internal String8 rntuple_description(Arena *arena, const RNTuple_Data &ntuple) { String8 desc = push_str8f(arena, "version %u.%u.%u.%u", ntuple.version.epoch, ntuple.version.major, ntuple.version.minor, ntuple.version.patch); return desc; } internal ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor create_descriptor(Arena *arena, RMicroFileReader &reader, const RNTuple_File_Info &info) { using namespace ROOT::Experimental; using namespace ROOT::Experimental::Internal; Temp scratch = scratch_begin(&arena, 1); defer { scratch_end(scratch); }; const RNTuple_Anchor &anchor = info.anchor; // Read compressed header+footer u8 *header_zip = arena_push_array_nozero(scratch.arena, anchor.fNBytesHeader); u8 *footer_zip = arena_push_array_nozero(scratch.arena, anchor.fNBytesFooter); reader.ReadBuffer(header_zip, anchor.fNBytesHeader, anchor.fSeekHeader); reader.ReadBuffer(footer_zip, anchor.fNBytesFooter, anchor.fSeekFooter); // Decompress header+footer u8 *header = arena_push_array_nozero(scratch.arena, anchor.fLenHeader); u8 *footer = arena_push_array_nozero(scratch.arena, anchor.fLenFooter); RNTupleDecompressor::Unzip(header_zip, anchor.fNBytesHeader, anchor.fLenHeader, header); RNTupleDecompressor::Unzip(footer_zip, anchor.fNBytesFooter, anchor.fLenFooter, footer); // Deserialize header+footer RNTupleDescriptorBuilder desc_builder; RNTupleSerializer::DeserializeHeader(header, anchor.fLenHeader, desc_builder); RNTupleSerializer::DeserializeFooter(footer, anchor.fLenFooter, desc_builder); RNTupleDescriptor descriptor = desc_builder.MoveDescriptor(); for (const RClusterGroupDescriptor &cgdesc : descriptor.GetClusterGroupIterable()) { u64 arena_start = arena_pos(scratch.arena); // Read page list u64 page_list_zip_size = cgdesc.GetPageListLocator().fBytesOnStorage; u64 page_list_seek = cgdesc.GetPageListLocator().GetPosition(); u8 *page_list_zip = arena_push_array_nozero(scratch.arena, page_list_zip_size); reader.ReadBuffer(page_list_zip, page_list_zip_size, page_list_seek); // Decompress page list u64 page_list_len = cgdesc.GetPageListLength(); u8 *page_list = arena_push_array_nozero(scratch.arena, page_list_len); RNTupleDecompressor::Unzip(page_list_zip, page_list_zip_size, page_list_len, page_list); // Deserialize page list DescriptorId_t cluster_grpid = cgdesc.GetId(); RNTupleSerializer::DeserializePageList(page_list, page_list_len, cluster_grpid, descriptor); arena_pop_to(scratch.arena, arena_start); } return descriptor; } internal void gather_ntuple_metadata(Arena *arena, RMicroFileReader &reader, const RNTuple_File_Info &info, RNTuple_Data &rndata) { using namespace ROOT::Experimental; using namespace ROOT::Experimental::Internal; RNTupleDescriptor descriptor = create_descriptor(arena, reader, info); // gather cluster groups metadata Cluster_Group_Info *cluster_groups = arena_push_array_nozero(arena, descriptor.GetNClusterGroups()); u64 tot_page_list_size = 0; u64 cg_idx = 0; for (const RClusterGroupDescriptor &cg_desc : descriptor.GetClusterGroupIterable()) { Cluster_Group_Info &cg_info = cluster_groups[cg_idx++]; // Page list locator RNTupleLocator plist_locator = cg_desc.GetPageListLocator(); cg_info.rng_page_list.start = plist_locator.GetPosition(); cg_info.rng_page_list.len = plist_locator.fBytesOnStorage; tot_page_list_size += plist_locator.fBytesOnStorage; } fprintf(stderr, "Loading pages...\n"); u64 n_pages = 0; u64 n_elems = 0; u64 tot_page_size = 0; Page_Info_Node *pinfo_head = nullptr, *pinfo_tail = nullptr; Page_Info_Node *last_inserted_pinfo = nullptr; u64 n_clusters = 0; chr::time_point start_t = chr::high_resolution_clock::now(); u64 n_slow = 0; // gather clusters and pages metadata for (const RClusterDescriptor &cluster_desc : descriptor.GetClusterIterable()) { ++n_clusters; for (const RClusterDescriptor::RColumnRange &col_range : cluster_desc.GetColumnRangeIterable()) { // insert page infos sorted by byte range const auto &page_range = cluster_desc.GetPageRange(col_range.fPhysicalColumnId); for (const auto &page_info : page_range.fPageInfos) { const u64 checksum_size = sizeof(u64); Page_Info_Node *pinfo = arena_push(arena); pinfo->range.start = page_info.fLocator.GetPosition(); pinfo->range.len = page_info.fLocator.fBytesOnStorage + (page_info.fHasChecksum) * checksum_size; pinfo->n_elems = page_info.fHasChecksum ? -page_info.fNElements : page_info.fNElements; pinfo->cluster_id = cluster_desc.GetId(); if (!pinfo_head) { // first node inserted assert(!pinfo_tail); pinfo_head = pinfo_tail = pinfo; } else if (pinfo->range.start >= pinfo_tail->range.end()) { // after tail pinfo_tail->next = pinfo; pinfo->prev = pinfo_tail; pinfo_tail = pinfo; } else if (pinfo->range.end() <= pinfo_head->range.start) { // before head pinfo->next = pinfo_head; pinfo_head->prev = pinfo; pinfo_head = pinfo; } else { // Very commonly pages are already sorted either in increasing or decreasing order. // By starting to look from the last inserted page we are very likely to find the // proper slot immediately. b8 inserted = false; b8 pinfo_is_after_last = pinfo->range.start >= last_inserted_pinfo->range.end(); if (pinfo_is_after_last) { for (Page_Info_Node *node = last_inserted_pinfo->next; node; node = node->next) { // check if `pinfo` fits right before the node we're looking at if (pinfo->range.end() <= node->range.start) { Page_Info_Node *prev = node->prev; if (UNLIKELY(!prev) || prev->range.end() <= pinfo->range.start) { if (LIKELY(prev)) { prev->next = pinfo; pinfo->prev = prev; } pinfo->next = node; inserted = true; break; } } } } else { for (Page_Info_Node *node = last_inserted_pinfo; node; node = node->prev) { // check if `pinfo` fits right before the node we're looking at if (pinfo->range.end() <= node->range.start) { Page_Info_Node *prev = node->prev; if (UNLIKELY(!prev) || prev->range.end() <= pinfo->range.start) { if (LIKELY(prev)) { prev->next = pinfo; pinfo->prev = prev; } pinfo->next = node; inserted = true; break; } } } } assert(inserted); } last_inserted_pinfo = pinfo; ++n_pages; tot_page_size += pinfo->range.len; n_elems += page_info.fNElements; } } } chr::time_point end_t = chr::high_resolution_clock::now(); u64 time_spent_ms = chr::duration_cast(end_t - start_t).count(); fprintf(stderr, "Loaded %lu pages in %lu ms (%lu took the slow path).\nGenerating groups...\n", n_pages, time_spent_ms, n_slow); // Create page groups and chunks. // Each page group is a grouping of GROUP_SIZE page infos whose range is equal to the combined ranges // of its components. It is an acceleration structure used to more quickly find the correct page info // that an offset belongs to. // A page chunk is a grouping of adjacent pages, used to quickly determine if an offset is part // of a page or not. assert(pinfo_head); const u64 GROUP_SIZE = 500; Page_Info_Group *groups = arena_push_array_nozero(arena, n_pages / GROUP_SIZE + 1); u64 n_groups = 1; groups->first = pinfo_head; groups->range.start = pinfo_head->range.start; Page_Info_Chunk *chunks_head = arena_push(arena); Page_Info_Chunk *chunks_tail = chunks_head; chunks_head->range = pinfo_head->range; u64 n_chunks = 1; u64 idx = 1; [[maybe_unused]] Page_Info_Node *prev = pinfo_head; for (Page_Info_Node *pinfo = pinfo_head->next; pinfo; pinfo = pinfo->next) { assert(prev->range.end() <= pinfo->range.start); prev = pinfo; if (pinfo->range.start != chunks_tail->range.end()) { // close current chunk and open new one Page_Info_Chunk *chunk = arena_push(arena); chunk->range.start = pinfo->range.start; chunk->first_group = n_groups - 1; chunks_tail->next = chunk; chunks_tail = chunk; ++n_chunks; } chunks_tail->range.len += pinfo->range.len; if (idx++ % GROUP_SIZE != 0) continue; // Create a new group every GROUP_SIZE page infos Page_Info_Group &cur_group = groups[n_groups]; cur_group.first = pinfo; cur_group.range.start = pinfo->range.start; Page_Info_Group &prev_group = groups[n_groups - 1]; prev_group.range.len = cur_group.range.start - prev_group.range.start; ++n_groups; } Page_Info_Group &last_group = groups[n_groups - 1]; last_group.range.len = pinfo_tail->range.end() - last_group.range.start; fprintf(stderr, "Generated %lu groups and %lu chunks.