `cinst jq` |
| [pandoc] | Convert between markup/doc formats | `cinst pandoc` |
| sudo | "sudo"-like shell helper | `cinst sudo` |
[fzf]: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
[better-cli]: https://git.fromouter.space/Hamcha/stuff/src/branch/master/better-cli.md
@ -49,16 +49,16 @@ The followings are useful apps for developers available on `choco` (Windows) and
| App | How to install |
| ---------------- | ----------------------- |
| [deno] | `choco install deno` |
| [elixir] | `choco install elixir` |
| [erlang] | `choco install erlang` |
| [LLVM] | `choco install llvm` |
| [nvm] (Node) | `choco install nvm` |
| [php] | `choco install php` |
| [Python] 2.x[^1] | `choco install python2` |
| [Python] 3.x[^1] | `choco install python3` |
| [yarn] | `choco install yarn` |
| [zig] | `choco install zig` |
| [deno] | `cinst deno` |
| [elixir] | `cinst elixir` |
| [erlang] | `cinst erlang` |
| [LLVM] | `cinst llvm` |
| [nvm] (Node) | `cinst nvm` |
| [php] | `cinst php` |
| [Python] 2.x[^1] | `cinst python2` |
| [Python] 3.x[^1] | `cinst python3` |
| [yarn] | `cinst yarn` |
| [zig] | `cinst zig` |
[nvm]: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm
[yarn]: https://yarnpkg.com/
@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ The followings are useful apps for developers available on `choco` (Windows) and
| App | What | How to install |
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| [Docker CLI] | Docker CLI for remote docker | `choco install docker-cli` |
| [Docker Compose] | Docker Compose CLI | `choco install docker-compose` |
| [Kubernetes CLI] | kubectl CLI for remote k8s | `choco install kubernetes-cli` |
| [Helm] | Kubernetes package manager | `choco install kubernetes-helm` |
| [Kustomize] | K8S templating | `choco install kustomize` |
| [Minikube] | Run kubernetes locally (on HyperV or [VirtualBox]) | `choco install minikube` |
| [Skaffold] | Kubernetes dev and deploy tool | `choco install skaffold` |
| [Docker CLI] | Docker CLI for remote docker | `cinst docker-cli` |
| [Docker Compose] | Docker Compose CLI | `cinst docker-compose` |
| [Kubernetes CLI] | kubectl CLI for remote k8s | `cinst kubernetes-cli` |
| [Helm] | Kubernetes package manager | `cinst kubernetes-helm` |
| [Kustomize] | K8S templating | `cinst kustomize` |
| [Minikube] | Run kubernetes locally (on HyperV or [VirtualBox]) | `cinst minikube` |
| [Skaffold] | Kubernetes dev and deploy tool | `cinst skaffold` |
[Docker CLI]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/cli/
[Docker Compose]: https://docs.docker.com/compose/