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// Copyright 2015 The draw2d Authors. All rights reserved.
// created: 16/12/2017 by Drahoslav Bednář
package draw2dsvg
import (
2017-12-22 21:40:56 +00:00
type drawType int
2017-12-22 21:40:56 +00:00
const (
filled drawType = 1 << iota
// GraphicContext implements the draw2d.GraphicContext interface
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// It provides draw2d with a svg backend
type GraphicContext struct {
FontCache draw2d.FontCache
glyphCache draw2dbase.GlyphCache
glyphBuf *truetype.GlyphBuf
svg *Svg
DPI int
2017-12-21 17:18:29 +00:00
func NewGraphicContext(svg *Svg) *GraphicContext {
gc := &GraphicContext{
return gc
2017-12-22 21:40:56 +00:00
// Clear fills the current canvas with a default transparent color
func (gc *GraphicContext) Clear() {
gc.svg.Groups = nil
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// Stroke strokes the paths with the color specified by SetStrokeColor
func (gc *GraphicContext) Stroke(paths ...*draw2d.Path) {
gc.drawPaths(stroked, paths...)
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// Fill fills the paths with the color specified by SetFillColor
func (gc *GraphicContext) Fill(paths ...*draw2d.Path) {
gc.drawPaths(filled, paths...)
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// FillStroke first fills the paths and than strokes them
func (gc *GraphicContext) FillStroke(paths ...*draw2d.Path) {
gc.drawPaths(filled|stroked, paths...)
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// FillString draws the text at point (0, 0)
func (gc *GraphicContext) FillString(text string) (cursor float64) {
return gc.FillStringAt(text, 0, 0)
// FillStringAt draws the text at the specified point (x, y)
func (gc *GraphicContext) FillStringAt(text string, x, y float64) (cursor float64) {
return gc.drawString(text, filled, x, y)
// StrokeString draws the contour of the text at point (0, 0)
func (gc *GraphicContext) StrokeString(text string) (cursor float64) {
return gc.StrokeStringAt(text, 0, 0)
// StrokeStringAt draws the contour of the text at point (x, y)
func (gc *GraphicContext) StrokeStringAt(text string, x, y float64) (cursor float64) {
return gc.drawString(text, stroked, x, y)
// Save the context and push it to the context stack
func (gc *GraphicContext) Save() {
// TODO use common transformation group for multiple elements
// Restore remove the current context and restore the last one
func (gc *GraphicContext) Restore() {
// TODO use common transformation group for multiple elements
2018-01-10 21:13:38 +00:00
func (gc *GraphicContext) SetDPI(dpi int) {
gc.DPI = dpi
func (gc *GraphicContext) GetDPI() int {
return gc.DPI
// SetFont sets the font used to draw text.
func (gc *GraphicContext) SetFont(font *truetype.Font) {
gc.Current.Font = font
// SetFontSize sets the font size in points (as in “a 12 point font”).
func (gc *GraphicContext) SetFontSize(fontSize float64) {
gc.Current.FontSize = fontSize
// DrawImage draws the raster image in the current canvas
func (gc *GraphicContext) DrawImage(image image.Image) {
bounds := image.Bounds()
svgImage := &Image{Href: imageToSvgHref(image)}
svgImage.X = float64(bounds.Min.X)
svgImage.Y = float64(bounds.Min.Y)
svgImage.Width = toSvgLength(float64(bounds.Max.X - bounds.Min.X))
svgImage.Height = toSvgLength(float64(bounds.Max.Y - bounds.Min.Y))
gc.newGroup(0).Image = svgImage
// ClearRect fills the specified rectangle with a default transparent color
func (gc *GraphicContext) ClearRect(x1, y1, x2, y2 int) {
mask := gc.newMask(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1)
newGroup := &Group{
Groups: gc.svg.Groups,
Mask: "url(#" + mask.Id + ")",
// replace groups with new masked group
gc.svg.Groups = []*Group{newGroup}
// NOTE following two functions and soe other further below copied from dwra2d{img|gl}
// TODO move them all to common draw2dbase?