\n", n_groups, n_chunks); assert(!chunks_tail->next); assert(!pinfo_tail->next); rndata.pages = pinfo_head; rndata.page_groups = groups; rndata.n_page_groups = n_groups; rndata.page_chunks = chunks_head; rndata.n_page_chunks = n_chunks; rndata.n_pages = n_pages; rndata.n_elems = n_elems; rndata.tot_page_size = tot_page_size; rndata.cluster_groups = cluster_groups; rndata.n_cluster_groups = cg_idx; rndata.tot_page_list_size = tot_page_list_size; rndata.n_clusters = n_clusters; } internal TFile_Data get_tfile_data(const Inspected_File &file) { TFile_Data tfile_data{}; // parse root version const u64 version_seek = 4; u32 version_be; memcpy(&version_be, file.mem + version_seek, sizeof(version_be)); u32 version = bswap_32(version_be); b32 is_big_file = version > 1000000; version -= is_big_file * 1000000; u32 version_major = version / 10000; u32 version_minor = (version - version_major * 10000) / 100; u32 version_patch = (version - version_major * 10000 - version_minor * 100); tfile_data.root_version_major = (u16)version_major; tfile_data.root_version_minor = (u16)version_minor; tfile_data.root_version_patch = (u16)version_patch; Root_File_Info root_file_info = get_root_file_info(, is_big_file); tfile_data.root_file_header_size = root_file_info.tfile_header_nbytes; tfile_data.rng_root_file_obj.start = root_file_info.tfile_obj_seek; tfile_data.rng_root_file_obj.len = root_file_info.tfile_obj_nbytes; // parse compression u32 compression_be; memcpy(&compression_be, file.mem + root_file_info.compression_seek, sizeof(compression_be)); tfile_data.compression = bswap_32(compression_be); // parse info if (is_big_file) { u64 info_seek_be; memcpy(&info_seek_be, file.mem + root_file_info.info_seek_seek, sizeof(info_seek_be)); tfile_data.rng_root_file_info.start = bswap_64(info_seek_be); } else { u32 info_seek_be; memcpy(&info_seek_be, file.mem + root_file_info.info_seek_seek, sizeof(info_seek_be)); tfile_data.rng_root_file_info.start = bswap_32(info_seek_be); } u32 info_nbytes_be; memcpy(&info_nbytes_be, file.mem + root_file_info.info_nbytes_seek, sizeof(info_nbytes_be)); tfile_data.rng_root_file_info.len = bswap_32(info_nbytes_be); // parse free list if (is_big_file) { u64 free_seek_be; memcpy(&free_seek_be, file.mem + root_file_info.free_seek_seek, sizeof(free_seek_be)); tfile_data.rng_root_file_free.start = bswap_64(free_seek_be); } else { u32 free_seek_be; memcpy(&free_seek_be, file.mem + root_file_info.free_seek_seek, sizeof(free_seek_be)); tfile_data.rng_root_file_free.start = bswap_32(free_seek_be); } u32 free_nbytes_be; memcpy(&free_nbytes_be, file.mem + root_file_info.free_nbytes_seek, sizeof(free_nbytes_be)); tfile_data.rng_root_file_free.len = bswap_32(free_nbytes_be); return tfile_data; } internal RNTuple_Data get_rntuple_data(Arena *arena, const Inspected_File &file, String8 ntpl_name) { RNTuple_Data rndata {}; // TODO: proper error handling RMicroFileReader file_reader { }; RNTuple_File_Info file_info = file_reader.GetNTupleProper(ntpl_name.c()); if (!file_info.failed) { rndata.version.epoch = file_info.anchor.fVersionEpoch; rndata.version.major = file_info.anchor.fVersionMajor; rndata.version.minor = file_info.anchor.fVersionMinor; rndata.version.patch = file_info.anchor.fVersionPatch; rndata.rng_header.start = file_info.anchor.fSeekHeader; rndata.rng_header.len = file_info.anchor.fNBytesHeader; rndata.rng_footer.start = file_info.anchor.fSeekFooter; rndata.rng_footer.len = file_info.anchor.fNBytesFooter; rndata.rng_anchor.start = file_info.anchor_seek; rndata.rng_anchor.len = file_info.anchor_nbytes; rndata.rng_anchor_key.start = file_info.anchor_key_seek; rndata.rng_anchor_key.len = file_info.anchor_key_nbytes; rndata.rblob_header_size = file_info.rblob_key_header_nbytes; rndata.rng_tkeys_list.start = file_info.tkeys_list_seek; rndata.rng_tkeys_list.len = file_info.tkeys_list_nbytes; gather_ntuple_metadata(arena, file_reader, file_info, rndata); } return rndata; } internal Byte_Range get_section_range(const App_State &app, Section_Id sec) { switch (sec) { default: return { 0, 0 }; case Sec_TFile_Header: return Byte_Range { 