diff --git a/src/tfile.cpp b/src/tfile.cpp
index a1b1592..c3ece5b 100644
--- a/src/tfile.cpp
+++ b/src/tfile.cpp
@@ -215,9 +215,7 @@ b8 walk_tkeys(Arena *arena, const u8 *data, u64 data_len, u32 flags, TFile_Data
       fprintf(stderr, "Error: found key or obj with len 0. Bailing out...\n");
-    printf("cur: 0x%lX, nbytes: %lu (/ 0x%lX)\n", cur, n_bytes, sections[Sec_TFile_FreeList].head->range.start);
     if (is_free_slot) {
       // don't try to read the rest of the data
       cur += n_bytes;
@@ -258,7 +256,6 @@ b8 walk_tkeys(Arena *arena, const u8 *data, u64 data_len, u32 flags, TFile_Data
     } else if (cur == sections[Sec_TFile_FreeList].head->range.start) {
       sections[Sec_TFile_FreeList].head->pre_size = keylen;
       sections[Sec_TFile_FreeList].head->range.start += keylen;
-      printf("keylen %lu\n", keylen);
       sections[Sec_TFile_FreeList].head->range.len = n_bytes - keylen;
     } else {
       // Check if this is a RNTuple anchor