
195 lines
4.8 KiB

package main // import ""
import (
// Where are we in the file
const (
FStart = "start" // File start
InTOC = "intoc" // In Table of content
AfterTOC = "aftertoc" // After Table of content
// TemplateData is the data that is filled and passed to the HTML template
type TemplateData struct {
Title string
Credits string
Sections []*TemplateSection
// TemplateSection is a section of the rules
type TemplateSection struct {
ID string
Title string
Extra bool
Rules []TemplateRule
Text string
// TemplateRule is a single rule
type TemplateRule struct {
ID string
Text string
Depth int
var funmap = template.FuncMap{
"toCredits": tplToCredits,
"htmlify": tplHtmlify,
// HTMLrocCredits is the credit string to append to the other credits
const HTMLrocCredits = "Converted to HTML using <a href=\"\">htmlroc</a>"
func main() {
// Command line flags
txtfile := flag.String("in", "rules.txt", "Path to rules.txt file")
tplfile := flag.String("template", "template.html", "Path to template file")
outname := flag.String("out", "out.html", "Output file")
// Read template file
tpl, err := template.New(*tplfile).Funcs(funmap).ParseFiles(*tplfile)
checkErr(err, "Could not load template file \"%s\"", *tplfile)
tpldata := TemplateData{}
// Read rules file
filebytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*txtfile)
checkErr(err, "Could not read rules file \"%s\"", *txtfile)
filestr := string(filebytes)
// Use table of content as delimiter between credits and rule text
toc := strings.Index(filestr, "Table of Contents")
if toc < 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "could not find TOC")
// Extract credits
tpldata.Credits, filestr = strings.TrimSpace(filestr[:toc]), filestr[toc:]
// Add our own credits
tpldata.Credits += "\n" + HTMLrocCredits
// Rules are after TOC
tocend := strings.Index(filestr, "\n\n")
if tocend < 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "could not find end of TOC")
// Strip TOC out
filestr = filestr[tocend+2:]
// Every rule is a line (pretty handy!)
lines := strings.Split(filestr, "\n")
var currentSection *TemplateSection
for _, line := range lines {
// Trim line (used for several purposes)
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(line)
// Skip empty lines
if len(trimmed) < 1 {
// All rules begin with "(ID)"
isRule := trimmed[0] == '('
// All sections begin with "N. "
// for sake of not making this check extra complicated we're going to
// assume it has to be within the first 5 characters
isSection := strings.Index(trimmed[:5], ". ") > 0
// Calculate depth based on number of whitespace (/2)
depth := len(line) - len(trimmed)
switch {
// It's a section
case isSection:
parts := strings.SplitN(trimmed, ". ", 2)
if len(parts) < 2 {
// ???
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Found unexpected line: \"%s\"\n", trimmed)
// Create new section
currentSection = &TemplateSection{
ID: parts[0],
Title: parts[1],
Rules: []TemplateRule{},
Extra: false,
tpldata.Sections = append(tpldata.Sections, currentSection)
// It's a new rule
case isRule:
// ID is between ()s
endID := strings.IndexRune(trimmed, ')')
if endID < 0 {
// ???
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Found unexpected or malformed line: \"%s\"\n", trimmed)
currentSection.Rules = append(currentSection.Rules, TemplateRule{
ID: trimmed[1:endID],
Text: strings.TrimSpace(trimmed[endID+1:]),
Depth: depth,
// It's something else
// If there is at least a rule, assume it's a continuation of the last rule
if len(currentSection.Rules) > 0 {
currentSection.Rules[len(currentSection.Rules)-1].Text += "\n" + line
} else {
// No rules? Might be an extra
currentSection.Extra = true
currentSection.Text += line + "\n"
// Create output file
outfile, err := os.Create(*outname)
checkErr(err, "Could not create output file \"%s\"", *outname)
defer outfile.Close()
// Run template on output file stream
checkErr(tpl.Execute(outfile, tpldata), "Error running template")
func checkErr(err error, fmtstr string, args ...interface{}) {
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "FATAL: "+fmtstr+":\n ", args...)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
func tplToCredits(str string) template.HTML {
// Make first line an heading
idx := strings.IndexRune(str, '\n')
if idx > 0 {
str = "<h1>" + str[:idx] + "</h1><p>" + str[idx+1:]
// Wrap other lines in <p> tags
str = strings.ReplaceAll(str, "\n", "</p><p>") + "</p>"
return template.HTML(str)
func tplHtmlify(str string) template.HTML {
// Replace newlines with <br />
str = strings.ReplaceAll(str, "\n", "<br />")
return template.HTML(str)