// CreateStringPath creates a path from the string s at x, y, and returns the string width.
// The text is placed so that the left edge of the em square of the first character of s
// and the baseline intersect at x, y. The majority of the affected pixels will be
// above and to the right of the point, but some may be below or to the left.
// For example, drawing a string that starts with a 'J' in an italic font may
// affect pixels below and left of the point.
func (gc *GraphicContext) CreateStringPath(s string, x, y float64) (cursor float64) {
f, err := gc.loadCurrentFont()
if err != nil {
return 0.0
startx := x
prev, hasPrev := truetype.Index(0), false
for _, rune := range s {
index := f.Index(rune)
if hasPrev {
x += fUnitsToFloat64(f.Kern(fixed.Int26_6(gc.Current.Scale), prev, index))
err := gc.drawGlyph(index, x, y)
if err != nil {
return startx - x
x += fUnitsToFloat64(f.HMetric(fixed.Int26_6(gc.Current.Scale), index).AdvanceWidth)
prev, hasPrev = index, true
return x - startx
// GetStringBounds returns the approximate pixel bounds of the string s at x, y.
// The the left edge of the em square of the first character of s
// and the baseline intersect at 0, 0 in the returned coordinates.
// Therefore the top and left coordinates may well be negative.
func (gc *GraphicContext) GetStringBounds(s string) (left, top, right, bottom float64) {
f, err := gc.loadCurrentFont()
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, 0
if gc.Current.Scale == 0 {
panic("zero scale")
top, left, bottom, right = 10e6, 10e6, -10e6, -10e6
cursor := 0.0
prev, hasPrev := truetype.Index(0), false
for _, rune := range s {
index := f.Index(rune)
if hasPrev {
cursor += fUnitsToFloat64(f.Kern(fixed.Int26_6(gc.Current.Scale), prev, index))
if err := gc.glyphBuf.Load(gc.Current.Font, fixed.Int26_6(gc.Current.Scale), index, font.HintingNone); err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, 0
e0 := 0
for _, e1 := range gc.glyphBuf.Ends {
ps := gc.glyphBuf.Points[e0:e1]
for _, p := range ps {
x, y := pointToF64Point(p)
top = math.Min(top, y)
bottom = math.Max(bottom, y)
left = math.Min(left, x+cursor)
right = math.Max(right, x+cursor)
cursor += fUnitsToFloat64(f.HMetric(fixed.Int26_6(gc.Current.Scale), index).AdvanceWidth)
prev, hasPrev = index, true
return left, top, right, bottom
// private funcitons
func (gc *GraphicContext) drawPaths(drawType drawType, paths ...*draw2d.Path) {
// create elements
2017-12-24 15:05:15 +00:00
svgPath := Path{}
group := gc.newGroup(drawType)
// set attrs to path element
paths = append(paths, gc.Current.Path)
svgPathsDesc := make([]string, len(paths))
// multiple pathes has to be joined to single svg path description
// because fill-rule wont work for whole group as excepted
for i, path := range paths {
svgPathsDesc[i] = toSvgPathDesc(path)
svgPath.Desc = strings.Join(svgPathsDesc, " ")
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// attach to group
group.Paths = []*Path{&svgPath}
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// Add text element to svg and returns its expected width
func (gc *GraphicContext) drawString(text string, drawType drawType, x, y float64) float64 {
switch gc.svg.FontMode {
case PathFontMode:
w := gc.CreateStringPath(text, x, y)
return w
case SvgFontMode:
// create elements
svgText := Text{}
group := gc.newGroup(drawType)
// set attrs to text element
svgText.Text = text
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svgText.FontSize = gc.Current.FontSize
svgText.X = x
svgText.Y = y
svgText.FontFamily = gc.Current.FontData.Name
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// attach to group
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group.Texts = []*Text{&svgText}
left, _, right, _ := gc.GetStringBounds(text)
return right - left
// Creates new group from current context
