import { loadSets, getCards, Database, initDB, cardFullName } from "@/mlpccg"; import { setupIDBShim } from "@/testing"; setupIDBShim(); describe("mlpccg/Database", () => { beforeAll(async () => { jest.setTimeout(15000); initDB(); await loadSets(); }); test("getCards without a filter returns all the cards", async () => { expect(Database).toBeTruthy(); const allCards = await Database!.cards.count(); const filtered = await getCards({}); expect(filtered).toHaveLength(allCards); }); test("getCards with a primary filter filters card correctly", async () => { expect(Database).toBeTruthy(); const filtered = await getCards({ Types: ["Troublemaker"] }); for (const card of filtered) { expect(card.Type).toBe("Troublemaker"); } }); test("getCards with a secondary filter filters card correctly", async () => { expect(Database).toBeTruthy(); const filtered = await getCards({ Name: "Rainbow Dash" }); for (const card of filtered) { expect(cardFullName(card).indexOf("Rainbow Dash") >= 0).toBeTruthy(); } }); });