0, app.tfile_data.root_file_header_size }; case Sec_TFile_Object: return app.tfile_data.rng_root_file_obj; case Sec_TFile_Info: return app.tfile_data.rng_root_file_info; case Sec_TFile_FreeList: return app.tfile_data.rng_root_file_free; case Sec_TKey_List: return app.rndata.rng_tkeys_list; case Sec_RNTuple_Anchor: return app.rndata.rng_anchor; case Sec_RNTuple_Header: return app.rndata.rng_header; case Sec_RNTuple_Footer: return app.rndata.rng_footer; } } internal Section find_section(App_State &app, u64 off, i64 hilite_cluster = -1) { const RNTuple_Data &rdata = app.rndata; const TFile_Data &tdata = app.tfile_data; u64 rblob_sz = rdata.rblob_header_size; // @Incomplete b8 hilite = false; // TFile start if (off <= tdata.root_file_header_size) return { Sec_TFile_Header, { 0, tdata.root_file_header_size }, 0, hilite }; if (tdata.rng_root_file_obj.start <= off && off < tdata.rng_root_file_obj.end()) return { Sec_TFile_Object, tdata.rng_root_file_obj, 0, hilite }; if (tdata.rng_root_file_info.start <= off && off < tdata.rng_root_file_info.end()) return { Sec_TFile_Info, tdata.rng_root_file_info, 0, hilite }; if (tdata.rng_root_file_free.start <= off && off < tdata.rng_root_file_free.end()) return { Sec_TFile_FreeList, tdata.rng_root_file_free, 0, hilite }; /// Handle pages { // fast case: `off` is in the same page info as previous `off`. if (app.last_pinfo->range.start < off && off < app.last_pinfo->range.end()) { hilite = hilite_cluster >= 0 && app.last_pinfo->cluster_id == (u64)hilite_cluster; return { Sec_Page, app.last_pinfo->range, app.last_pinfo->checksum_size(), hilite }; } // still fast case: `off is in the next page info as the previous. if (app.last_pinfo->next) // don't check if it's checksum, since it's the first byte of the page app.last_pinfo = app.last_pinfo->next; if (app.last_pinfo && app.last_pinfo->range.start <= off && off < app.last_pinfo->range.end()) { hilite = hilite_cluster >= 0 && app.last_pinfo->cluster_id == (u64)hilite_cluster; return { Sec_Page, app.last_pinfo->range, app.last_pinfo->checksum_size(), hilite }; } } if (rdata.rng_anchor_key.start <= off && off < rdata.rng_anchor.end()) return { Sec_RNTuple_Anchor, rdata.rng_anchor, 8, hilite }; if (rdata.rng_header.start - rblob_sz <= off && off < rdata.rng_header.end()) return { Sec_RNTuple_Header, rdata.rng_header, 8, hilite }; if (rdata.rng_footer.start - rblob_sz <= off && off < rdata.rng_footer.end()) return { Sec_RNTuple_Footer, rdata.rng_footer, 8, hilite }; if (rdata.rng_tkeys_list.start <= off && off < rdata.rng_tkeys_list.end()) return { Sec_TKey_List, rdata.rng_tkeys_list, 0, hilite }; // @Speed for (u64 cg_idx = 0; cg_idx < rdata.n_cluster_groups; ++cg_idx) { Cluster_Group_Info &cg_info = rdata.cluster_groups[cg_idx]; if (cg_info.rng_page_list.start - rblob_sz <= off && off < cg_info.rng_page_list.end()) return { Sec_Page_List, cg_info.rng_page_list, 8, hilite }; } // Slow page group lookup, ideally only done once per render when last_pinfo is invalid. for (Page_Info_Chunk *chunk = rdata.page_chunks; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) { // If we're at the start of a chunk, return a fake Sec_Page used to highlight the RBlob header bytes. if (chunk->range.start - rblob_sz <= off && off < chunk->range.start) return { Sec_Page, { chunk->range.start, 0 }, 0, hilite }; if (chunk->range.start <= off && off < chunk->range.end()) { for (u64 group_idx = chunk->first_group; group_idx < rdata.n_page_groups; ++group_idx) { const Page_Info_Group &group = rdata.page_groups[group_idx]; if (off < group.range.start || off >= group.range.end()) continue; for (Page_Info_Node *pinfo = group.first; pinfo; pinfo = pinfo->next) { if (pinfo->range.start <= off && off < pinfo->range.end()) { app.last_pinfo = pinfo; hilite = hilite_cluster >= 0 && pinfo->cluster_id == (u64)hilite_cluster; return { Sec_Page, pinfo->range, pinfo->checksum_size(), hilite }; } } } fprintf(stderr, "Offset 0x%lX is in chunk 0x%lX - 0x%lX, but found in no page_info range!\n", off, chunk->range.start, chunk->range.end()); assert(false); } } return {}; }