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package draw2dgl
import (
2016-10-20 15:04:17 +00:00
2016-10-20 15:04:17 +00:00
var glyphCache map[string]map[rune]*glyph
func init() {
glyphCache = make(map[string]map[rune]*glyph)
// FillGlyph copies a glyph from the cache, copies it to the gc, and fills it
func FillGlyph(gc draw2d.GraphicContext, x, y float64, chr rune) float64 {
g := fetchGlyph(gc, chr)
gc.Translate(x, y)
return g.Width
// StrokeGlyph fetches a glyph from the cache, copies it to the gc, and strokes it
func StrokeGlyph(gc draw2d.GraphicContext, x, y float64, chr rune) float64 {
g := fetchGlyph(gc, chr)
gc.Translate(x, y)
return g.Width
// fetchGlyph fetches a glyph from the cache, calling renderGlyph first if it doesn't already exist
func fetchGlyph(gc draw2d.GraphicContext, chr rune) *glyph {
fontData := gc.GetFontData()
fontName := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d:%d", fontData.Name, fontData.Family, fontData.Style, gc.GetFontSize())
if glyphCache[fontName] == nil {
glyphCache[fontName] = make(map[rune]*glyph, 60)
if glyphCache[fontName][chr] == nil {
glyphCache[fontName][chr] = renderGlyph(gc, fontName, chr)
return glyphCache[fontName][chr].Copy()
// renderGlyph renders a Glyph then caches and returns it
func renderGlyph(gc draw2d.GraphicContext, fontName string, chr rune) *glyph {
defer gc.Restore()
width := gc.CreateStringPath(string(chr), 0, 0)
path := gc.GetPath()
return &glyph{
Path: &path,
Width: width,
// glyph represents a rune which has been converted to a Path and width
type glyph struct {
// Path represents a glyph, it is always at (0, 0)
Path *draw2d.Path
// Width of the glyph
Width float64
func (g *glyph) Copy() *glyph {
return &glyph{
Path: g.Path.Copy(),
Width: g.Width,
// DrawContour draws the given closed contour at the given sub-pixel offset.
func DrawContour(path draw2d.PathBuilder, ps []truetype.Point, dx, dy float64) {
if len(ps) == 0 {
startX, startY := pointToF64Point(ps[0])
path.MoveTo(startX+dx, startY+dy)
q0X, q0Y, on0 := startX, startY, true
for _, p := range ps[1:] {
qX, qY := pointToF64Point(p)
on := p.Flags&0x01 != 0
if on {
if on0 {
path.LineTo(qX+dx, qY+dy)
} else {
path.QuadCurveTo(q0X+dx, q0Y+dy, qX+dx, qY+dy)
} else {
if on0 {
// No-op.
} else {
midX := (q0X + qX) / 2
midY := (q0Y + qY) / 2
path.QuadCurveTo(q0X+dx, q0Y+dy, midX+dx, midY+dy)
q0X, q0Y, on0 = qX, qY, on
// Close the curve.
if on0 {
path.LineTo(startX+dx, startY+dy)
} else {
path.QuadCurveTo(q0X+dx, q0Y+dy, startX+dx, startY+dy)
func pointToF64Point(p truetype.Point) (x, y float64) {
return fUnitsToFloat64(p.X), -fUnitsToFloat64(p.Y)
func fUnitsToFloat64(x fixed.Int26_6) float64 {
scaled := x << 2
return float64(scaled/256) + float64(scaled%256)/256.0
// FontExtents contains font metric information.
type FontExtents struct {
// Ascent is the distance that the text
// extends above the baseline.
Ascent float64
// Descent is the distance that the text
// extends below the baseline. The descent
// is given as a negative value.
Descent float64
// Height is the distance from the lowest
// descending point to the highest ascending
// point.
Height float64
// Extents returns the FontExtents for a font.
// TODO needs to read this https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM02/Chap2.html#intro
func Extents(font *truetype.Font, size float64) FontExtents {
bounds := font.Bounds(fixed.Int26_6(font.FUnitsPerEm()))
scale := size / float64(font.FUnitsPerEm())
return FontExtents{
Ascent: float64(bounds.Max.Y) * scale,
Descent: float64(bounds.Min.Y) * scale,
Height: float64(bounds.Max.Y-bounds.Min.Y) * scale,