
206 lines
6.7 KiB

extends Spatial
class_name Board
onready var CardTemplate := preload("res://Scenes/Components/Card.tscn")
onready var camera := $Camera
onready var hand := $Camera/Hand
onready var ui := $BoardUI
onready var cards := $Cards
export var mouseHandThreshold = 0.85
var holdingCard: Card = null
var focusedCard: Card = null
var currentZone: Stack = null
var mouseOrigin: Vector2
var lastCameraTransform: Transform
onready var zones: Dictionary = {
"player1.deck": $Cards/Deck,
"player1.banished": $Cards/Banished,
"player1.graveyard": $Cards/Graveyard
func _ready():
add_card("ff36", 0, false)
add_card("ff36", 0, true)
add_card("ff36", 0, true)
add_card("ff36", 0, true)
add_card("ff36", 0, true)
func _input(event: InputEvent):
# Camera zoom
if event.is_action("zoom_in"):
elif event.is_action("zoom_out"):
# Save original camera and mouse position before panning
if event.is_action_pressed("pan"):
mouseOrigin = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
lastCameraTransform = camera.transform
func _process(delta: float):
# If mouse is under a certain area then we're managing our hand
var absMousePos := get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
# If panning, translate mouse delta to camera delta
if Input.is_action_pressed("pan"):
var mouseDelta := absMousePos - mouseOrigin
var mousePos: Vector2 = mouseDelta * 0.0096 * (1-camera.get_zoom()/5) # Magic numbers everywhere
camera.transform.origin = lastCameraTransform.origin - Vector3(mousePos.x, 0, mousePos.y)
# If holding a card, move it between board/hand
if holdingCard != null:
# Check if we're selecting our hand while holding a card
var relPos: Vector2 = absMousePos / get_viewport().size
var xMargin = 1.0-HAND_SCREEN_PERC
var selectingHand: bool = relPos.y > mouseHandThreshold and (relPos.x > xMargin/2 and relPos.x < (1.0-xMargin/2))
# Move card in/out hand
if selectingHand and not holdingCard.inHand:
holdingCard.inHand = true
call_deferred("reparent", holdingCard, cards, hand)
elif not selectingHand and holdingCard.inHand:
holdingCard.inHand = false
call_deferred("reparent", holdingCard, hand, cards)
# Move card to/from zone
if currentZone != null:
if holdingCard.inZone:
if holdingCard.zoneName != currentZone.zoneName:
# Move from old zone to new
call_deferred("reparent", holdingCard, zones[holdingCard.zoneName], currentZone)
holdingCard.zoneName = currentZone.zoneName
holdingCard.flipped = currentZone.faceDown
holdingCard.inZone = true
holdingCard.zoneName = currentZone.zoneName
holdingCard.flipped = currentZone.faceDown
if holdingCard.inHand:
call_deferred("reparent", holdingCard, hand, currentZone)
call_deferred("reparent", holdingCard, cards, currentZone)
elif holdingCard.inZone:
# Move from zone to hand/field
if holdingCard.inHand:
call_deferred("reparent", holdingCard, zones[holdingCard.zoneName], hand)
call_deferred("reparent", holdingCard, zones[holdingCard.zoneName], cards)
holdingCard.inZone = false
holdingCard.zoneName = ""
holdingCard.flipped = false
func _physics_process(delta):
# Do some raycast magic that normal Godot events cannot get (like ignoring items)
var space_state := get_world().direct_space_state
var absMousePos := get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
var from: Vector3 = camera.project_ray_origin(absMousePos)
var to: Vector3 = from + camera.project_ray_normal(absMousePos) * 1000
var result := space_state.intersect_ray(from, to, [self, holdingCard], 0x7FFFFFFF, true, true)
if result:
if result.collider is Stack:
currentZone = result.collider
currentZone = null
func _card_picked(card: Card):
# Call pop if applicable
if card.inZone:
holdingCard = card"lift")
func _card_dropped(card: Card):
if card.inHand:"drop")
if currentZone != null:
card.inZone = true
holdingCard = null
func _card_selected(card: Card):
if card.inHand and focusedCard == null:
focusedCard = card"focus")
func _card_unselected(card: Card):
if focusedCard == card:
focusedCard = null"blur")
func reparent(object: Node, from: Node, to: Node):
func add_card(cardID: String, playerID: int, inHand: bool):
var card := CardTemplate.instance()
card.cardID = cardID
card.playerID = playerID
card.inHand = inHand
card.connect("card_dropped", self, "_card_dropped", [card])
card.connect("card_picked", self, "_card_picked", [card])
card.connect("card_selected", ui, "_card_selected", [card])
card.connect("card_unselected", ui, "_card_unselected", [card])
card.connect("card_selected", self, "_card_selected", [card])
card.connect("card_unselected", self, "_card_unselected", [card])
card.connect("card_dropped_anim", self, "check_hand_drop", [card])
card.connect("card_menu", ui, "show_card_menu", [card])
if inHand:
# TODO if player != me, put in opponent's hand
func check_hand_drop(card: Card):
# Re-order hand as soon as the animation is over
if card.inHand:
const MAX_CARD_DISTANCE := 0.5
const HAND_SCREEN_PERC := 0.6
const CARD_ROTATION := 0.03
const UNITSPERPX := 0.003
func reorder_hand():
var cardsInHand: Array = hand.get_children()
cardsInHand.sort_custom(TransformSorter, "sort")
var size := cardsInHand.size()
# Check if we have nothing to order
if size < 1:
# Calculate total width of the player's hand and other things
# This is done in two ways, for small hands, MAX_CARD_DISTANCE is usually used
# as constant distance between cards, however, as the hand gets larger we don't
# want them to go offscreen, therefore a "maximum screen %" is used to determine
# how to fit all the cards within a % of the viewport's width
var distancePerc := get_viewport().size.x * HAND_SCREEN_PERC * UNITSPERPX / size
var distance := min(distancePerc, MAX_CARD_DISTANCE)
var totalWidth := distance * (size-1)
var minX := -totalWidth/2
# Iterate over all items, keep track of the index
var i := 0
for child in cardsInHand:
child.tween_move_to(Vector3(minX + distance * i, 0.02*i, -0.005*i))
child.tween_rotate(Vector3(0, CARD_ROTATION * (size/2.0 - i), 0))
i += 1
class TransformSorter:
static func sort(a, b):
if a.transform.origin.x < b.transform.origin.x:
return true
return false
func _card_picked_zone(card, zone):