
319 lines
8.8 KiB

package tg
import (
// APIEndpoint is Telegram's current Bot API base url endpoint
const APIEndpoint = ""
var (
// ErrMalformed represents an error that was encountered while processing the request (json encode/decode error etc)
ErrMalformed = errors.New("Error while handling request")
// WebhookHandler is a function that handles updates
type WebhookHandler func(APIUpdate)
// Telegram is the API client for the Telegram Bot API
type Telegram struct {
Token string
// MakeAPIClient creates a Telegram instance from a Bot API token
func MakeAPIClient(token string) *Telegram {
tg := new(Telegram)
tg.Token = token
return tg
// SetWebhook sets the webhook address so that Telegram knows where to send updates
func (t Telegram) SetWebhook(webhook string) {
resp, err := http.PostForm(t.apiURL("setWebhook"), url.Values{"url": {webhook}})
if !checkerr("SetWebhook/http.PostForm", err) {
defer resp.Body.Close()
var result APIResponse
err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&result)
if err != nil {
log.Println("[SetWebhook] Could not read reply: " + err.Error())
if result.Ok {
log.Println("Webhook successfully set!")
} else {
log.Printf("[SetWebhook] Error setting webhook (errcode %d): %s\n", *(result.ErrCode), *(result.Description))
panic(errors.New("Cannot set webhook"))
// HandleWebhook is a webhook HTTP handler for standalone bots
func (t Telegram) HandleWebhook(bind string, webhook string, handler WebhookHandler) error {
whmux := http.NewServeMux()
whmux.HandleFunc(webhook, func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
defer req.Body.Close()
// Re-encode request to ensure conformity
var update APIUpdate
err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&update)
if err != nil {
log.Println("[webhook] Received incorrect request: " + err.Error())
return http.ListenAndServe(bind, whmux)
// SendTextMessage sends an HTML-styled text message to a specified chat
func (t Telegram) SendTextMessage(data ClientTextMessageData) {
postdata := url.Values{
"chat_id": {strconv.FormatInt(data.ChatID, 10)},
"text": {data.Text},
"parse_mode": {"HTML"},
if data.ReplyID != nil {
postdata["reply_to_message_id"] = []string{strconv.FormatInt(*(data.ReplyID), 10)}
if data.ReplyMarkup != nil {
replyjson, err := json.Marshal(data.ReplyMarkup)
if !checkerr("SendTextMessage/json.Marshal", err) {
postdata["reply_markup"] = []string{string(replyjson)}
_, err := http.PostForm(t.apiURL("sendMessage"), postdata)
checkerr("SendTextMessage/http.PostForm", err)
// SendPhoto sends a picture to a chat as a photo
func (t Telegram) SendPhoto(data ClientPhotoData) {
// Decode photo from b64
photolen := base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(data.Bytes))
photobytes := make([]byte, photolen)
decoded, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(photobytes, []byte(data.Bytes))
if checkerr("SendPhoto/base64.Decode", err) {
// Write file into multipart buffer
body := new(bytes.Buffer)
writer := multipart.NewWriter(body)
part, err := writer.CreateFormFile("photo", data.Filename)
if checkerr("SendPhoto/multipart.CreateFormFile", err) {
// Write other fields
writer.WriteField("chat_id", strconv.FormatInt(data.ChatID, 10))
if data.ReplyID != nil {
writer.WriteField("reply_to_message_id", strconv.FormatInt(*data.ReplyID, 10))
if data.Caption != "" {
writer.WriteField("caption", data.Caption)
err = writer.Close()
if checkerr("SendPhoto/writer.Close", err) {
// Create HTTP client and execute request
client := &http.Client{}
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", t.apiURL("sendPhoto"), body)
if checkerr("SendPhoto/http.NewRequest", err) {
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType())
_, err = client.Do(req)
checkerr("SendPhoto/http.Do", err)
// SendAlbum sends an album of photos or videos
func (t Telegram) SendAlbum(data ClientAlbumData) {
jsonmedia, err := json.Marshal(data.Media)
if err != nil {
checkerr("SendAlbum/json.Marshal", err)
postdata := url.Values{
"chat_id": {strconv.FormatInt(data.ChatID, 10)},
"media": {string(jsonmedia)},
if data.Silent {
postdata["disable_notification"] = []string{"true"}
if data.ReplyID != nil {
postdata["reply_to_message_id"] = []string{strconv.FormatInt(*(data.ReplyID), 10)}
_, err = http.PostForm(t.apiURL("sendMediaGroup"), postdata)
checkerr("SendAlbum/http.PostForm", err)
// ForwardMessage forwards an existing message to a chat
func (t Telegram) ForwardMessage(data ClientForwardMessageData) {
postdata := url.Values{
"chat_id": {strconv.FormatInt(data.ChatID, 10)},
"from_chat_id": {strconv.FormatInt(data.FromChatID, 10)},
"message_id": {strconv.FormatInt(data.MessageID, 10)},
_, err := http.PostForm(t.apiURL("forwardMessage"), postdata)
checkerr("ForwardMessage/http.PostForm", err)
// SendChatAction sends a 5 second long action (X is writing, sending a photo ecc.)