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// attach it to svg and return
func (gc *GraphicContext) newGroup(drawType drawType) *Group {
group := Group{}
// set attrs to group
if drawType&stroked == stroked {
group.Stroke = toSvgRGBA(gc.Current.StrokeColor)
group.StrokeWidth = toSvgLength(gc.Current.LineWidth)
group.StrokeLinecap = gc.Current.Cap.String()
group.StrokeLinejoin = gc.Current.Join.String()
if len(gc.Current.Dash) > 0 {
group.StrokeDasharray = toSvgArray(gc.Current.Dash)
group.StrokeDashoffset = toSvgLength(gc.Current.DashOffset)
if drawType&filled == filled {
group.Fill = toSvgRGBA(gc.Current.FillColor)
group.FillRule = toSvgFillRule(gc.Current.FillRule)
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group.Transform = toSvgTransform(gc.Current.Tr)
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// attach
gc.svg.Groups = append(gc.svg.Groups, &group)
return &group
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2018-01-10 21:13:38 +00:00
// creates new mask attached to svg
func (gc *GraphicContext) newMask(x, y, width, height int) *Mask {
mask := &Mask{}
mask.X = float64(x)
mask.Y = float64(y)
mask.Width = toSvgLength(float64(width))
mask.Height = toSvgLength(float64(height))
// attach mask
gc.svg.Masks = append(gc.svg.Masks, mask)
mask.Id = "mask-" + strconv.Itoa(len(gc.svg.Masks))
return mask
// Embed svg font definition to svg tree itself
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// Or update existing if already exists for curent font data
func (gc *GraphicContext) embedSvgFont(text string) *Font {
fontName := gc.Current.FontData.Name
// find or create font Element
svgFont := (*Font)(nil)
for _, font := range gc.svg.Fonts {
if font.Name == fontName {
svgFont = font
if svgFont == nil {
// create new
svgFont = &Font{}
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// and attach
gc.svg.Fonts = append(gc.svg.Fonts, svgFont)
// fill with glyphs
defer gc.Restore()
defer gc.SetDPI(gc.GetDPI())
for _, rune := range text {
for _, g := range svgFont.Glyphs {
if g.Rune == Rune(rune) {
continue filling
glyph := gc.glyphCache.Fetch(gc, gc.GetFontName(), rune)
// glyphCache.Load indirectly calls CreateStringPath for single rune string
glypPath := glyph.Path.VerticalFlip() // svg font glyphs have oposite y axe
svgFont.Glyphs = append(svgFont.Glyphs, &Glyph{
Rune: Rune(rune),
Desc: toSvgPathDesc(glypPath),
HorizAdvX: glyph.Width,
// set attrs
svgFont.Id = "font-" + strconv.Itoa(len(gc.svg.Fonts))
svgFont.Name = fontName
// TODO use css @font-face with id instead of this
svgFont.Face = &Face{Family: fontName, Units: 2048, HorizAdvX: 2048}
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return svgFont
func (gc *GraphicContext) loadCurrentFont() (*truetype.Font, error) {
font, err := gc.FontCache.Load(gc.Current.FontData)
if err != nil {
font, err = gc.FontCache.Load(draw2dbase.DefaultFontData)
if font != nil {
return font, err
func (gc *GraphicContext) drawGlyph(glyph truetype.Index, dx, dy float64) error {
if err := gc.glyphBuf.Load(gc.Current.Font, fixed.Int26_6(gc.Current.Scale), glyph, font.HintingNone); err != nil {
return err
e0 := 0
for _, e1 := range gc.glyphBuf.Ends {
DrawContour(gc, gc.glyphBuf.Points[e0:e1], dx, dy)
e0 = e1
return nil
// recalc recalculates scale and bounds values from the font size, screen
// resolution and font metrics, and invalidates the glyph cache.
func (gc *GraphicContext) recalc() {
gc.Current.Scale = gc.Current.FontSize * float64(gc.DPI) * (64.0 / 72.0)
// TODO implement following methods (or remove if not neccesary)
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// GetFontName gets the current FontData with fontSize as a string
func (gc *GraphicContext) GetFontName() string {
fontData := gc.Current.FontData
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d:%d", fontData.Name, fontData.Family, fontData.Style, gc.Current.FontSize)