import CardPicker from "@/components/DeckBuilder/CardPicker.vue"; import CardImage from "@/components/Cards/CardImage.vue"; import { shallowMount, mount } from "@vue/test-utils"; import { seconds } from "@/testing"; // Generate 10 test cards const testCards = new Array(10) .fill("test") .map((t, i) => ({ ID: `${t}${i}` })); const testSlots = => ({ data: c, limit: 3, howmany: 1 })); describe("components/DeckBuilder/CardPicker", () => { test("CardPicker correctly instances images for each card", () => { const wrapper = mount(CardPicker, { propsData: { rows: 2, columns: 5, cards: testSlots } }); const cards = wrapper.findAll(".ccgcard"); expect(cards.contains("img")).toBe(true); }); test("CardImage correctly resolves to an URL after a while", async () => { const wrapper = mount(CardImage, { propsData: { id: "sb1" } }); let src = wrapper.attributes("src"); expect(src).toBe(""); // Should be placeholder but it gets stubbed await seconds(0.5); src = wrapper.attributes("src"); expect(src).toMatch(/^https?:|^blob:/); }); test("CardPicker correctly aligns items in a grid", () => { const wrapper = shallowMount(CardPicker, { propsData: { rows: 3, columns: 5, cards: testSlots } }); const section = wrapper.find(".cardpicker"); const style = section.attributes("style"); expect(style).toMatch( /grid-template-rows: \S+ \S+ \S+; grid-template-columns: \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+;/i ); }); });