From 0d964a1b9a0651c8fca6d33e4c860e24efdf5344 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: silverweed <>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 13:21:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] reorder flags in argparse msg

 src/argparse.cpp | 15 ++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/argparse.cpp b/src/argparse.cpp
index 5c5ebaa..4b9e204 100644
--- a/src/argparse.cpp
+++ b/src/argparse.cpp
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ void print_help(const char *argv0)
     "rntviewer v" V_MAJOR "." V_MINOR " by silverweed"
-    "\nUsage: %s [-t] [-s START] [-l LEN] [-w WIDTH] [-e] <ntuple_file.root> [ntuple_name]"
-    "\n\t-t: no graphics, output to terminal"
-    "\n\t-s: set first displayed byte to START"
-    "\n\t-l: display LEN bytes (only in terminal mode)"
-    "\n\t-w: display WIDTH bytes per column"
+    "\nUsage: %s [-ehkntv] [-s START] [-l LEN] [-w WIDTH] <ntuple_file.root> [ntuple_name]"
     "\n\t-e: display some extended info(*) (may slow down the startup)"
-    "\n\t-n: list the names of the RNTuples found in the file and exit"
-    "\n\t-v: print version and copyright info"
+    "\n\t-h: display this help and exit"
+    "\n\t-l: display LEN bytes (only in terminal mode)"
     "\n\t-k: print information about the TKeys in the file"
+    "\n\t-n: list the names of the RNTuples found in the file and exit"
+    "\n\t-s: set first displayed byte to START"
+    "\n\t-t: no graphics, output to terminal"
+    "\n\t-v: print version and copyright info"
+    "\n\t-w: display WIDTH bytes per column"
     "\n- if `ntuple_name' is not passed, rntviewer will look for the first RNTuple in the TFile."