func (t Telegram) SendChatAction(data ClientChatActionData) {
postdata := url.Values{
"chat_id": {strconv.FormatInt(data.ChatID, 10)},
"action": {string(data.Action)},
_, err := http.PostForm(t.apiURL("sendChatAction"), postdata)
checkerr("SendChatAction/http.PostForm", err)
// AnswerInlineQuery replies to an inline query
func (t Telegram) AnswerInlineQuery(data InlineQueryResponse) error {
jsonresults, err := json.Marshal(data.Results)
if checkerr("AnswerInlineQuery/json.Marshal", err) {
return ErrMalformed
postdata := url.Values{
"inline_query_id": {data.QueryID},
"parse_mode": {"HTML"},
"results": {string(jsonresults)},
if data.CacheTime != nil {
postdata["cache_time"] = []string{strconv.Itoa(*data.CacheTime)}
if data.IsPersonal {
postdata["is_personal"] = []string{"true"}
if data.NextOffset != "" {
postdata["next_offset"] = []string{data.NextOffset}
if data.PMText != "" {
postdata["switch_pm_text"] = []string{data.PMText}
if data.PMParam != "" {
postdata["switch_pm_parameter"] = []string{data.PMParam}
result, err := http.PostForm(t.apiURL("answerInlineQuery"), postdata)
if checkerr("AnswerInlineQuery/http.PostForm", err) {
return ErrMalformed
var response APIResponse
err = json.NewDecoder(result.Body).Decode(&response)
if checkerr("AnswerInlineQuery/json.Decode", err) {
return ErrMalformed
if !response.Ok && response.Description != nil {
return errors.New(*response.Description)
return nil
// GetFile sends a "getFile" API call to Telegram's servers and fetches the file
// specified afterward. The file will be then send back to the client that requested it
// with the specified callback id.
func (t Telegram) GetFile(data FileRequestData, client net.Conn, callback int) {
fail := func(msg string) {
errmsg, _ := json.Marshal(BrokerUpdate{
Type: BError,
Error: &msg,
Callback: &callback,
fmt.Fprintln(client, string(errmsg))
postdata := url.Values{
"file_id": {data.FileID},
resp, err := http.PostForm(t.apiURL("getFile"), postdata)
if checkerr("GetFile/post", err) {
fail("Server didn't like my request")
defer resp.Body.Close()
var filespecs = struct {
Ok bool `json:"ok"`
Result *APIFile `json:"result,omitempty"`
err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&filespecs)
if checkerr("GetFile/json.Decode", err) {
fail("Server sent garbage (or error)")
if filespecs.Result == nil {
fail("Server didn't send a file info, does the file exist?")
result := *filespecs.Result
path := APIEndpoint + "file/bot" + t.Token + "/" + *result.Path
fileresp, err := http.Get(path)
if checkerr("GetFile/get", err) {
fail("Could not retrieve file from Telegram's servers")
defer fileresp.Body.Close()
rawdata, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fileresp.Body)
if checkerr("GetFile/ioutil.ReadAll", err) {
fail("Could not read file data")
rawlen := len(rawdata)
if rawlen != *result.Size {
// ???
log.Printf("[GetFile] WARN ?? Downloaded file does not match provided filesize: %d != %d\n", rawlen, *result.Size)
b64data := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(rawdata)
clientmsg, err := json.Marshal(BrokerUpdate{
Type: BFile,
Bytes: &b64data,
Callback: &callback,
if checkerr("GetFile/json.Marshal", err) {
fail("Could not serialize reply JSON")
fmt.Fprintln(client, string(clientmsg))
func (t Telegram) apiURL(method string) string {
return APIEndpoint + "bot" + t.Token + "/" + method
func checkerr(method string, err error) bool {
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[%s] Error: %s\n", method, err.Error())
return true
return false