3 Useful dev apps
Hamcha edited this page 2021-11-12 09:01:07 +00:00

The followings are useful apps for developers available on choco (Windows) and other package managers (probably):


System utils

App What How to install
ChocolateyGUI GUI for choco cinst chocolateygui
AutoHotKey Programmable hotkeys and shortcuts cinst autohotkey


App What How to install
webp Convert images to WebP cinst webp
youtube-dl Download videos from youtube and other websites cinst youtube-dl

Development tools

App What How to install
ngrok Reverse proxy for exposing local services cinst ngrok
protoc Protocol Buffer compiler cinst protoc

Shell utils

App What How to install
fzf Fuzzy finder, see better-cli cinst fzf
jq Query JSON using selectors cinst jq
pandoc Convert between markup/doc formats cinst pandoc
sudo "sudo"-like shell helper cinst sudo

Programming languages and runtimes

App How to install
deno cinst deno
elixir cinst elixir
erlang cinst erlang
LLVM cinst llvm
nvm (Node) cinst nvm
php cinst php
Python 2.x1 cinst python2
Python 3.x1 cinst python3
yarn cinst yarn
zig cinst zig

Docker / Kubernetes

App What How to install
Docker CLI Docker CLI for remote docker cinst docker-cli
Docker Compose Docker Compose CLI cinst docker-compose
Kubernetes CLI kubectl CLI for remote k8s cinst kubernetes-cli
Helm Kubernetes package manager cinst kubernetes-helm
Kustomize K8S templating cinst kustomize
Minikube Run kubernetes locally (on HyperV or VirtualBox) cinst minikube
Skaffold Kubernetes dev and deploy tool cinst skaffold


Why not just use installers

Package management is not just convenient for installing, you can also upgrade all your packages with choco upgrade PACKAGENAME!

If you use ChocolateyGUI, you can check see all your installed packages, which ones have upgrades available and update all of them with one click!

What if I need particular options

Some packages (like php) have special flags (like /DontAddToPath).